Anatomy week 11 Flashcards
What are the functions of the muscles of the Pectoral Girdle
- They attach the upper limb to the trunk
- Move and Stabilize the pectoral girdle during shoulder shoulder movement
What are the anterior muscles of the pectoral girdle
-pectoralis minor
-serratus anterior.
What are the posterior muscles of the pectoral girdle
- trapezius,
-levator scapulae
-rhomboid major,
-rhomboid minor.
Where do the posterior muscles of the of the Pectoral girdle originate fro and where do they insert?
Originate from cervical and thoracic vertebrae and insert on the scapula
What are the Anterior mucles of the pectoral girdle anchored to
- Ribs and pectoral girdle boned
What are the functions of the muscles of the shoulder region
-Muscles crossing the glenohumeral joint stabilize the humerus in the glenoid cavity and assist in arm movements
Name the 3 major muscle groups of the shoulder region
- Trunk muscles
-Scapulohumeral muscles - Rotator Cuff muscles
What do the trunk muscles include
- Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi
What is the function of the Scapulohumeral muscles
- Attach humerus to scapula
What is the function of the trunk muscles
- They connect the axial skeleton to the humerus
What is the function of the individual muscles in the trunk muscles
Pectoralis Major: Strong flexor, adductor, and medial rotator of the arm.
Latissimus Dorsi: Strong extensor, adductor, and medial rotator of the arm.
Name the muscles of the scapulohumeral muscles
Teres Major:
Infraspinatus & Teres Minor:
What does the Rotator cuff muscles include
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis.
What are the 2 functions of the rotator cuff muscles
-Stabilize the glenohumeral joint dynamically.
-Tendons form a supportive cuff
What is the function of the muscles that are apart of the scapulohumeral muscles
-Deltoid: Abducts, flexes, and extends the arm.
-Teres Major: Adducts and internally rotates the arm.
-Supraspinatus: Initiates the first 15° of arm abduction and assists the deltoid.
-Infraspinatus & Teres Minor: Externally rotate the arm.
-Subscapularis: Internally rotates the arm.
What is the general function about the muscles of the arm
Moves the shoulderand elbow joints
What divides the arm into anterior and posterior compoartments
Brachial fascia
Name the compartments in the arm
- Anterior
What does the Anterior compartment contain in the arm
- Musculocutaneous
-Brachial artery vein
What is the functions of the muscles in the anterior compartment of the arm
- Flex the glenohumeral and elbow joint
Where does the Median and ulnar nerves descend along
- Descend along Medial side of the arm between the compartments
What muscles does the Posterior compartment of the arm contain
- Radial nerve
-Deep brachial artery and vein
What is the function of the posterior compartment the arm
- Extend the glenohumeral and elbow joint