Borrelia Flashcards
The genus Borrelia includes species causing:
_______(e.g., Borrelia recurrentis, Borrelia duttonii) and
_______(e.g., Borrelia burgdorferi).
relapsing fever
Lyme disease
• Helical rods, 8-30 um long and 0.2-0.5 um in diameter
• Antigenic (flagellum, binding/outer surface proteins, etc.) and genetic differences are used to differentiate species
Borrelia recurrentis
Pediculus humanus
Borrelia recurrentis
Vector: Pediculus humanus
• Wet preparations of peripheral blood
• Mixed with equal parts of sterile, nonbacteriostatic saline under dark- or bright-field illumination, in which the spirochetes move rapidly, often pushing the red blood cells around.
• Staining thick and thin films with_______(2) stains using procedures similar to those used to detect malaria.
Wright’s or Giemsa’s
Cultivation: Grown in_____ medium in clinical labs.
Virulence Factors
• _______: Caused by antigenic variation, where Borrelia species alter surface antigens to evade the immune response, leading to recurring febrile episodes.
• _______: Borrelia burgdorferi binds plasminogen and factor H to evade complement and modulate immune responses, contributing to immune suppression.
Relapsing Fever
Lyme Disease
• Symptoms:
• Initial Phase: Sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and weakness. The fever lasts 3-7 days, ending with an immune response.
• Relapse Phase: The fever recurs after a few days or weeks with similar but milder symptoms.
Relapsing fever
• Tick-borne: Transmitted by soft ticks (______).
• Louse-borne: Transmitted by the body louse (______), where infection occurs when lice are crushed into the skin.
Pediculus humanus
Lyme Disease
• Stages:
• Erythema migrans (EM), a red, expanding skin lesion at the tick bite site. • Constitutional symptoms: Fatigue, headache, fever.
Stage 1 (Localized)
Lyme Disease
• Stages:
• skin lesions, migratory joint pain, and neurological symptoms.
Stage 2 (Disseminated)
Lyme Disease
• Stages:
• Chronic arthritis, neurologic issues (e.g., Bell’s palsy), and musculoskeletal problems.
Stage 3 (Persistent Infection)
Relapsing Fever:
• Tick-borne: Found globally but varies by species and region.
• Louse-borne: Associated with poor hygiene and overcrowding, common in areas with epidemic outbreaks.
Lyme Disease:
• Transmission: From infected_____, with most cases occurring during outdoor activities in summer months.
• Geography: Found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
• Prevention: Wear protective clothing, use tick repellents, and remove ticks promptly
Ixodes ticks
• Fever, rigors, headaches, myalgia, arthralgia, photophobia, cough;
skin rash may occur
•Fatal cases: involve CNS, spleen, liver, other organs, hemorrhagic lesions (kidneys and GIT)
• Ultimate recovery: after______ relapses
• Clearance:_____
antibody-mediated killing of spirochetes
- tickborne (Ornithodoros), zoonotic
B. duttoni
B. hermsii
B. parkeri
B. turicatae
B. miyamotoi