CH # 20: The Phsical Examination Flashcards
Position and drape the patient in the sitting position at the end of the examining table
Tell the patient to remove necessary clothing 4 the examination and have the gown opening in the front. Draping should cover the patient’s thighs and legs
Used to examine the head, neck, chest and 2 measure vital signs
Sitting Position
Laying down w/face up and is used 2 examine head, chest, abdomen and extremities
Tell the patient to remove necessary clothing 4 the examination and have the gown opening in the front. Draping should cover the patient’s thighs and legs
Ask the patient 2 move back on the table & lay back w/legs together. (Arms can b placed along side the body or above the head) While this is occurring, pull out the foot rest 4 the patient’s feet
Reposition the drape lengthwise over the body according to the body part’s being examined
After the examination, help the patient in2 the sitting position while pushing in the foot support. Help them down from the table and instruct them to get dressed
Supine Position
To lay face down and is used 2 examine the back and 2 access extension of the hip joint
Instruct patient to remove clothing as necessary 2 the examination and leave the gown open in the back.
Place in sitting position and put drape over the patient’s thighs. Ask patient 2 move back on the table, while pulling out the foot support extension and repositioning drape lengthwise over the patient.
Have patient turn on2 their back by rolling 2wards u. Patient should have legs 2gether w/the face 2 1 side and make any last adjustments 2 the drape 4 warmth and modesty.
After the exam, have the patient roll 2wards u again in order 2 roll over 2 the supine position and help them in2 a sitting position, while pushing in the foot support extension
Prone Postion
Birthing position w/feet down on the main table. Used 4 examining the vagina or rectum, inserting a urinary catheter
4 people having problems staying in the supine position (respiratory problems, back injury or lower back pain)
Hav n
Dorsal Recumbent Position
Birthing position w/feet on pedestal extensions
Used 4 vaginal, pelvic and rectal examinations
Lithotomy Position
2 positions for a patient who lies w/face 2 the right on their left side (facing down) of the body and the right knee is bent
Used 2 examine the vagina, rectum, 2 measure rectal temperature, 2 perform flexible sigmoidoscopy and 2 administer a enema
Sims Position
Left Laterial
Ass up in the air position while kneeling down w/elbows bent so the head can rest on the forearms
Used 2 examine the rectum and 2 perform a proctoscopic examination because it provides maximum exposure 2 the rectal area
Difficult 2 maintain so don’t put them in position until just b4 the examination
Knee - Chest Position
Patient sitting lying back at a 45* angle
Prop up backrest so the patient has a back 2 lean on
Used 2 examine the upper part of the body 4 patients w/cardiovascular or respiratory problems (it’s easier 4 them 2 breath)
Fouler Position
An instrument used 2 measure hearing
The process of listening 2 the sounds produced w/in the body 2 detect signs of disease
The branch of medicine that deals w/the treatment and control of obesity and diseases associated w/obesity
Use of the correct muscles 2 maintain proper balance, posture and body alignment 2 accomplish a task safely and efficiently w/out undue strain on any muscle or joint
Body mechanics
A tentative diagnosis of a patient’s condition obtained through evaluation of the health history and the physical examination w/out the benefit of laboratory or diagnostic tests
Clinical diagnosis
The scientific method of determining and identifying a patients condition
A determination of which 2 or more diseases w/similar symptoms is producing a patient’s symptoms
Differential diagnosis
The process of observing a patient 2 detect signs of disease
The process of measuring a patient
An instrument 4 examining the interior of the eye
An instrument 4 examining the exterior ear canal and tympanic membrane
The process of feeling w/the hands 2 detect signs of disease
The process of tapping the body 2 detect signs of disease
An instrument w/a rubber head, used 4 testing reflexes
Percussion hammer
The probable course and outcome of a patient’s condition and the patient’s prospects 4 recovery
An instrument 4 opening a body orifice or cavity 4 viewing
Any change in the body or it’s functioning that indicates a disease might be present