40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC Flashcards
What are the entry conditions for 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC?
- LOOP (NAN-S01 & S02)
- Loss of forced circ.
- SBO and at least 1 PB is restored NOT with SBOG
What are the major mitigating steps for 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC
- Stabilize plant
- Determine stay in HSBY or SDC
- Attempt to restore power
- If power is restored, restore major plant systems/components to start RCP’s
- If power NOT restored cooldown to SDC
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC what are the requirements to Cross-tie EW to NC priority loads?
- NC is not operating
- EW train is not being used for MVA
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC how long do you have to cross-tie EW to NC and what is the component of concern?
- If possible do not exceed 20 minutes
- 10 minute TCA will not be met during LOOP
- prevents overheating and damaging RCP seals
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what are the requirements to cross-tie EW to PC HX’s?
- NC lost and need to maintain SFP < 125°F
- PC pumps manually started
- EW train NOT supplying NC priority loads used
For 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what is the Reactivity Control SFSC?
- < 2x10-4% ↔ or ↓
- FSCEAs inserted OR borating > 40gpm OR SDM established
For 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what is the Maintenance of Vital Auxiliaries SFSC?
- At least 1 PB
- PKA, PKC, PNA OR PKB, PKD, PNB on same train as PB
- Bus plus
- DFO xfer pump maintaining day tank level
For 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what is the RCS Inventory SFSC?
- Lpzr 10-65%
- ≥ 24°F subcooled
- RVUH ≥ 16%
For 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what is the RCS Press Control SFSC?
- P/T limits
For 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what is the Core Heat Removal SFSC?
- RCS ▲T < 65°F (RCP Off)
- RCS ▲T < 10°F (RCP On)
- ≥ 24°F subcooled
For 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what is the RCS Heat Removal SFSC?
- 1 SGWL 45-60% NR or restoring
- Tc ↔ or ↓
For 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what is the Containment Isolation SFSC?
- < 2.5 psig
- No valid CNTMT or 2° RU alarm or rise in activity
For 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what is the CNTMT Temp and Press Control SFSC?
- < 117°F
- < 125°F during LOOP
- < 2.5 psig
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, What actions are required if a LOOP has occurred and no CH pumps are running?
- Isolate Seal Injection
- Isolate B/O
- Reset Anti-pump on always running CH pump
- Prevents seal damage due to rapid cooldown when restoring CH
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC what action is required if CW flow to the condensers is lost?
- Actuate MSIS
- Prevent over pressurizing condensers
- SGBD isolates minimizes C/D
How does the order/priority of AF change during a LOOP?
- Use AFN last
- no condensate pumps, water hammer concerns with AFN
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, if Lpzr is > 65% and LD is not aligned, what actions are taken to maintain Lpzr?
- Stop CH pumps if cooling is aligned and not needed for boration
- Isolate B/O if Seal #2 outlet approaches 250°F
- C/D RCS if unable to stop CH pumps
- C/D is permitted before SDM established
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, if P/T limits are exceeded what action is required?
What action is required if C/D limit exceeded?
- Stop C/D
- Depressurize
- Control CH/ LD/ HPSI flow
- Stop C/D
- Stabilize pressure
- Soak
How is Natural circulation verified?
- Loop ▲T < 65°F
- Tc and Th ↔ or ↓
- ≥ 24°F subcooled using CET
- < 30°F ▲T b/w Th and max quadrant CET
If Natural Circulation cannot be verified, what is required?
- Ensure Proper Feed flow/ Steam Flow
What is loop transit time during Natural Circulation
- 5 - 15 minutes
While in natural circulation, what does an abnormal ▲T b/w Th and CET indicate?
- Possible blockage in loop
- Uncoupling of core and loop
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, if power is lost to Unit 1 NAN-S06, How long do you have to start the SBOG and why
- 1 Hour
- Energize NAN-S07
- SBOG batteries rated for 1 hour
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC, what are the requirements to energize SWYD loads from the SBOG?
- Not expected to be restored in 2 HOURS
- No thunderstorm activities
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC and it is desired to break vacuum, but speed is NOT available what alternate indication can be used?
- Wait ≥ 20 minutes
During 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC if power is NOT expected to be restored in 1 hour what additional actions are taken?
- Vent generator H2
- Load shed NKN-M46
How long is the ESOP available following a load shed of NKN-M46
- 7 Hours
Following DC load shed, how is Control Power aligned and why?
- U1 - NKN-M45 (SBOG Alignment)
- U2/3 - NKN-M46 (SWYD brkr control)
While recovering from 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC who does Unit 1 coordinate with to restore S/U XFMRS
While restoring from 40EP-9EO07 LOOP / LOFC if a bus is powered from another units DG, who must provide guidance for restoration and why?
- Brkr interlocks