Contraception Flashcards
Barrier methods?
Cervical Caps
When can spermicidal contraception be used?
In addition not alone
Most effective contraception?
IUD - Copper coil
Which conditions is IUD - Copper coil contraindicated in?
Pelvic inflammatory disease or Unexplained vaginal bleeding
Progesterone only Contraceptive examples?
Levonorgestrel, Norethisterine, Desigestrel
Do progesterone only contraceptives need pill free periods?
No pill free days - take every day
If Progesterone only contraceptive is started after first 5 days?
Need 2 days of precaution
Tips on taking progesterone only contraceptive for maximum efficacy?
Take at same time each day for maximum efficacy
Other progesterone only pills need to be taken within how long to avoid being considered missed pills?
Within 3 hours
Desogestrel needs to be taken within how long to avoid being considered missed pills?
Within 12 hours
Medoxyprogesterone Acetate injection side effect? And what to do after treatment ends?
Loss of bone density may occur
After treatment ends takes up to 1 year to return to fertility
MHRA warming for Etonogesterol implant?
Neurovascular injury and migration of the implant -
When to remove Etonogesterel implants?
Injected in upper arm
Remove implant if it moves around
Which contraceptive is not given in over 50 years?
Combined Hormonal Contraceptives
Good things about Combined hormonal contraceptives?
- Reduces risk of Ovarian, Endometrial and Colorectal cancer
- Aligns bleeding patterns
- improves Acne
- Maintains bone density in peri-menopausal under 50
- Reduces menopausal symptoms
- Reduced dysmenorrhoea and Menorrhagua
- Manages symptoms of polycystic ovaries, endometriosis and pre menstrual syndrome
When to avoid Combined hormonal contraceptives?
- Hypertension
- Women with CVD risk factors (if 2 or more avoid CHC)
- Age 35 years who smoke
- Migraine with Aura
- New onset of Migraine without Aura while using CHC
2 Different Types of Combined Hormonal Contraceptives?
- Monophasic
- Multiphasic
Difference between Monophasic and Multiphasic CHC types?
Monophasic is the FIXED AMOUNT of oestrogen and a progesterone in each active tablet
Multiphasic Varying amounts of the two hormones
Oestrogen examples?
Ethinylestradiol, Mestranol and Estradiol
Combined hormonal contraceptives regimen duration?
21 day regimen with 7 day hormone free interval during which time Monthly withdrawal bleed occurs
Why do CHC packs have 7 dummy tablets for the hormone free 7 days?
Increases Adherence
Switching between CHC to CHC?
No additional Contraceptive needed
Switching from progesterone only pills to Combined hormonal contraceptives? Contraception needs?
7 days extra contraception needed
Switching from Levonorgestrel IUD to Combined hormonal contraceptives? Extra contraception needed?
7 days extra contraception precautions needed
Switching from Copper IUD to combined hormonal contraceptives?
If CHC started on up to day 5 of menstrual cycle:
No additional contraceptive needed
Switching from Copper IUD to combined hormonal contraceptives?
If CHC started after day 5 of menstrual cycle:
7 days extra precaution contraceptive needed
Levonorgesterel Breastfeeding delay?
No delay
Levonogesterel Caution in which pts?
Ulipristal breastfeeding delay?
1 week delay
Copper IUD MHRA warning?
Risk of uterine perforation
Pelvic pain!
Sudden change in period
Pain during sex
Unable to feel threads
Copper IUD pregnancy?
Remove in first trimester
How often does copper IUD need to be replaced?
Every 5-10yrs
Levornogesterol IUD replace how long?
Replace every 3-10 years
Levonorgesterol when can I start back regular contraception?
Can start back immediately
Combined hormonal contraception - use condom for how long till effective?
7 days
Progesterone only pull use condoms for how long after rumination regular contraception?
2 days
Ulipristal when to reinstate starting regular hormones?
5 days - during these 5 days use condoms for another 7 days till effective
= total 12
If during week 1 of taking CHC when can they reinitiate after taking Ulipristal?
Immediately but condom for 7 days
BMI affect on Copper IUD?
None unlike levotnorgesterl or Ulipristal
BMI over 26kg or over 70kg?
Double dose levornorgesterl
Can levonorgesterl or Ulipristal be used more than once in the same cycle?
Yes it’s fine to use more than once in same cycle - may have more side effects tho especially levornorgesterel
If pt has vomited/diarrhoea in 3hrs of taking Levi/ulipristal?
(Emergency contraceptives)
2nd dose needed
Regular contraceptive missed pill Rule?
Within 2hrs of taking CHC or progesterone only
Take one asap to aim within time period
Window of missed pill for Desogesterol?
12 hours
Window of missed pill for regular contraceptives other than Desogesterol?
Less than 3 hours
Regular contraceptions excluding Desogesterol - protection needed till how long of pills are correctly taken?
48 hours
Desogesterol - protection needed till how long of pills are correctly taken?
7 days
If UPSI happens between a missed dose and 2 days after restarting regular contraception?
Elective surgery - when to stop contraception?
At least 4 weeks prior
When can regular contraception be restarted after a surgery?
2 weeks after full remobilization
Trauma surgery unable to stop CHC or regular contraception?
Thromboprophylaxis to consider
Desogesterol how should it be taken?
Every day without any break - 28 days
If 2 or more pills are missed before hormone free interval what should pt do?
Continue through Hormone free interval and finish current pack
Will make a low chance of pregnancy if prior pils have been taken correct
Missed 2 pills and she is on day 10, should she be given emergency contraception?
No as she is on week 2/3 of it and should not need emergency if the missed pills were correctly managed
Combined Hormonal Contraception should be not given if pt is what? Especially if over 35yrs old
Especially if over 35 years old
Within how many days is no additional precaution needed when starting progesterone only contraception?
Up to and including day 5 of the menstrual cycle
If after the 5 days period in the menstrual cycle is missed and pt is going to start taking progesterone only pill, how many days of additional precautions needed?
2 days
Progesterone only pills such as levornorgesterel or norethiresterone should be taken before how long so it’s not counted as missed pill?
3 hrs
How long does the vomiting/diarrhoea have to occur for it to be able to take another pill?
If vomiting occurs within 2 hours of taking pill and second pill is not taken within 3 hrs of normal time it counts as missed pill
After taking Ulipristal pt should wait how long to restart hormonal contraception
5 days