Bovine - Female Anatomy Flashcards
What are the four main functions of bovine female reproductive anatomy?
production, transport, and copulation and gestation
What is the function of the ovary?
oogenesis and hormone production
What are the components (anatomically) of the medulla of the ovary?
connective tissue, lymphatic, blood vessels, and nerves
What are the components of the cortex of the ovary?
contains the ova which is surrounded by follicular cells and connective tissue
What is the function of the infundibulum?
it collects the oocyte at ovulation
What is the function of the ampulla in the oviduct?
it is where fertilization takes place
What is the function of the isthmus in the oviduct?
It is the continuation of the oviduct system to the uterine horn where the embryo matures prior to deposition into the uterus
What type of uterus does a cow have?
it is bicornuate
How are each horns of the uterus held together?
they are held together at the uterine body by the intercornual ligaments
In relation to the uterine horns, what is the size of the uterine body?
it is relatively short
What are the three layers of the uterus?
perimetrium, myometrium, and endometrium
What is the perimetrium a continuation of?
the abdominal peritoneum
What is the myometrium made up of?
it is a bunch of muscle layers
What happens to the myometrium during parturition?
it undergoes substantial hypertrophy
Where does placentation occur?
in the endometrium
What is the cervix (describe anatomically)?
It is a firm, muscular, sphincter-like structure between the uterus and the vagina
What does the cervix provide a barrier between?
the internal genitalia and external genitalia
What are the components of the cervix?
3-4 characteristic circular musculature projections (cervical rings) - outer longitudinal folds and inner circular folds - as well as internal and external cervical os and fornix
What are the components of the external genitalia?
vagina, vestibule, and vulva
Where is the vagina located?
between the cervix (cranially) and the vestibule (caudally)
What is the vestibule?
the urethral opening to the labia
What are the components of the vulva?
the labia, dorsal and ventral commisure, and clitoris
What is a freemartin?
a female twin, who has a male brother, that recieves anti-mullerian hormone that will inhibit growth of the mullerian ducts (female tubular structures)
How do the freemartins behave?
they behave and grow in a similar way to castrated male cattle
What are some common female reproductive tract abnormalities?
double cervix and bovine unicornis