Chapter 12: Endocrine System Pathology Terms Flashcards
acromegaly (ăk-rō-MĔG-ă-lē)
type of hyperpituitarism in which an overactive pituitary gland after adulthood causes abnormal continued growth of bones and tissues of the face and extremities
Addison disease (ĂD-ĭ-sŭnz dĭ-ZĒZ)
illness characterized by gradual adrenal-gland failure, resulting in insufficient production of steroid hormones and the need for hormone replacement therapy; also called hypoadrenalism and adrenocortical insufficiency
congenital hypothyroidism (kŏn-JĔN-ĭ-tăl hī-pō-THĪ-royd-ĭ-zum)
congenital condition of thyroid hormone deficiency, characterized by arrested physical and mental development; formerly called cretinism
Cushing disease (KOOSH-ĭng dĭ-ZĒZ)
disorder caused by hypersecretion of cortisol by the adrenal gland, resulting in altered fat distribution and muscle weakness; also called hyperadrenocorticism, hypercortisolism and hyperadrenalism
diabetes insipidus (dī-ă-BĒ-tēz ĭn-SĬP-ĭ-dŭs)
disorder unrelated to diabetes mellitus, characterized by excessive output of dilute urine
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) (dī-ă-BĔT-ĭk kē-tō-ă-sĭ-DŌ-sĭs)
condition of severe hyperglycemia
diabetes mellitus (DM) (dī-ă-BĒ-tēz mĕl-Ī-tŭs)
chronic metabolic disorder in which the pancreas secretes insufficient amounts of insulin or the body is insulin resistant
dwarfism (DWĂRF-i-zum)
hyposecretion of growth hormone during childhood, resulting in an abnormally small adult
exophthalmos (ĕks-ŏf-THĂL-mōs)
abnormal protrusion of the eyeballs
gestational diabetes (jĕs-TĀ-shŭn-ăl dī-ă-BĒ-tēz)
diabetes that begins during pregnancy due to insulin resistance and altered glucose metabolism
giantism (Jī-ăn-tĭ-zum)
type of hyperpituitarism that causes hypersecretion of growth hormone during childhood, resulting in an abnormally large adult
goiter (GOY-tĕr)
enlarged thyroid gland
Graves disease (grāvz dĭ-ZĒZ)
hyperthyroidism caused by an autoimmune response, which may cause exophthalmos; also called thyrotoxicosis
Hashimoto thyroiditis (hă-shē-MŌ-tōz thī-roy-DĪ-tĭs)
chronic, inflammatory condition that leads to the most common type of thyroiditis; also called chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis and autoimmune thyroiditis
hirsutism (HŬR-sūt-ĭ-zum)
male pattern of body-hair development in females
hyperaldosteronism (hī-pĕr-ăl-dō-STĔR-ōn-ĭ-zum)
condition in which the adrenal glands release excessive aldosterone; also called Conn’s syndrome
hyperparathyroidism (hī-pĕr-păr-ă-THĪ-royd-ĭ-zum)
condition in which the parathyroid glands produce an excessive amount of parathyroid hormone (PTH)
hypoparathyroidism (hī-pō-păr-ă-THĪ-royd-ĭ-zum)
condition in which the parathyroid glands are hypoactive and as a result the level of parathyroid hormones (PTH) is too low
myxedema (mĭks-ĕ-DĒ-mă)
severe form of hypothyroidism that develops in the older child or adult, causing nonpitting edema in connective tissue
nondiabetic hypoglycemia (nŏn-dī-ă-BĔT-ĭk hī-pō-glī-SĒ-mē-ă)
condition in which a nondiabetic person experiences mild symptoms associated with low blood glucose
panhypopituitarism (păn-hī-pō-pĭ-TŪ-ĭ-tăr-ĭ-zum)
condition resulting from diminished secretion of pituitary hormones; also called underactive pituitary gland
pheochromocytoma (fē-ō-krō-mō-sī-TŌ-mă)
tumor of the adrenal medulla (central part of the adrenal gland), usually benign but sometimes causing fluctuation of stress hormones like adrenaline
pituitary dwarfism (pĭ-TŪ-ĭ-tār-ē dwărf-ĭ-zum)
type of hypopituitarism in which reduced growth and development occur due to deficiency of growth hormone in childhood
polydipsia (pŏl-ē-DĬP-sē-ă)
much (increased) thirst
polyphagia (pŏl-ē-FĀ-jē-ā)
much (increased) appetite
polyuria (pŏl-ē-Ū-rē-ā)
much (increased) urination
precocious puberty (prē-KŌ-shŭs PŪ-bĕr-tē)
premature onset of puberty with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics in young children
retinopathy (rĕt-ĭn-ŎP-ă-thē)
disease of the retina, often caused by diabetes
thyrotoxicosis (thī-rō-tŏks-ĭ-KŌ-sĭs)
severe episode of worsening symptoms of hyperthyroidism