C3.1 Flashcards
Define system integration.
Explain why system integration is needed to perform the functions of life.
Define tissue, organ and organ systems.
Outline how integration occurs between and among tissues, organs and organ systems.
Define emergent property.
State an example of an emergent property for each level of biological organization within a multicellular organism.
State the two primary mechanisms by which animals integrate organ systems.
State the function of the brain.
Compare the type of signal, transmission of signal, effector response, speed and duration of response between hormonal and nervous signals.
Outline the role of blood in the transport of material and energy between organs.
List sources of information input to the brain.
Outline the processes of learning and memory in the brain.
State that the spinal cord can only coordinate unconscious processes.
List organs of the central nervous system.
Outline the two main tissues types of the central nervous system.
Compare and contrast conscious and unconscious processing.
List types of sensory receptors.
Outline the function of sensory neurons.
Outline the function of motor neurons.
Define nerve.
Describe the structures visible in a nerve transverse cross section.
State that nerves can contain either or both sensory and motor neurons.
Define reflex and reflex arc.
Outline the input, processing and output of the pain reflex arc, including the role of receptors, sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons and effectors.
Identify the cerebellum on a diagram of the human brain.
State the function of the cerebellum.
Define circadian rhythm.
State the role of suprachiasmatic nuclei cells in the circadian rhythm.
Outline how suprachiasmatic nuclei cells sense and respond to changes in light.
State that melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland glands in preparation sleep.
Outline the mechanism of action of melatonin as a signaling molecule.
Outline the effects of melatonin on the body.
State that epinephrine is secreted by adrenal glands in preparation for vigorous activity.
Outline the mechanism of action of epinephrine as a signaling molecule.
Outline the effects of epinephrine on the body, including: skeletal muscles, liver, bronchi and bronchioles, ventilation and heart rate, cardiac output, and vessel dilation.
Outline the role of the hypothalamus as a link between nervous and endocrine systems.
List body processes that are monitored by the hypothalamus.
Draw a diagram to illustrate the structural relationship between the hypothalamus and pituitary.
State that the myogenic heart rate can be adjusted by neural and endocrine feedback mechanisms.
Described the structures and functions of nervous tissue that can regulate heart rate, including the role of the medulla oblongata, sympathetic nerve, vagus nerve, baroreceptors and chemoreceptors.
Outline the source and effect of epinephrine on heart rate.
Outline factors that will increase heart rate.
Outline factors that will decrease heart rate.
State the effect of exercise on CO2 production.
Outline the relationship between CO2 production and blood pH.
Outline the feedback loop that regulates the rate of ventilation, including the role of chemoreceptors, brainstem, diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
Explain how and why hyperventilation occurs in response to exercise.
Outline the process of peristalsis of smooth muscle in the gut.
Outline the role of the central and enteric nervous systems in movement of material into, through and out of the gut.
List components of the movement of material into, through and out of the gut that are under voluntary and involuntary control.
Contrast positive and negative tropism.
Outline phototropism and gravitropism in roots and stems.
Outline the cause and consequence of positive phototropism in a plant shoot.
Define phytohormone.
List examples of chemicals that function as phytohormones.
Outline role of phytohormones in plant growth, development and response to stimuli.
State two roles of the hormone auxin.
Describe the mechanism of movement of auxin into and between plant cells.
Explain how auxin concentrations allow for phototropism.
Describe the mechanism of action of auxin in the phototropic response, including the role of H+ ions and cellulose crosslinks.
Outline the source and transport of auxin and cytokinin in plants.
Explain how root and shoot growth are regulated by the interaction of auxin and cytokinin.
State the function of fruits.
List changes that occur to a fruit as it ripens.
Describe the positive feedback mechanism of fruit ripening.
Outline why fruit ripening has evolved to be rapid and synchronized.