Chapter 1a. Latin to English Flashcards
- Labor mē vocat.
- Work calls me.
- Monē mē, sī errō—amābō tē!
- Warn me, if I make a mistake—please!
- Festīnā lentē.
- Make haste slowly.
- Laudās mē; culpant mē.
- You (s.) praise me; they blame me.
- Saepe peccāmus.
- We sin often.
- Quid dēbēmus cōgitāre?
- What should we consider?
- Cōnservāte mē!
- Preserve me!
- Rūmor volat.
- Rumor flies.
- Mē nōn amat.
- He/she/it does not love me.
- Nihil mē terret.
- Nothing frightens me.
- Apollō mē saepe servat.
- Apollo often saves me.
- Salvēte! — quid vidētis? Nihil vidēmus.
- Greetings! (pl.) — What do you see? We see nothing.
- Saepe nihil cōgitās.
- Often you (s.) ponder nothing.
- Bis dās, sī cito dās.
- You (s.) give twice, if you give quickly.
- Sī valēs, valeō.
- If you (s.) are well, I am well.
- What does he see?
- Quid videt?
- They are giving nothing.
- Nihil dant.
- You (pl.) ought not praise me.
- Nōn debētis mē laudāre.
- If I err, he often warns me.
- Sī errō, saepe mē monet.
- If you (s.) love me, save me, please!
- Sī mē amās, mē servā, amābō tē.
a. Maecēnās et Vergilius mē hodiē vocant.
a. Maecenas and Vergil summon me today.
b. Quid cogitāre dēbeō?
b. What should I think?
c. Quid dēbeō respondēre?
c. What should I answer?
d. Sī errō, mē saepe monent et culpant.
d. If I make a mistake, they often blame remind me and blame me.
e. sī nōn errō, mē laudant.
e. if I do not make a mistake, they praise me.
f. Quid hodiē cōgitāre dēbeō?
f. What should I think today?
g. Avē puella!
g. Hey girlfriend!
h. Salvē, discipula / discipule!
h. Hello student! (m./f.)
i. Salvēte, discipulae et discipulī!
i. Hello students!
j. Salvē, magister / magistra!
j. Greetings teacher! (m./f)
k. Valēte, discipulī et discipulae! Valē magister / magistra!
k. Good-bye students! Good-bye teacher (m./f.)
l. Quid est nōmen tibi?
l. What’s your name?
m. Nōmen mihi est Marcus.
m. My name is Marcus.