Gi Systems - Chronic bowel Disorders Flashcards
Coeliac disease is disorder of what?
Occurs where?
Intolerance to Gluten
Occurs in small intestine
Gluten causes what symptom specifically?
Asymptomatic small pouches
Symptomatic Small pouches
Symptoms: Diarrhoea, Constipation, Abdominal pain, Rectal bleeding
Acute Diverticulitis?
Inflamed/infected pouches
Severe abdominal pains, fever, bleeding
Complicated acute Diverticulitis?
Abscess, Perforation, Fistula, Obstruction, Sepsis, Haemorrhage
Treating Diverticular?
Paracetamol, Bulk forming laxative - Fibre increase
Crohn’s disease how it looks?
Affects Whole Gi tract but patchy deep ulcerations/thickened walls etc
Why does Crohn’s disease lead to malnutrition?
Less surface area to absorb due to the ulcers
Acute treatment for Crohn’s?
Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone or IV Hydrocortisone
Disteal ileal, ileocaecal or right sided disease treatment?
If monotherapy w/ prednisolone, Methylprednisolone or IV Hydrocortisone
Use Budesonide if doesn’t work ^
2nd line for acute crohns?
Sulfasalazine or Mesalazine
Less side effects but less effective
What is classed as acute crohns?
First flare up in 12 months
If pt has 2+ flare ups in 12 months?
Add Azathioprine or Mercutopurine
If contraindicated: use Methotrexate
Severe: Monoclonal Antibodies
Maintenance treatment of Crohn’s
Encourage Stop smoking
Monotherapy: Azathioprine or Mercatopurine
Methotrexate if monotherapy contraindicated or used as acute treatment