CH # 30: Urinanalysis Flashcards
Failure of the kidneys 2 produce urine
The presence of bilirubin in the urine
The passing of a sterile catheter through the urethra and in2 the bladder 2 remove urine
Bladder catheterization
Secretion and passage of large amounts of urine
Difficult or painful urination
The condition of having 2 urinate often
The presence of glucose in the urine
If the level in the blood is 2 high the kidneys can’t reabsorb it all back in2 the blood which exceeds the renal threshold causing it 2 spill in2 the urine
Renal threshold is usually 160-180 mg/dL
Blood present in the urine
The presence of ketone bodies in the urine
An accumulation of large amounts of ketone bodies in the tissues and body fluids
The act of voiding urine
The functional unit of the kidney
Excessive (voluntary) urination during the night
2 names 4 the inability of an individual 2 control urination at night during sleep
Nocturnal enuresis
Decreased or scanty output of urine
The unit that describes the activity or alkalinity of a solution
Scale ranges from 0.0-14.0 (7.0 is neutral)
Lower # means greater acidity
Higher # means more alkalinity
Increased output of urine
The presence of protein in the urine
Presence of pus in the urine
The concentration at which a substance in the blood that is not normally excreted by the kidneys begins 2 appear in the urine
Renal threshold
The inability 2 empty the bladder
The urine is being produced normally but is not being voided
The weight of a substance compared w/the weight of an equal volume of a substance known as the standard
In urinalysis, it refers 2 the measurement of the amount of dissolved substances present in the urine compared w/the same amount of distilled water
Normal range is 1.003-1.010
Dilute: fewer dissolved substances=lower #
Concentrated: more dissolved substances=higher #
Specific gravity
The clear liquid that remains at the top after a precipitate has settled
The passing of a sterile needle through the abdominal wall in2 the bladder 2 remove urine
Suprapubic aspiration
The immediate need 2 urinate
The physical, chemical and microscopic analysis of urine
If can’t test w/in 1 hour, refrigerate and then must b returned 2 room temperature b4 testing can b done because:
1) bacteria in environment can alter test results
2) bacteria multiply causing a cloudy specimen and an increase in
the nitrate level
3) microorganisms consume glucose altering levels in container
4) both RBC’s and WBC’s will break down
5) casts decompose after several hours
The inability 2 retain urine
Urinary incontinence
2 empty the bladder
1) 30-50 mL of urine
2) label: name, DOB, date and time of collection
3) document all medications
4) must b done w/menstruation +3 days or false + 4 hematuria
5) convey understanding and patience
6) use another collection method 4 kids
Guidelines 4 urine collection
A type of specimen collection
The MA instructs the patients 2 p in a clean, dry, wide-mouthed container and urine is tested immediately at the medical office
Random specimen
A type of specimen collection
The patient is instructed 2 collect the 1st morning’s p and then refrigerate it until it is taken 2 the lab.
This specimen contains the highest concentration of dissolved substances.
First-voided morning specimen
A type of specimen collection
The MA instructs the patient 2 clean the area surrounding the meatus and 2 p a small amount of urine in2 the toilet which flushes out microorganisms in the distal urethra.Then p in2 the cup but stop b4 your done peeing and then finishing peeing in2 thew toilet.
Used 2 detect UTI’s or an evaluation of drug effectiveness
Clean-catch midstream specimen
1) fully instruct patient in cleaning and collecting specimen
2) label: name, DOB, date, time of collection and method of
3) immediately test or refrigerate specimen
4) complete all laboratory forms
5) sanatize hands and record date and time specimen was sent out
Guidelines 4 clean-catch midstream specimen
A type of specimen collection
Used 4 quantitive measurements of specific urinary components, gives greater accuracy of measurement than a random specimen, used in the diagnosis of kidney stones formation, or a creatine test on kidney function.
Substances measured: calcium, cortisol, lead, potassium, protein and urea nitrogen
Uses wide-mouthed container (3000 mL) and it must b kept refrigerated but a small container is used in the bathroom collection and then added 2 the large container in the frige.
Preservative in container will cause chemical burn on contact.
Give patient instructions on collection and an avoidance of alcohol for 24 hours preceding test
24 hour urine collection
Includes determination of color, appearance and specific gravity
Appearance: clear, slightly cloudy, cloudy or very cloudy
Odor: normal is slightly aromatic
Gravity: normal is between 1.003-1.010
Physical examination of urine
A type of physical examination of urine
Normal: colorless 2 dark yellow
Dilute urine: lighter in yellow
Used 2 assist in the evaluation and diagnosis of kidney function, UTI, carbohydrate metabolism and liver function
Routine urinalysis checks pH, glucose, protein and ketone
Can b done: blood, bilirubin, urobilinogen, nitrate and leukocytes
Involves the use of qualitative and quantitative tests
Chemical examination of urine
A type of chemical examination test
Indicate weather a substance is present in the urine and its amount
They r easy 2 perform and can b used 2 screen large numbers of patients
Qualitative tests
A type of chemical examination test
Indicates the exact amount of a chemical substance in the body
Involves the use of more complex equipment and testing procedures than what is in regular medical offices and takes more time 2 run tests
Quantitative tests