BEUCELLA Flashcards
- an important zoonotic disease worldwide caused by Brucella
*Four species associated with human illness:
- = infects goats & sheep (most virulent & invasive)
- = swines
- = dogs
- = abortion in cattle
Brucella melitensis
Brucella suis
Brucella canis
Brucella abortus
“Bang’s bacillus, Bang’s disease”
B abortus
& strong predilection to fetal bovine tissue called erythritol
B abortus
• Two rare species:
(wood rats)
B. ovis
B. neotomae
Only 1 species in the genus,________, with multiple biovars (based on DNA studies).
Brucella melitensis
CDC classifies them as category____ biological agents (easy to disseminate and cause moderate morbidity but low mortality*).
In humans:
(undulant fever by geographic locations - Malta, Crimean, Mediterranean fevers);
(veterinarians, animal handlers, lab workers)
an occupational hazard
• MOT: (3)
• Clinical stages: Inc. period: 1-3 weeks
- Aerosolization/droplet infection
- percutaneous (contact with infected animal tissue)
- oral routes of exposure (unpasteurized milk & cheese)
Clinical stages: Inc. period: 1-3 weeks
-: fever, malaise, headache, anorexia, arthralgia, myalgia, back pain; also systemic, deep-seated disease, long-term sequelae - cardiac disease
-: - undulant fever, temperature rises in the afternoon and evening, and fall in the morning, also arthritis & epididymoorchitis
-: depression, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome.
Chronic form
Virulence factors
• Facultative_______organisms
- Inhibit fusion of phago-lysosome
- Replicate intracellularly
• _______in the cell wall
- Blood dissemination by monocytes to lymph nodes and reticuloendothelial system
- Granulomatous formation in lymphatic tissues (liver, spleen, bone marrow, & other RES)
LPS endotoxin
Cell wall antigens - A & M
• high concentration of A antigens
• high concentration of M antigens
- B. abortus
- B. melitensis
Brucella general characteristics
- more acute & severe disease
B. melitensis
Brucella gc
- mild disease without suppurative complications & non-caseating granulomas of RES
• B. abortus
Brucella gc
- chronic & suppurative lesions with caseating granulomas
• B. suis
Brucella gc
- mild disease
• B. canis