CH # 13: Respiratory System Flashcards
Microscopic dilations of terminal bronchioles in the lungs, where diffusion of gases takes place; air sacs in the lungs
Made up of simple squamous epithelium which permits rapid diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide
External respiration occurs in the capillaries across the walls of this structure
The airways that r formed when the trachea branches
The bronchi and all their branches that function as passageways between the trachea and the alveoli
Bronchial tree
Exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood
External respiration
Opening of the oral cavity in2 the oropharynx
Exchange of gases between the blood and tissue cells
Internal respiration
Portion of the pharynx that is behind the larynx and extends from the level the hyoid bone 2 the lower margin of the larynx
2 names 4 a passageway 4 air between the pharynx and trachea
Formed by 9 cartilage that r connected 2 one another by muscles and ligaments
3 largest cartilages:
1) thyroid cartilage; Adam’s apple
2) cricoid cartilage
3) epiglottis
Muscles and ligaments:
1) vestibular folds; false vocal cords
2) true vocal cords
3) glottis
Voice box
Portion of the respiratory tract that is inferior 2 the larynx; includes the trachea, bronchial tree and the lungs
Lower respiratory tract
Portion of the pharynx that is posterior to the nasal cavities; extends from the base of the skull2 the uvula
Mucus membrane is similar to the lining of the nasal cavity
Eustachian tubes extend in2 the 2 middle ear cavities and tries 2 equalize the air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane
Portion of the pharynx that is posterior 2 the oral cavity; extends from the uvula 2 the hyoid bone
Passageway 4 air and food; extends from the base of the skull 2 the larynx and esophagus; throat
Serves both the respiratory and digestive systems
Divided in2 3 parts:
1) nasopharynx
2) oropharynx
3) laryngopharynx
2 layered serous membranes that line the ribs(partial layer) and surrounds the lungs(visceral layer)
The small space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura
Pleural cavity
Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the body cells
Any surface in the lungs where diffusion occurs; consists of the layers that the gases must pass through 2 get in2 or out of the alveoli
Respiratory membrane
A substance produced by certain cells in the lung tissue that reduces surface tension between fluid molecules that line the respiratory membrane and helps keep the alveolus from collapsing
2 names 4 a passageway 4 air that extends inferiorly 2 the carina where it branches in2 the bronchi
Portion of the respiratory tract that includes the nose, pharynx and larynx
Upper respiratory tract
Movement of air in2 and out of the lungs; breathing
2 names 4 the upper ligaments of the larynx
Works with epiglottis 2 prevent food particles from entering the lower respiratory tract
Vestibular folds
False vocal cords
2 names 4 a projection of cartilage w/in the throat
More pronounced in males than females
Thyroid cartilage
Adam’s apple
Breathing; inhalation and exhalation
Air flows because of pressure differences between the atmosphere and the gases inside the lungs
Pulmonary respiration
Lines the wall of the thorax
Parietal pleura
Made up of a group of neurons in the pons and the medulla oblongata of the brain stem
Controls the rate and depth of breathing
Respiratory center
The process of taking air in2 the lungs
Active phase of ventilation because it is the result of muscle contraction; the diaphragm contracts causes it 2 drop or become flatter
Atmospheric pressure causes the air to flow from the the region of higher atmospheric pressure outside the body in2 the region of lower pressure inside the lungs
The process of letting air out of the lungs
As diaphragm relaxes, the volume of the thoracic cavity decreases 2 its normal resting size
Air flows from the region of higher pressure w/in the lungs 2 the region of lower pressure outside the body until the 2 pressures r =
These 2 cone-shaped sacs rests on the diaphragm and occupies most of the space in the thoracic cavity and r separated by the mediastinum(contains the heart)
They r soft and spongy because the r mostly air spaces surounded by the alveolar cells and elastic connective tissue
Right sac is shorter, broader and has a greater volume than the left sac. It is divided in2 3 lobes by 2 fissures:
1) superior
2) middle
3) inferior
Left sac is longer and narrower than the right sac and has an indentation called the cardiac notch. It is divided in2 2 lobes by a single fissure
Divided in2 2 tubes that connect the trachea 2 the lungs
Inside the lungs they branch off several times in2 smaller and smaller passages
leaf-shaped flap of cartilage located behind the tounge at the top of the larynx
functions to seal off the windpipe during eating
at the opening in between the 2 sections of the true vocal cords
functions are 2 produce sound
Forms the floor of the nasal cavity and separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity
Divides in2 2 areas; hard and soft
-hard: supported by bone
-soft: no bony support, terminates in2 a projection called the uvula
which helps direct food in2 the oropharynx
Divides the nasal cavity in2 2parts
Nasal septum
Propels mucus w/trapped particles towards the pharaynx where it is eventually digested