14.2 Effects of STDs Flashcards
What are an STIs?
An infection that is transmitted only or mainly by sexually transmitted infection
What may STI’s be caused by?
Viruses, Bacteria, or Parasites
What are the most common viral STI’s?
HIV/AIDs, hepatitis, genital herpes, HPV
What does AIDs stand for?
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
What is AIDs caused by?
A group of related viruses that are collectively called HIV
What does HIV do?
It attacks a particular form of white blood cells known as helper T cells
What happens as the level of helper T cells in the blood decrease?
An infected person becomes more vulnerable to infection that may lead to sickness and death
How can HIV be transmitted to children by their mothers?
Before their birth or through breast feeding
How is Hepatitis A contracted?
By drinking water that is contaminated by fecal matter
How is Hepatitis B contracted?
Through sexual contact with infected body fluids or blood
How is Hepatitis C contracted?
Through blood to blood contact with infected needle or syringes
What are the symptoms of Hepatitis B?
Flu-like symptoms including fever, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain. Jaundice
What can Hepatitis B infection develop into?
An infection of the liver causing liver failure, liver cancer, or even death
How does Hepatitis affect an unborn child?
Hepatitis can cross the placenta to infect an unborn child
How do people recover from Hepatitis?
Some may recover completely, and some become asymptomatic which means they can still infect people
Which Hepatitis are there vaccines for?
Hepatitis A and B
What is Genital herpes?
A very viral STI
What are the two herpes viruses?
Herpes Simplex 1 (HSV 1)
Herpes Simplex 2 (HSV 2)
How is HSV 2 acquired?
Through genital contact
How is HSV 1 cause infection to?
The mouth ex. Cold sores
How long does it take for symptoms to appear after someone is infected with herpes?
A month
What are the most common symptoms of Herpes?
Tingling or itching in a particular part of the body followed by blisters
Where are the most common places for Herpes blisters to appear?
Genitals, buttocks, and thighs
What can trigger a Herpes outbreak?
Fever, stress, sunlight, intercourse, and certain foods
What happens if a herpes virus is passed on to a baby?
Neurological disorders
and even death
Is Herpes curable?
Herpes is incurable and person has it for life and may transmit it at anytime to others
What virus is responsible for genital warts?
A group of viruses called the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
How is HPV transmitted?
Through skin to skin contact
What are the symptoms of HPV?
Flat or raised warts around the genital area, but many may have no symptoms at all
What can HPV lead to?
Tumors of the coochie and cervical cancer in women
What is Chlamydia?
A potentially dangerous infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia Trachomatis
What is the most common bacterial STI in Canada?
What are the Symptoms of Chlamydia?
Discharge from the penis or vagina, burning pain while urinating, or a fever
What is one of the greatest dangers of Chlamydia?
Up to 75% of people have no obvious symptoms
What can Chlamydia lead to in women?
Pelvic Inflammatory disease (PID)
What happens as a result of PID?
PID can cause scar tissue in the oviducts and the oviducts can become completely blocked causing infertility
What happens if a baby comes into contact with Chlamydia?
They can develop infections of the eyes and the respiratory tract
How can Chlamydia be treated?
If diagnosed early enough, it can be treated with antibiotics
What is the second most widespread STI in Canada?
What is Gonorrhea most similar to?
How is Gonorrhea different from Chlamydia?
It is more prevalent in males
What is Gonorrhea caused by?
The bacterium Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
What does Gonorrhea cause?
Infection of the urethra, cervix, rectum, and throat. It also causes pain when urinating and thick greenish yellow discharge
What can happen if Gonorrhea is left untreated?
It can lead to PID and may spread through the bloodstream and the joints, heart, and brain
What happens if a baby comes into contact with Gonorrhea?
They can develop serious eye infections. This is why eye drops are given to baby
How can Gonorrhea be treated?
What is Syphilis caused by?
The bacterium Treponema Pallidum
How many stages are there in Syphilis and how are they separated?
3 and by a period of latency
What happens in the first stage of Syphilis?
Infectious ulcerated sores called chancres appear at the infection sight
What is the second stage a syphilis characterized by?
A rash that appears anywhere on the skin but is generally found on the palms of feet and soles on hands
What happens in the third stage of syphilis?
The infection begins to affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems. An infected person may become blind, mentally ill or develop heart disease. Large ulcers called gummas may also develop on organs and skin
How does syphilis affect an embryo?
It causes birth defects or stillbirth
What happens if Syphilis is diagnosed early?
It can be treated with penicillin or any other antibiotic