Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance Flashcards
What are 3 key differences between a bacterial cell and a mammalian cell?
B has a cell wall and no nuclear membrane, 30s 50s ribosome.
M has no cell wall a nuclear membrane and 40s 60s ribosome
What are the obvious target sites?
Cell wall and ribosomes
What does Bacteria require to grow?
Optimum temp and PH, nutrients, atmospheric conditions
What are the 3 types of atmoshpheric conditions?
What is Aerobic?
Any organism that doesnt need O2 to grow
What is Anaerobic?
which grows in the present of air or needs O2
What is Facultative?
Can use oxygen but also has anaerobic methods of energy production
What are the 3 main groups of bacteria?
Gram Stained (+-)
Acid-fast bacilli (myobacteria)
What is the difference between Gram positive and Gram negative?
Gram negative is red and has lipophilic cell membrane
Gram positive is violet and has peptidoglycan cell wall
What type of antiobiotics are used for Gram stains?
Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime
What are some Anti-anaerobe agents?
What are some Anti-atypical agents?
Monocycline, Erythromycin, Moxifloxacin
What are the portals of entry for microorganisms into the body?
GI tract
Respiratory tract
What is antibiotics?
A medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms
What is Antibacterial?
Destructive or inhibits growth of bacteria
What is Antimicrobial?
Destroy or inhibit growth of pathogenic micro-organisms
What is Disinfectant?
Chemical liquid that destroys bacteria
What is bactericidal?
Drug which kills bacteria or capable of murder
What is bacteriostatic?
Capable of inhibiting reproduction of bacteria
What is the site of action for Penicillins, Glycopeptides?
Bacterial cell wall
What agent can be used for Cell Membrane?
What agent can be used for Ribosomes?
Tetracyclines, Fucidic acid