Ch. 18 Plyometric (Reactive) Training Concepts Flashcards
Plyometric training
Exercises that generate quick, powerful movements involving an explosive concentric muscle contraction preceded by an eccentric muscle action.
Ground reaction force
Reaction force imparted by the ground on the body when a body segment makes contact with it.
There are three distinct phases of the stretch-shortening cycle involved in a plyometric exercise:
the eccentric or loading phase,
the amortization phase or transition phase
the concentric or unloading phase
Rate of force production
Ability of muscles to exert maximal force output in a minimal amount of time.
Stretch-shortening cycle
Loading of a muscle eccentrically to prepare it for a rapid concentric contraction.
Integrated performance paradigm
To move with efficiency, forces must be dampened (eccentrically), stabilized (isometrically), and then accelerated (concentrically).
This eccentric phase is predicated on three stretch variables:
magnitude of the stretch,
rate of the stretch,
and duration of the stretch
Components of the Stretch-Shortening Cycle- Eccentric
Physiological Event-Stored elastic energy; stimulation of muscle spindles, signal sent to spinal cord
Action-Stretch of agonist muscle
Components of the Stretch-Shortening Cycle-Amortization
Physiological Event- Nerves meet synapse in spinal cord, signal sent to stretched muscle
Action- Time between the eccentric and concentric phases
Components of the Stretch-Shortening Cycle- Concentric
Physiological Event- Elastic energy release, enhanced muscle force production
Action- Shortening of agonist muscle
Amortization phase
The transition from eccentric loading to concentric unloading during the stretch-shortening cycle.
Neuromuscular efficiency
The ability of the nervous system to recruit the correct muscles to produce force, reduce force, and dynamically stabilize the body’s structure in all three planes of motion.
Which of the following refers to the ability of muscles to exert maximal force output in a minimal amount of time?
Rate of force production
Allow at least ________ hours between plyometric training sessions
Allow at least ________ hours between plyometric training sessions for new or deconditioned clients
TRUE OR FALSE? As a general rule, clients should practice plyometric skills involving dual-foot drills before progressing to single-foot drills.
When introducing plyometric exercises, especially to new or beginner clients, movements should involve lower amplitude jumps, designed to establish which of the following?
Optimal landing mechanics
When performing a squat jump with stabilizationexercise, where should the client’s knees be positioned upon landing?
In line with the toes
Wheninitiallyattempting a multiplanar box jump-down with stabilizationexercise, the client should be instructed to do which of the following?
Step off and drop from the prescribed height