CH # 17: OSHA Standerd Flashcards
When the hands r visably soiled w/dirt or body fluid
B4 eating
After using the restroom
Wash Hands w/soap or antimicrobial soap
B4 having direct patient contact
After contact w/patients intact skin
(Measuring P or Bpm)
B4 applying or removing gloves
After contact w/ body fluids, excretions or mucus membranes, non-intact skins and wound dressings, as long as the hands are visibly soiled
From moving from a contaminated body site 2 a non- contaminated body site during patient care
After contact w/inanimate objects (medical equip) when providing health care 2 a patient
Apply a alcohol-based hand rub or wash hands
They assist employers in providing a safe and healthy working environment 4 their employees
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Designed 2 reduce the risk 2 employees of exposure 2 infectious diseases
Went in2 effect in 1992
OSHA Occupational Exposure 2 Bloodborns Pathogen Standerds
Told OSHA 2 revise Bloodborne Pathogens Standerd in order 2 reduce the number of needlesticks or other sharp injuries among healthcare care workers
Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act
Reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucus membrane or parenteral contact w/blood or OPIM
Occupational exposure
Objects that can penetrate the skin (everything in sharps or involving glass)
Refers 2 the piercing of the skin barrier or mucus membranes (ex. needlesticks or human bites)
Pathogenic microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans
Examples: Hep B and C, HIV
Bloodbore pathogens
Office must develop it in order 2 provide safety 2 BBP’s and OPIM
Must include
1)exposure determination: A)a r at of having exposure 2 BBP’s
B)an occupations list w/all at risk 4
2) method of compliance: documents any and all health and safety
measures taken at office
3)post-exposure and followup: an emergency procedure list
OSHA’s Exposure Control Plan
A type of garbage that poses a threat 2 health and safety
-any liquid or semiliquid blood or OPIM
-items contaminated w/blood or OPIM that would release these
substances in a liquid or semiliquid state if compressed
-items that r caked w/dried blood or OPIM and r capable of
releasing these materials during handling
-contaminated sharps
-pathologic and macrobiotic wastes that contain blood or OPIM
Must be discarded in a bio-hazard bag
Regulated medical waste
Each state is responsible 4 own policies but usually includes the following:
1)Place bio-hazard and sharps in2 a receptacle provided by the
medical waste service and u must seal w/packing tape and u
must put 2 bio-hazard warning labels on opposite sides of the
cardboard box
2)store bio-hazard boxes in a locked room
3)tracking records of bio-hazard boxes
Disposal of RMW
The biggest threats from occupational hazards from environmental exposures
Includes: Hepatitis B and C, HIV and AIDS
Bloodborne diseases
An agent that inhibits the growth of or kills microorganisms
Practices that r employed 2 inhibit the growth and hinder the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms 2 prevent the spread of infection
Medical Asepsis
An infection that results from a defective immune system that is unable 2 protect the from pathogens normally found in the environment
Opportunistic infections
A disease-producing microorganism
A microorganism that needs oxygen 2 live and grow
A microorganism that grows best in the absence of oxygen
Slender hairlike projections that consently beat 2ward the outside 2 remove microorganisms from the body
The process of cleansing or washing the hands
Hand hygiene
The condition in which the body is invaded by a pathogen
A microscopic plant or animal
Growth requirements:
1) proper nutrition
2) oxygen
3) temperature
4) darkness
5) moisture
6) pH
An OSHA terminology word meaning that the skin that has a break in the surface
Examples: abrasions, cuts, hangnails, paper cuts, burns…
Nonintact skin
A microorganism that does not normally produce disease
The temperature at which an organism grows best
Optimum growth temperature
Treatment administered 2 an individual after exposure 2 an infectious disease 2 prevent the disease
Postexposure prophylaxis
2 names 4 a harmless nonpathogenic microorganisms that normally reside on the skin and usually do not cause disease
Resident flora
Normal flora
Microorganisms that reside on the superficial skin layers and r picked up in the course of daily actives.
They r often pathogenic but can b removed easily from the skin by sanitization
Transient flora
These materials include:
-semen and vaginal secretions
-cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, pericardial, peritoneal and
amniotic fluids
-body fluid that is visibility contaminated w/blood
-unidentified body fluids
-saliva in dental procedures
-any unfixed human tissue
-any tissue culture, cells or fluid known 2 b HIV infected
Other potentially infectious materials
An OSHA terminology word meaning the presence or reasonably anticipated presence of blood or OPIM on a item or surface
An OSHA terminology word meaning the use of physical or chemical means 2 remove, inactivate or destroy pathogens on the surface of an item 2 the point there r no longer capable of transmitting infectious particles and the surface of the item is rendered safe 4 handling, use or disposal
An OSHA terminology word defined as a specific eye, nose, mouth, or other mucous membrane, nonintact skin, or parenteral contact w/blood or OPIM that results from an employees duties
Exposure incident
A written document stipulating the protective measures that must b followed in that medical office 2 eliminate or minimize employee exposure 2 BBP and OPIM
All employees that r at risk must participate in a training program 4 these measures
Exposure control plan
All measures and devices that isolate or remove the BBP hazard from the workplace
Engineering controls
A type of engineering control 4 a device that makes an exposure incident less likely
Example: a needle w/a built-in safety feature
Safer medical device
Procedures that reduce the likelihood of exposure by altering the manner in which the technique is preformed
Work practice controls
Clothing or equipment that protects an individual from contact w/blood or OPIM
Examples: gloves, lab coats, protective eyewear…
Personal protective equipment
The container that these items must b discarded in:
- disposable drapes
- disposable patient gowns
- examining table paper
- disposable clean or sterile gloves
- gauze tinged w/blood or other body fluids
- disposable probe covers 4 thermometers
- tongue depressors
- tissues w/respiratory secretions
- disposable ear speculums
- empty urine containers
- urine testing strips
- disposable diapers
- feminine hygiene products
Regular waste container
The container that these items must b discarded in:
- hypodermic syringes and needles
- venipuncture needles
- lancets
- razor blades
- scalpel blades
- suture needles
- blood tubes
- capillary pipets
- microscopic slides and cover slips
- broken glassware
Biohazard sharps container
The container that these items must b discarded in:
- any item saturated or dripping w/blood or OPIM
- any item caked w/dried blood or OPIM
- disposable clean or sterile gloves contaminated w/blood or OPIM
- disposable vaginal speculums and collection devices
- tissue or fluid removed during minor office surgery
- microbiologic waste
- discarded live and attenuated vaccines
Biohazard bag waste container
The container that these items must b discarded in:
- blood
- body excretions
- body secretions
Sanitary sewer