ch 3. embryology week 3 Flashcards
week 3: gastrulation
-what happens to the bilaminar disc during gastrulation
converted into the trilaminar embryonic disc
week 3: gastrulation
formation of the three primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
week 3: gastrulation
-the three germ layers are the
precursor for all the body tissues
week 3: gastrulation
begins with the appearance of a raised groove on the dorsal surface of the epiblast. during days 14-15, called the primitive streak.
-closer to the tail end.
week 3: gastrulation
- where do the epiblast cells migrate to and what do they do?
the epiblast cells migrate towards the primitive streak and displace the epiblast and hypoblast layers.
week 3: gastrulation
-first cells migrating to the primitive streak:
on days 14-15 epiblast cells migrate through the streak through the epiblast layer and displace the hypoblast layer= forming the endoderm
week 3: gastrulation
-second group of cells migrating to the primitive streak:
form a new layer between the epiblast and the endoderm= mesoderm.
-day 16
week 3: gastrulation
-third group of cells migrating to the primitive streak
cells that remain on the dorsal surface of the embryo form the ectoderm, layer
the skin is associated with
endoderm is associated with
lining of the inner tube of the body, GI tube and airway
becomes most of all connective tissues and muscles
endoderm and ectoderm are both made of:
epithelial tissues
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
-what is the primitive node
- a swelling at the cranial end of the primitive streak
-has the ability for cells to fall through
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
-what happens to the cells that fall through the primitive node?
forms the notochord: a portion of the mesoderm. on day 16
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
defines the axis of the body and is the site of the future vertebral column; stiffened rod of cells, gives head and tail end.
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
the notochord signals to the ectoderm to form the brain and spinal cord in a process called neurulation
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
-neural plate
forms as the notochord develops
-ectoderm thickens over the notochord
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
-neural groove:
happens as the neural plate is being formed, it starts to fold inward.
-gradually deepens until a hollow neural tube is pinched off into the dorsal surface of the body.
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
-neural tube
forms the brain and spinal cord
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
-when does the neural tube begin to close?
-when is it completely closed?
-closure begins at the end of week 3 in the future cerivical region and continues both cranially and caudally until complete closure at the end of week 4
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
-the cranial part of the neural tube becomes the _____ and the rest becomes the ________
-the brain
-the spinal cord
week 3: notochord and initial neural tube formation
-neural crest and purpose
as the neural cord develops, some ectoderm cells migrate along its sides; flattened sheets of mass external to the neural tube
-purpose: give rise to the sensory nerve cells and sensory ganglia of spinal nerves.
week 3: mesodermal differentiation
-middle and end of week 3
-middle: mesoderm lies lateral to the notochord in a cranio-caudal direction
-end of week 3: mesoderm differentiates into three distinct regions- somites, intermediate mesoderm, and lateral plate mesoderm
week 3: mesodermal differentiation
a series of paraxial mesdoerm blocks found closest to the notochord; these are first body segments- bulges, round, most internal
week 4: mesodermal differentiation
-inter3ediate mesoderm:
-lateral to the paraxial mesoderm , also segmented and attached to each somite; between the somite and lateral plate
-loses segmentation by the start of week 5
week 4: mesodermal differentiation
-lateral plate mesoderm
never divides into segments, begins as a single layer that quickly splits into parts and encloses a space- coelom cavity
week 3: mesodermal differentiation
embryonic body cavity
week 3: mesodermal differentiation
-the coelom divides the lateral mesoderm into two layers
-somatic mesoderm and splanchnic mesoderm
week 3: mesodermal differentiation
-somatic mesoderm:
next to the ectoderm (outer, parietal)- somatic: body
week 3: mesodermal differentiation
-splanchnic mesoderm:
next to endoderm (inner, visceral); splanchnic=inside
week 3: mesodermal differentiation
-after the coelom is enclosed it becomes
the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities (serous cavities of the ventral body cavity)