Exam 2 week 8 ppt 3 Muscle Spindles Flashcards
what are muscle spindles?
•Complex encapsulated somatic receptor scattered throughout striated muscles
a type of mechanoreceptor
a type of proprioreceptor
where are muscle spindles found in higher density?
•Complex encapsulated somatic receptor scattered throughout striated muscles
Do muscle spindles have a complex or simple structure?
Details on the complex structure of Muscle Spindles (5 things)
- –Connective tissue capsule surrounding specialized muscle cells (intrafusal fibers)
- –Intrafusal fibers have contractile mechanism only in ends (polar) which is innervated by smaller g-motor neurons (fusimotor)
- –End contraction stretches center
- –Central (equatorial) non-contractile part of intrafusal fiber is encircled by sensory nerve axon (annulospiral or 1° ending)
- –Junction between equatorial & polar regions (juxta-equatorial) also has sensory nerve axons (flowerspray or 2° ending)
As sensory receptors go, they have a relatively Complex structure that begins with a Connective tissue capsule (fusum) surrounding specialize muscle cells called intrafusal fibers because they are inside this fusum.
These Intrafusal muscle fibers have contractile mechanism only in ends (polar) which is innervated by smaller gamma-motor neurons (fusimotor motor neurons). The contraction of the ends of the intrafusal muscle fiber pulls on and stretches the center of the intrafusal fiber. Central (equatorial) non-contractile part of intrafusal fiber is encircled by a sensory nerve axon called an annulospiral or 1° muscle spindle ending. They are called this because the spiral around the intrafusal muscle fiber which passes through the annulus in the middle of the spiraling axonal ending. Each intrafusal fiber has additional sensory axon endings at Junction between the center region (called equatorial region) and the ends (called the polar regions). This junction region is called the juxta-equatorial region of the muscle spindle intrafusal fiber. These additional sensory endings are called flowerspray or 2° endings. These are called flowerspray endingings because the ending reminded anatomists of a small bouquet of flowers. As shown in this picture the 1° endings are of the Group Ia (or A-alpha) caliber and the 2° endings are of the group II (A-beta) caliber sensory axons.
what surrounds the msucle spindle?
connective tissue capsule
What kind of fibers are inside of the musucle spindle
intrafusal fibers (specialized muscle cells)
where are intrafusal fibers contractile?
Intrafusal fibers have contractile mechanism only in ends (polar)
The central part of the intrafusal fiber is called the (equatorial) non-contractile part
what is the name for the ends of intrafusal fibers?
polar parts
what is the name of the central part of the intrafusal fibers?
equatorial part
what type of nerve fibers innervate the polar part of the intrafusal fibers?
gamma motor neurons
what type of nerve fibers encircles the equatorial part of the intrafusal fiber?
name the four ways to describe them
sensory group Ia afferent fibers
annulospiral endings
1 degree endings
what is the junction between the equatorial and polar regions of the intrafusal fibers called?
juxta-equatorial region
what type of nerve fibers are found at the jusxta-equatorial region of the intrafusal fibers?
name the four ways to describe them
group II endings
A-beta endings
flowerspray endings
2 degree endings
what are extrafusal muscle fibers?
The normal contractile muscle fibers we usually talk about as skeletal muscle
how are intrafusal muscle fibers oriented in relationship to extrafusal fibers?
they are pareallel with each other