Exam 2- week 7 ppt 2 Cereburm layers and columns Flashcards
The majority of the cerebral cortex has _ layers
6 identifiable
What parts does not have 6 layers?
hippocampal and parahippocampal cortex
How many layers are in the hippocampus?
older phylogenic regions such has hippocampus (archicortex or allocortex) has 3 layers
How many layers are in the parahippocampal cortex?
the parahippocampal gyrus (mesocortex) has 3-5 layers as it transitions from archi- to neurocortex
How are the cerebrum’s cortical layers numbered?
~from most superficial (I) which is dendrite and axon rich, but poor cell body
~deepest layer (VI) with a number of smaller neurons and a few larger pyramidal cells
What is another name for layer I?
molecule layer
Details for layer I
~few scattered neurons
~consists mainly of extensions of apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons
~horizontally oriented axons with input from other cortical regions
What is another name for layer II
external granular layer
Details for layer II
~Contains small pyramidal neurons and numerous stellate neurons
What is another name of layer III
external pyramidal layer
Details for layer III
Contains mostly:
~small and medium sized pyramidal neurons
~non-pyramidal neurons
~vertically oriented intracortical axons
Layers I-III are the main target of
corticocortical afferents
Layer III is the principal source of
corticocortical efferents
Another name for layer IV is
internal granular layer
Details for layer IV
~contains different types of stellate and pyramidal neurons
~ Main target of thalamocortical afferents & intra-hemispheric corticocortical afferents