B3.2 Flashcards
Describe how the structures of capillaries are adapted to capillary function. Include lumen diameter, branching, wall thickness, and fenestrations.
Compare the diameter, relative wall thickness, lumen size, number of wall layers, abundance of muscle and elastic fibers and presence of valves in arteries and veins.
Given a micrograph, identify a blood vessel as an artery or vein.
State the function of arteries.
Describe the structures and functions of the three layers of the artery wall.
Discuss how the wall thickness, lumen size, and muscle and elastic allow arteries to withstand and maintain high blood pressures.
State the unit of measurement of the pulse rate.
Outline two methods for determining heart rate.
State the function of veins.
Discuss how pocket valves, thin walls and skeletal muscles maintain the flow of blood through a vein.
State the function of the coronary arteries.
Outline the cause and consequence of a coronary occlusion.
Evaluate correlations between diet and lifestyle variables and risk of coronary heart disease.
List factors that are correlated with an increased risk of coronary occlusion and heart attack.
State that xylem tissue is used to transport water from roots to leaves in plants.
Outline the role of cellulose in the transport of water via capillary action.
Describe the cause and consequence of transpiration pull.
State why transport of water relies on cohesion between water molecules.
State that transpiration is a passive process.
Describe how the structure of xylem vessels are adapted for the transport of water under low pressure.
Outline how xylem is able to maintain rigidity even under low pressure or mechanical disturbance.
Draw a plan diagram to show the distribution of tissues in a stem, including vascular bundles, xylem, phloem, cambium, cortex, pith and epidermis.
Outline the function of tissues in a stem, including vascular bundles, xylem, phloem, cambium, cortex, pith and epidermis.
State two ways xylem and phloem can be differentiated in cross sections of stem.
Draw a plan diagram to show the distribution of tissues in a root, including vascular bundles, xylem, phloem, cortex and epidermis.
Outline the function of tissues in a root, including vascular bundles, xylem, phloem, cortex and epidermis.
State two ways xylem and phloem can be differentiated in cross sections of root.
List components of blood plasma.
Define tissue fluid.
Describe the cause and effect of diffusion of blood plasma into and out of a capillary network from tissue fluid.
Compare and contrast the substances found in blood plasma and tissue plasma.
Outline the direction of transport of substances that are exchanged between tissue fluid and cells in the tissues.
Outline why there is a need to drain excess tissue fluid into lymph ducts.
Outline the structure and function of lymph ducts.
State how lymph is returned to the blood circulation.
State the function of the heart and lungs/gills in the circulation of blood.
Draw a diagram to illustrate the double circulation system in mammals.
Draw a diagram to illustrate the single circulation system in fish.
Explain why the mammalian heart must function as a double pump.
Label a diagram of the heart with the following structure names: superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, pulmonary semilunar valve, aorta, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, aortic semilunar valve, left atrioventricular valve, left ventricle, septum, right ventricle, left atrium, right atrium, septum and right atrioventricular valve.
Outline how the following structures allow the heart to function in delivering pressurized blood to arteries: cardiac muscle, pacemaker, atria, ventricles, atrioventricular and semilunar valves, septum and coronary vessels.
Define myogenic contraction.
Define cardiac cycle.
Outline the role of the pacemaker cells in the sinoatrial node.
Describe the propagation of the electrical signal from the sinoatrial node through the atria and ventricles.
Explain the flow of blood during atrial and ventricular systole and diastole.
Define systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
State the cause of systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Interpret systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements from data and graphs.
List conditions in which a plant may generate root pressure to transport water.
Outline the mechanism by which roots maintain a positive pressure potential when evaporation from leaves is insufficient to move water through a plant.
Define translocation, phloem sap, source and sink.
List example source and sink tissues.
State that phloem transport is bidirectional.
Outline the stages of phloem translocation including loading of carbohydrates at a source, transport of carbohydrates through the plant, and unloading of carbohydrates at a sink.
Outline the structure and function of sieve tube elements, with specific mention of the rigid cell wall, reduced cytoplasm and organelles, no nucleus and sieve plates.
Outline the structure and function of companion cells, with specific mention of mitochondria and plasmodesmata.