D2.2 Flashcards
Define genotype and phenotype.
Define gene expression.
List the most common stages in the process of gene expression.
Explain the regulation of transcription by a transcription factor binding to the promoter sequence of DNA.
Compare the function of enhancer and silencer DNA sequences.
Compare the function of repressor and activator transcription factors.
Outline how the length of the poly-A tail on mRNA impacts degradation of mRNA by nucleases.
Outline how the degradation of mRNA is a mechanism of regulating translation.
Define epigenesis and epigenome.
Compare the genome, transcriptome and proteome.
Describe the impact of methylation of DNA in the promoter of DNA on gene expression.
Describe the impact of acetylation and methylation of histone proteins on gene expression.
Describe the inheritance of epigenetic tags in differentiated cells of a multicellular organism.
Discuss the consequences of reprogramming and imprinting of epigenetic tags in haploid gametes.
Outline the impact of air pollution on the epigenetic regulation of genes associated with the immune response.
Discuss how imprinting of epigenetic tags impacts gene expression in a diploid cell.
Outline the epigenetic origins in the difference in size between tigons and ligers (lion–tiger hybrids).
Explain the reason why monozygotic twin studies are often used to measure the impact of the environment on gene expression.
Outline the mechanism by which the presence of lactose regulates the expression of genes related to digestion and use of lactose in E. coli.
Outline the mechanism by which the presence of oestrogen in a cell’s environment regulates the expression of genes related to endometrium development and maintenance during the uterine cycle.