Anatomy Quiz: Skeletal System + Long Bone Flashcards
The __________ is composed of bone, bone marrow, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.
skeletal system
What is the skeletal system composed of?
bone, bone marrow, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.
Bone tissue is often called
ossecous tissue
Functions of bone include:
support and protection for the body and body organs
gives the body a framework
mineral homeostasis (calcium and phosphorus)
blood cell production (red one marrow) —- hematopoiesis
energy storage (yellow bone marrow)
Bones are classified by their ______
what are 5 examples of long bones?
femur, humerus, radius, metacarpals, phalanxes
these bones are what type? femur, humerus, radius, metacarpals, phalanxes
long bones
what are 2 examples of short bones?
carpals and tarsals
carpals and tarsals are what types of bones
short bones
what are 5 examples of flat bones?
bones of cranium, scapulae, sternum, hips, ribs
Bones of cranium, scapulae, sternum, hips, and ribs are examples of what types of bone?
flat bones
what are 2 examples of irregular bones
vertebrae, facial bones
vertebrae and facial bones are examples of what bones
irregular bones
what is 1 example of a sesamoid bone
patella is what type of bone
what are examples of wormian/sutural bones
bones between or within the sutures
bones between or within the sutures are what types of bones
wormian/sutural bones
long bones have how many distinct areas/regions
shaft, contains yellow bone marrow and blood vessels, nerves
Diaphysis -
shaft, contains yellow bone marrow and blood vessels, nerves
ends, contains red bone marrow
Epiphysis -
ends, contains red bone marrow
small area between epiphysis and diaphysis, usually where growth plates are found
Metaphysis -
small area between epiphysis and diaphysis, usually where growth plates are found
_______________ covers each end of long bones (epiphysis)
articular cartilage
Articular cartilage provides _____________________.
protection and reduces friction in joint
_____________ covers the bone
Periosteum contains
Periosteum aids ___________ in diameter, repair, and nutrition
bones growth
Periosteum are points of attachments for ________ and ________.
tendons, ligaments
another name for marrow cavity
medullary cavity
Marrow/Medullary cavity contains ___________, __________, and ___________.
yellow bone marrow, blood vessels, and nerves
lining of medullary cavity
Endosteum contains _______________ and ________________.
osteoclasts, osteoprogenitor cells
what contains osteoclasts and osteoprogenitor cells?
Bone is considered what type of tissue?
Bone is considered connective tissue. What are some characteristics of this?
1) Vascular
2) Contains fewer cells compared to matrix
3) Has a nerve supply
4) Collagen fibers within bone give strength along with the minerals Calcium (Ca) and Phosphorus (P)
What makes bones hard?
calcium and phosphorus
intercellular material generally needed for strength.
Bone matrix is composed of:
a) 25% water
b) 25% protein fibers
c) 50% mineral salts (calcium and phosphorus)
Four types of cells found in boneL
- osteoprogenitor cells
- osteoblasts
- osteocytes
- osteoclasts
osteoprogenitor cells:
a. unspecialized cells (undifferentiated)
b. can undergo mitosis
c. eventually mature and turn into osteoblasts or osteoclasts
a. bone cells that build new bone tissue, functions in growth, remodeling, and repair of bone
b. make collagen and elastin protein fibers
c. will mature and turn into osteocytes
a. referred to as mature bone cells
b. maintains bone tissue (exchanges nutrients with blood)
a. bone cells that breaks down bone (reabsorption of bone)
b. functions in remodeling and repair of bone
another name for compact bone
cortical bone
Compact bone (Cortical bone):
a. dense bone found covering all bones
b. diaphysis of long bones all this type
c. function is to support, strengthen, and protect
another name for spongy bone
cancellous bone
Spongy bone (Cancellous bone) consists of what?
numerous bony plates called trabeculae
___________ between bony plates help reduce bone’s weight and gives place for red bone marrow
___________ found in epiphysis area of long bones
Spongy bone
Red bone marrow function ——
Hemopoiesis (Hematopoiesis)
Spongy bone is covered on outside with ___________
compact bone
does compact bone have a lot of spaces in it?
does spongy bone have a lot of spaces in it?
bone formation
the hardening of bone
calcification (mineralization)
blood cell formation
the constant breaking down of bone and rebuilding of new bone in its place
hole or opening in a bone through which nerves and blood vessels enter and exit a bone
a bone disorder in which bone density decreases
any break in a bone
an area of cartilage in the metaphysis of a long bones that turns to bone and allows bones to lengthen
growth plate (epiphyseal plate)
another name for bone formation
Ossification begins in what week of embryonic life?
6th or 7th
Bones of an infant are soft and then begins to calcify as bones absorb __________
Bone forms either from cartilage called ____________ (which is most common) or from fibrous tissue which is called ________________________.
endochondral ossification, intramembranous ossification
Examples of intramembranous ossification
cranial bones, mandible, maxillae, and clavicle
examples of endochondral ossification
all other bones in body
endochondral means
insides cartilage
growth in length stops about the age of ______ of but growth in diameter may continue how long?
18-25, throughout your life
Factors that influence growth include: (3)
1) Nutrition (calcium and vitamin D)
2) Hormone secretions
3) Physical exercise
___________ is the only mechanism for bones to lenthen
epiphyseal plate
Growth in diameter of bones is controlled by the ________
Hormones that control growth throughout your life: (3)
1) hGH (Human growth hormone)
2) Estrogen and testosterone
3) Thyroid hormones and parathyroid hormones
what hormone is responsible for growth of all your tissues from the day you are born?
hGH (Human growth hormone)
Is bone repair fast or slow
what is bone repair slow?
bone cells reproduce and grow slowly, there are fewer bone cells within bone tissue, calcium and phosphorus needed to repair harden and strengthen the bone is deposited into bone slowly, and slow healing b/c blood supply is decreased during injury due to inflammation
Cartilage, tendons, and ligaments are even harder to heal because they are _________ tissues and have ________ cell replication rates.
avascular, slow
_________________ (weight bearing activities) help increase strength through increased deposition of minerals and production of collagen fibers
bone stresses
without ________ normal bone remodeling slows down
without exercise ___________ declines
bone density
Exercise (walking, jogging, weightlifting) help build and retain _____________
bone mass/density
Loss of minerals from matrix
Demineralization mainly begins due to decrease in _____________
sex hormones
Aging and bone tissue ages per sex:
Women - 30; Men - 50s to 60s
what does demineralization lead to
Bone stores more than _____ of all calcium in the body
Too much calcium in the body can ___________ and too little can _____________.
stop the heart, cause breathing to stop
Blood calcium too high —–___________——-_________—–_______.
thyroid gland, calcitonin, osteoblasts
Blood calcium too low ——-________——_______——______
Parathyroid gland, PTH, osteoclasts
Calcium’s functions in the body: (5)
1) Strengthen bones
2) Muscle contraction
3) Nerve impulses
4) Blood clotting
5) Serve as co-enzymes