Classroom Stuff 2 Flashcards
What does a mission statement do?
states purpose
Goals of the APTA
- PROMOTE physical therapy care and service through the establishment, maintenance, and promotion of ethical principles and quality standards for practice, education, and research
- INFLUENCE policy in the public and private sectors.
- ENABLE physical therapy practitioners to improve their skills, their knowledge, and operations in the interest of furthering the profession
- Develop the art and science of physical therapy, including practice, education,a nd research
- FACILITATE a common understanding and appreciation for the diversity of the profession, the membership, and the communities we serve.
- Maintain a stable and diverse FINANCIAL BASE from which to fund programs, services, and operations that support our mission
Vision Statement of the APTA
transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience
How many chapters in the APTA?
51 chapters of the APTA, all the states and DC
18 sections, organized by specialty
ex: aquatics, pulmonary, education, women’s health
and special interest groups
How many divisions under the CEO of the APTA and what are they?
six different divisions
- public policy
- education
- member retention
- communication and marketing
- governance and administration
- finance and business
Does the APTA have outside funding?
No, runs only on dues
member driven, voluntary to join, has over 100,000 members of both pts and ptas
What is the policy making body of the APTA?
House of Delegates
academic counsel of physical therapy association
address academic concerns
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
can sit for certification of recognition of specialty area
womens health
acute care
Commission on Accreditation and Physical Therapy Education
UNLV and CSN’s CAPTE Board through APTA
Foundations for Physical Therapy
give grants for research
World Confederation of Physical Therapy
Tri Alliance
APTA: American Physical Therapy Association
AOTA: American Occupational Therapy Association
ASHA: American Speech Language and Hearing Association
Do you learn to read x-ray’s in pta program?
Why do we examine gait?
identify problem
identify joint involved
muscle involved
develop plan of care
plan for assistive device
Why do we focus on having safe body mechanics
for the safety of patient AND YOURSELF
do pt techs discharge patients?
PTAs can work anywhere a PT can work except in ____?
Types of PTA positions
-employee: just clock in and go to work and clock out, no responsibilities to the facility
- contract with facility: you are your own company, you have a business license, you contract for a certain amount of pay, but you dont get benefits offered by the company you work for
- administrator
- supervisors or coordinators - department supervisor, floor supervisor
- senior or lead in a department
- partner in private practice - co owns a practice
- faculty member
- administrator in an academic setting
Full time: ~40 hour work week is normal
Part time
Per diem (as needed): or filling in when they go on vacation, tend to pay really well but no benefits or perks
Types of PTA Settings
- Private Office
- Hospitals, acute care and rehab
- rehab centers
- home health agencies (can do after you do your 2000 hours and get full autonomy)
- extended care facilities
- academic institutions
- school systems
- consultant for HMOs and PPOs
- Research
Median Salary for PTAs
63,000 out the gate
private pay and per diem can get paid a lot more
rural tends to pay more
Resume Dos
- Simple is important (fancy colors, stripes, separations are fine but can be a distraction)
- Times New Roman, 12 point font
- Name, address, phone number, home phone or cell phone, best way to reach you and your email address
- more and more places want a digital copy
- keep short, ideally one page, but can be two
- introductory paragraph: 3 to 4 sentences, selling points, what they should know about you and what you want to know about them, and your goals related to their business model
- plain white parchment paper
- education dates and work experience most recent to oldest
- can make note of references on the bottom, typically 2 or 3 personal references or 2 or 3 business references
Resume Donts
- Bold and all caps is still viewed as yelling, bold is okay for your name at the top but not screaming all caps or giant
- dont say negative things about the workplace
Magic Words in Resumes
leadership role about what it is you did
in charge
where should you put your license number?
under education
date you passed licensure and what your license number is
interview tips
- dress appropriately (slacks, nihce shoes, polo shirt)
- if you have tattoos/piercings, ask what their stance is on tattoo and piercing policy
- sit down if interviewer is sat
- greet by name if you know, offer handshake, bring a copy of your resume and references
- shake hands and thank them for their time and the opportunity when you leave
- ask if there’s a timeframe for when they’ll contact you back, if others are being interviewed, how many roles are open
- Say that you fit well with what they are seeking, that youa rehte person they need
- bring resume in a nice folder so you look professional
- keep phone out of sight
Ask interviewer about
hours of operation, typical schedule
daily patient volume
staffing turnover
expectations of role
staff interaction and workplace environment vibes
benefits, 401k
holidays, holiday pay,
overtime and how it works
standard 40 hour or split shifts
opportunities for growth, ask about bonuses and raises
vacation time and pto, do you have to earn it before it’s available or do you gather hours based on hours worked
do they offer continuing education support, money for classes
do they give staff money for license renewal
malpractice insurance from company or do you need one personally (around 85 to 105 dollars a year)
infection protocol, ppe, what you can do to protect yourself
Who is the driver out of Pts, Ots, and SLPs?
