CH # 31: Phlebotomy Flashcards
The surface of the arm in front of the elbow
Anticubital space
A substance that inhibits blood clotting
A thin, light-covered layer of WBC’s and platelets that lies between a top layer of plasma and a bottom layer of RBC’s when an anticoagulant has been added 2 a blood specimen
Buffy coat
A closed glass or plastic tube that contains a premeasured vacuum
Evacuated tube
A swelling or mass of coagulated blood caused by a break in a blood vessel
An increase in the concentration of the nonfilterable blood components in the blood vessels, such as RBC’s, enzymes, iron and calcium, as a result of a decrease in the fluid content of the blood
The breakdown of blood cells
Inverting tubes prevents this from happening
2 prevent guidelines:
- store at room temp
- let alcohol fully dry b4 veinpuncture
- smaller gauge needles can cause the blood cells 2 rupture
- handle carefully-no shaking
Inflammation of bone and cartilage
Inflammation of the bone or bone marrow as a result of bacterial infection
A health care professional trained in the collection of blood specimens
Incision of a vein 4 the removal of blood
The collection of blood
The liquid part of the blood consisting of a clear, straw-colored fluid that comprises approximately 55% of the blood volume
Plasma from which the clotting factor fibrinogen has been removed
Puncturing of a vein
The backflow of blood (from a vacated tube) in2 the patient’s vein
Venous reflux
The temporary cessation or slowing of the venous blood flow
Venous stasis
Order of the draw: 1st
Used 4 blood cultures and sterile specimens
Contains: anticoagulant sodium polyanethol
Inversions: 8-10
Order of the draw: 2nd
Contains: anticoagulant sodium citrate
Used 4 whole blood or plasma but it’s most use is 4 coagulant tests like prothrombin time
Inversions: 3-4
Light Blue
Order of the draw: 3rd
Used 4 clotted blood or serum (serum is needed 4 serologic tests and most blood chemistries)
Contains: nothing
Inversions: none
Order of the draw: 4th
Contains:serum separator gel and clot activator
Inversions: 5
Red and Grey - speckled tube
Order of the draw: 5th
Contains: a gel that separates the cells from the serum when the tube is centrifuged
Inversions: none
Order of the draw: 6th
Commonly used 4 blood gas determinations and pH asseys
Contains: anticoagulant heparin
Inversions: none
Order of the draw: 7th
Contains: plasma separator gel and lithium heparin
Inversions: 8-10
Light Green and Grey
Order of the draw: 8th
Contains: plasma separator gel and lithium heparin
Inversions: 8-10
Light Green
Order of the draw: 9th
Contains: anticoagulant EDTA
used 4 whole blood or plasma but it’s most frequently used 4 a CBC
Inversions: 8-10
Order of the draw: 10th
Used 4 the detection of trace elements like lead, zinc, arsenic and copper so it is made of a specially refined glass and stopper
Contains: anticoagulant EDTA or no additive at all
Inversions: 8-10
Royal Blue
Order of the draw: 11th
Used 4 whole blood or plasma but most most common use is 4 blood alcohol and drug tests or a oral blood glucose tolerance test
Contains: sodium fluoride preservative and anticoagulant potassium oxalate(anticoagulant)
Inversions: 8-10
The patient should b given instructions several days b4 the specimen is collected and the instructions may include fasting.
If the MA is unsure about instructions a reference should b consulted:
- outside laboratory; laboratory directory 4 support staff
- in house; manufacturer’s operating manual or product incerts
Patient preparation
The best vein 2 use in the antecubital space
This vein does NOT roll
Do not use if:
- vein is 2 deep 2 b palpitated
- scarred from previous veinpunctures
Median cubital vein
This labeling may indicate a tube that no longer has a vacuum which makes it impossible 2 draw blood in2 the tube
Expiration date
This type of needle’s gauge is 21-23 and ranges from 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch
Aka: winged infusion method
Recommended 2 use on adults w/small veins or children or if the antecubital veins r unusable
Butterfly needle
The specimen must stand in an up right position for 30-45 minutes b4 centrifuging 4 proper clot 4mation of blood cells
Centrifuging should last for at lest 10 minutes or the gel barrier 4mation will b incomplete between the serum and the clot
SST wait time and spin time