Chapter 14: Special Senses: Eyes and Ears Common Diagnostic Terms Flashcards
Detailed measurement of hearing with an audiometer
Cochlear implant
Surgical insertion into the cochlea of a device that receives sound and transmits signals to electrodes implanted within the cochlea, allowing hearing-impaired persons to perceive sound
Color vision test
Use of multicolored charts to evaluate the patient’s ability to recognize color
Corneal transplant (keratoplasty)
Surgical replacement of a diseased cornea with a healthy one from a donor
Surgical removal of the entire eyeball
Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK)
Procedure in which a laser is used to alter the shape of the deep corneal layer after a top flap in the surface is opened
Laser photocoagulation
Destruction of areas of the retina with a laser beam
Removal of the lens with an ultrasonic device to treat cataracts
Radial Keratotomy
Incision into the outer portion of the cornea to flatten it and help correct nearsightedness
Refractive error test
Evaluation of the eye’s ability to focus an image
Rinne test
Hearing test that compares bone conduction with air conduction, using a tuning fork
Scleral buckling
Placement of a band of silicone around the eyeball to stabilize a detaching retina
Slit-lamp microscopy
Examination of the posterior surface of the cornea with a slit lamp
Measurement of intraocular tension to detect glaucoma
Procedure for evaluation of the mobility and patency of the eardrum, detection of middle-ear disorders, and evaluation of the patency of the eustachian tube
Reconstruction of a perforated tympanic membrane
Visual acuity test
Examination that identifies the smallest letters that can be correctly identified on a standardized Snellen’s vision chart from 20 feet
Weber test
Hearing test that evaluates bone conduction using a tuning fork