Chapter 14: Special Senses: Eyes and Ears Pathology Terms Flashcards
disorder in which the brain disregards images from the weaker eye and relies on those from the stronger eye; sometimes called lazy eye
abnormal curvature of the cornea that distorts the visual image
noncontagious inflammation of the eyelash follicles and tiny oil glands along the margins of the eyelids
cloudiness of the lens due to protein deposits as a result of aging, disease, or trauma or as a side effect of tobacco use or certain medications
central scotoma
blind spot in the center of the visual field surrounded by an area of normal vision
small benign cyst on the eyelid formed by the distension of a meibomian gland (sebaceous gland of the eye) with secretions
inflammation of hte conjunctiva; also called pinkeye
diabetic retinopathy
progressive damage to microscopic vessels and other structures of the retina in patients with long-standing diabetes mellitus, which may result in blindness
condition in which the lower eyelid is turned outward and droops more with aging
condition in which the eyelid edges are turned inward and rub against the surface of the eye
glaucoma (acute)
type of glaucoma in which a sudden blockage of aqueous-humor outflow causes a rapid increase in intraocular pressure; can cause vision loss, also called closed-angle glaucoma
glaucoma (chronic)
type of glaucoma in which the aqueous humor drains too slowly, leading to increasing intraocular pressure; can cause vision loss; also called primary open-angle glaucoma
infection of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid; also called a stye
vision defect in which parallel rays ofcus behind the retina as a result of flattening of the globe of the eye or of an error in refraction; commonly called farsightedness
hypertensive retinopathy
destructive retinal changes caused by hypertension