Workshop: Benign and Malignant Skin Lesions Flashcards
• What is the primary morphology of the lesion?
A. Macule B. Papule C. Patch D. Plaque E. Vesicle F. Nodule

cherry hemangioma- bright red raised papule
• What is the primary morphology of the lesion? A. Macule B. Papule C. Patch D. Plaque E. Vesicle F. Nodule

PAPULE-raised, purple, small
• What is the primary morphology of the lesion? A. Macule B. Papule C. Patch D. Plaque E. Vesicle F. Nodule

papule. dermatofibroma. raised + hyperpigmented

• What is the primary morphology of the lesion? A. Macule B. Papule C. Patch D. Plaque E. Vesicle F. Nodule

spider telangiectasia/nevi– a MACULE
• What is the primary morphology of the lesion? A. Macule B. Papule C. Patch D. Plaque E. Vesicle F. Nodule

varoucous, raised, possible a papule, maybe a plaque or nodule
seborrheic keratosis

seborrheic keratosis

seborrheic keratosis

seborrheic keratosis
primary morphology
pedunculated papule. acrochordon

erythematous and yellow umbilicated papules on places with evident pores. sebacious hyperplasia
primary morphology

macule. solar lentigo

seborrhaic keratosis

actinic keratoses. papule, maybe a plaque

actinic keratosis

actinic keratosis

actinic keratosis–erythematous papules/macules with scale on sun- exposed sites
treatment for actinic keratosis
cryotherapy, maybe surgery, field therapy with fluorouracil

squamous cell carcinoma

squamous cell carcinoma

squamous cell carcinoma

squamous cell carcioma

Squamous cell carcinoma – erythematous crusted papules, plaques, nodules

basal cell carcioma– erythematous, umbilicated (sometimes), papule. doesn’t spread as fast as SCC

BCC- papule, telangiectasia

BCC- arborization/telangiectasia, erythematous papule

BCC- arborization/telangiectasia, erythematous papule

arborization/telangiectasia, erythematous papule
“pearly” papules, with ROLLED BORDER
T/F SCC is usually due to sun in dark skin
false. SCC in dark skin is realted to chronic irritation or injury and not usually UVR
SCC can be a result of which other dermatologic issue?
actinic keratosis

raised, hyperpigmented– BENIGN NEVIS
Benign nevi- macules, papules; brown, black, tan
• Symmetric • Uniform • Regular border and color • Looks like the others (no ugly duckling) • Stable in size and shape • Dome shaped/pedunculated- usually a feature of benign nevi

Benign nevi- macules, papules; brown, black, tan
• Symmetric • Uniform • Regular border and color • Looks like the others (no ugly duckling) • Stable in size and shape • Dome shaped/pedunculated- usually a feature of benign nevi

benign nevis
Benign nevi- macules, papules; brown, black, tan
• Symmetric • Uniform • Regular border and color • Looks like the others (no ugly duckling) • Stable in size and shape • Dome shaped/pedunculated- usually a feature of benign nevi

Benign nevi- macules, papules; brown, black, tan
• Symmetric • Uniform • Regular border and color • Looks like the others (no ugly duckling) • Stable in size and shape • Dome shaped/pedunculated- usually a feature of benign nevi

raised, hair, larger macule
congenital melanocytic nevus
•in Large (giant) >20cm, Incr risk of melanoma up to 5% , risk incr with satellite lesions and larger size of CMN

congenital melanocytic nevus

melanoma– look at irregular color, shape, (ABCDE)

Fibrous papule of the nose (angiofibroma)- papule
subtypes of primary invasive melanoma

____ ____ is a type of melanoma in situ that arises within chronically sun damaged skin and can remain in situ for years
lentigo maligna
gene and environment susceptibility for melanoma


melanoma (most likely acral lentiginous melanoma)

5 premises for Diagnosis = Early detection
- story of change
- abcds
- ugly duckling sign- not like other moles
- little red riding hood sign: erythema or inflmmation surrounding melnoma
- garbe’s rule: if a patient is worried about a single skin lesion, do not ignore their suspicion and have low threshold for biopsy
T/F screening for melanoma is recommended because early detection is key
false. routine skin screening is not recommended despite excellent evidence early detection of melanoma is best. instead we should be screening high risk groups–> all those with a history of pmhx or fmx of melanoma
those with personal hx of melanoma, fam hx of melanoma, personal hx NMSC,
immunosuppression, physical features assoc with incr risk (blond or red hair, >40 nevi, >2 clinically atypical nevi, freckling, other signs of UVR overexposure)

WHich type of UV are we most affected by?
More than 95% of sun’s UVR that reaches earth’s surface is UVA (all UVC and much of UVB are absorbed by oxygen and ozone).
Doses of UV light that do not induce sunburn still have profound
effects on skin
stats for tanning beds and cancer
• People who first use a tanning bed before age 35 increase their risk
for melanoma by 75 percent.
• Indoor tanners are also 2.5 times more likely to develop squamous
cell carcinoma and 1.5 times more likely to develop basal cell