PT, because they dont have an eminent domain
What are some rehab team professions that are standard for all patients?
physical therapy
occupational therapy
speech therapy
social worker
How many hours of pt how many days a week must a patient be able to receive for a rehab center
3 hours of pt 5 days a week
rehab units and centers are defined units that must meet certain regulatory requirements such as
established programs
rehabilitative in nature
team meetings
follow procedures for patient care
which team member likely has full control over patient
Potential Team Members
occupational therapist
physical therapist
recreational therapist
rehabilitation engineer
rehabilitation nurse
respiratory therapist
social workers
vocational counselors
speech pathologists
case manager
specialty in rehabilitation medicine
Acute organization
severe, immediate, life threatening, critical, something that’s happened within a short period of time. Acute period of an injury tends to be 48-72 hours. Chronic is weeks and longer.
ex. hospitals. need emergent, urgent, serious, care
rehab means if patient can participate in rehab it means they’re stable. more of a chronic stable environment. might still need nursing and medical attention, but you have the ability to participate in activities because you are stable.
Acute Hospitals
primary source of healthcare for medically acute and unstable patient
must provide 24 hr nursing care (rns), have a laboratory, must have an emergency room
average length of stay is 3-3 ½ days.
Acute Rehab Hospital
these patients are considered medically stable.
have a defined admission criteria which is diagnosis based. plan to be discharged to more independent living.
patients must be able to tolerate 3 hrs of therapy 5 days a weak. pt, ot, and speech
follows a team approach.
discharge planning is done the day they enter
Sub-Acute Rehab (LTAC: Long Term Acute Care)
these patients are slightly less medically stable.
they need to be able to tolerate 2 hrs or more of physical therapy 5 days a week.
often patients who are ventilator depndent can go to these facilities
Extended Care Facility (ECF) also known as Nursing Homes
may or may not provide therapy services.
may or may not provide alzheimers care.
may be short term or long term dependent on patient’s needs and safety considerations
often times these places are looked at as a residence by family members.
when individual’s go into a nursing home, family’s visit a lot, but within a year according to research no one visits anymore.
Same Day Surgery Center
in and out, no overnight stay
Outpatient Clinics
PT, OT, and Speech
Home Health
in order to receive home health you have to prove you are in a home bound status. either no transportation or it’s not safe for you to leave independently.
try to get patient out of homebound and into an outpatient clinic.
more cost effective to go to outpatient
at minimum nurses will visit home if you have home health. they will also send ppl to your home to help with meal prep, a PCA (personal care assistant). help with cleaning home, doing laundry, meal prep, etc.
personal care assistant
end of life care
comfort care
family education, teach family how to do transfers, move to bathroom, what equipment would need at home, safety rails. monitors.
Outside Agencies
protects the public
reaches certain criteria that makes it ADA compliant
licensing bureaus distribute licenses , public safety, building issues.
ex: parking spots, ramps, restrooms, sinks, fire extinguishers and exits adn blankets
Outside Agencies
done by a third party. non-biased come in and certify based on their criteria for whoever that certifying body is. certifies within a particular time that you’ve met particular and specific care and operation strategies.
who is #1 gold standard for criteria
Outside Agencies
outside objective agencies that set standards for practice. sometimes considered a status symbol because their standards are usually very high
CORF certification
comprehensive outpatient rehab facility
outpatient services are based on a rehab philosophy and team approach.
at minimum have physical therapy, a doctor, and psych and social services.
CARF accredited
commission on accreditation of rehabilitation facilities.
focus on functional outcomes of rehab facility. inpatient or outpatient. corfs are usually also carfs.
joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations
this body comes in and has its focus on outcomes specifically. did you do what you said you were gonna do, do patients have outcomes you say they’re going to have.
what % of healthcare costs are paid for by a federal payer?
ex. medicare, medicaid, social security. Tricare for military.
28% paid by private healthcare
Resume Peer Review Questions
person’s name and contact information are at the top and easily identifiable
confirm that the spelling of name is correct
confirm that all contact information is correct
an objective is stated and appropriate for a PTA position
education with graduation dates is listed with most recent first
next is employment history with dates, most recent first
job duties are listed under each employment site with good use of action words (verbs)
professional license pending (date of licensure exam)
Are there misspelled words?
Is there poor grammar?
Is there incorrect punctuation/capitalization?
is the person’s picture present?
Is the resume on white or off white paper?
is the resume overall neat and legible in appearance?
Exercises in TKR video
quad set
straight leg raise
ankle pumps
ankle circles
heel slides
terminal knees extension
mini squats
heel raises
seated knee flexion