C2.1 Flashcards
Outline the structure and function of receptor molecules.
Outline the relationship between receptor and a specific ligand.
Describe the process of quorum sensing in a population of bacteria, including the role of signaling molecules, receptors and a threshold for gene expression.
Outline the process of bioluminescence in Vibrio fischeri as an example of quorum sensing in bacteria.
State that signaling systems have evolved repeatedly, leading to a wide range of chemical substances being used as signaling chemicals.
Define ligand.
Compare the structure and function of different categories of animal chemical signaling molecules, including hormones, neurotransmitters, cytokines and calcium ions.
State the properties shared by all signaling chemicals.
Outline the chemical categories of hormones.
Outline chemical categories of neurotransmitters.
Contrast the location of effect relative to the location of release between hormones and neurotransmitters.
Distinguish between structure of transmembrane receptors and intracellular receptors, including distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids.
Compare the ligands ability to enter the target cell for transmembrane and intracellular receptors.
Outline the steps of a signaling pathway.
Define first messenger, transduction, signaling cascade, and second messenger.
Outline the three pathways that can be activated when a ligand binds to a transmembrane receptor.
Outline the effect of a ligand binding to an intracellular receptor.
List the general cell responses to the binding of a signaling molecule.
State that acetylcholine is one of the most common neurotransmitters in both invertebrates and vertebrates and is used as the neurotransmitter in many synapses including between neurons and muscle fibers.
Outline the mechanism of synaptic transmission occurring at a post-synaptic cell, including the role of the neurotransmitter, transmembrane receptor, gated ion channel, threshold potential and action potential.
Describe the structure and function of the G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and of the G-proteins.
Outline activation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs).
Outline how binding of a signaling ligand to a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) can cause change in the target cell.
List example signaling ligands that target G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs).
State that epinephrine is secreted by adrenal glands in preparation for vigorous activity.
Describe the activation of the cAMP second messenger system by the epinephrine receptor.
Outline the effects of epinephrine on a body.
Define phosphorylation and kinase.
Describe the cause and effect of the activation of the insulin receptor.
State that insulin is secreted by pancreas cells when blood glucose levels are high.
Describe the action of receptors with tyrosine kinase activity.
State the oestradiol and progesterone are steroid hormones.
Describe the mechanism of steroid hormone action.
Describe the role of oestradiol in the regulation of the release of FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary, including the role of the hypothalamus, the oestradiol receptor, transcription factor and gonadotropin releasing hormone.
List example steroid hormones.
Describe the role of progesterone in the formation and maintenance of the endometrium, including the progesterone receptor, transcription factor and growth factor protein.
Outline one example of a steroid hormone promoting transcription of a specific gene.
Compare the processes and consequences of positive and negative feedback.
Outline one example each of hormonal regulation via positive feedback and negative feedback.