vocabulaire critique suite Flashcards
Pungent dialogue
The rhythm may be smooth and jerky
The reader is expectant for what is to follow
There is a relaxing , slackening of tension
The description may be detailed , cursory
In so far as a novel sets out to present …
A stock character : predictable
The atmosphere of reality blunts the edge of satire
Modern english writers keeps clean of sentimentality
Donald falls pathetically short of Mor’s ideals
All in all we suspect that
We would probably be pressing the point too far if we consider that
Significantly enough …
There is a clear indication that troilus’ passion is anything but lyrical
His personal coverage is cast in doubt in view of the fact that
The book is centrally concerned with
He is by no means mere victim in the process
Crane’s style is at his most impressionistic
This comes about when
She goes to such lengths to
Were are safe in assuming that
As far as can be intuited
Shortly thereafter
It should be noted that Just as we heard about Romeo … So are we introduced
Were she truly obedient , she would accept his proposition
Love and sex are part and parcel of one another
Their love is clearly reciprocal
Besides emphasizing Romeo’s “light “, Juliet …
In stark contrast with
Time-wise , this scene is positioned about midway in the drama
The tempo is brisk
Altogether : absolutely
The irony is sharp , keen
The possibility still remains however that
Consistent with this outlook, Romeo identifies his dead father with
Vanity and suspicion come through strongly in this passage
Most of what he tells his friend relates to etiquette
On the surface she appears
With reference to Polonius the implication is plain
At long last
We must of necessity realize that
Iago reveals foremost that he is passion’s slave
Words filled with forceful innuendo
Answer weighted with irony
To assess a man as complex as Othello
His reply is markedly significant
A novel replete with comic moments
His undertakings backfire and reveal him for the bumpkin he is
The construction he puts on clifton’s murder
In contradistinction to
It is noteworthy that
Quite typically this subjectivity of hers is
We are made to feel that he
It seems as characterisation of some sort is achieved albeit in a different way
The lion is actually personified in the process
He’s not any fitter for marriage than Zerkov
Namely his imminent betrothal
The debunking is all Marcus
The description of his dangerous position seems to clinch our sense of the present
His rhetoric suffers a twist as he states his grievances
Ironically enough
To round off, I must say
The question corners the reader into fully realizing that
No sooner is it aknowledged that it is discarded
The passage compels interest
The writer makes his point forcefully
I must make reservations about x’s argument
It comes fairly close to my own concept of
Oddly enough the writer makes no mention of
He harps , dwells on the subject
Images he uses in the purport of voicing his self-pity
words at cross-purposes
To carry tragic overtones
His words carry no weight
To cast about for so to blame
Falstaff, in typical fashion, bursts into a stream of witty insults against the absent merchant.
In typical fashion burst into oddly enough It is noteworthy that A novel replete with comic moments With reference to Polonius the implication is plain At long last Pungent dialogue The reader is expectant for what is to follow
This comes about when
people fenced apart
To nurse a flicker of hope
Faith worn thin by
They indulge themselves to the full
Next to nothing was known
Much as I dislike teenagers I don’t find the alternative attractive also
And just as well : et c’est tant mieux
True : certes
I’ve cut myself off from my father , which may be just as well
It’s too bad that you should have been kept waiting all the time : je suis navré que
There was nothing for it but to : il nous fallait
Let alone : surtout
It is not fanciful to think that : il n’est pas arbitraire de penser que
A youthful runaway from a world of adult hypocrisy
The features of Holden’s narrative style that make it sound like speech rather than writing , and a teenager’s style at that , are easy enough to identify
His exasperated outburst to Sally
He is divided between infatuation and suspicion
His academic is a comically flawed character , full of vanity , anxiety and paranoia
If that sentence seems a shade overwritten , weighed down with too many adjectives and adverbs, that is all part of Frayn’s purpose
The spell exerted on modern television audiences by certain soap-operas
Henry James was arguably something of a virtuoso in the manipulation of point of view
Such innocence yields to a dawning awareness of what her adult relations are up to
By the same token , it shows that he was a much more self-conscious , artful and experimental writer than he is often given credit for
By contrast : en revanche
But much as I dislike teenagers I don’t like the alternative attractive either
The spelling of foreign words shows sometimes signs of going native : symptômes de naturalisation
They are not likely to make a rush job of it
Monarchy stands by a class of itself, uniquely popular : exceptionnellement
The crown seems precariously poised : en équilibre précaire
One sees this at it most obvious in the English press
It must be looked upon as being concerned with the welfare of citizens
Contempt of court : outrage à la cour
A lunatic duly certified
The grim reality of the situation began to sink in
All three of them were positive that the first lady was killed in the blast
Steve fought the impulse to slow down
Alicia edged past Miguel
He was just shy of thirty
She was about to lay into him
Whitmore took him by the lapels of his coat and slammed him against the wall
In the closing years of the sixties
An innovative drive quite proper to artistry
We live in a world which embraces postmodern dissonance, in a world of soundbites , media snapshots and hype
We lay great store by difference
Images of the writer have become something of an icon nowadays
In the face of the welter of casual , populist treatments of his novel
Keeping track of the ever-increasing body of his writings have become a strenuous full-time occupation for academics
A workable description which captures the …
To be accommodated in the fold
We see the story from Marlow’s perspective
To a certain extent , Jim ‘s story has to be pieced together by the reader
The ship is towed to port
A group of white men he befriends
Officers frantically take to a boat
His death is given additional poignancy because
A dubious golden age of industrial expansion and laissez -faire economics
Merilyn on his backward voyage through time , peppers the tale with anachronisms
A scheme to restore a Jekyll garden for a neighbor , also comes to nothing
she can rebuild her life upon new foundations
As they mulled over their experiences
An attempt to silence the sisters misfires as they turn on their tormentor
His sense of identity is crumbling
Sinking into delirium , he is found by Chhetah
Like gargoyles thrusting out from the castle walls
A parable of contemporary world where the polarities of good and evil inextricably merge
What is more , he has a plan
Unattractive fellow students totally dedicated to self- improvement
what is more
pepper with
A workable description which captures the ..
strenuous : ardu
welter of : déferlement
sound bite : bref extrait d’une interview enregistrée
Such innocence yields to a dawning awareness of what her adult relations are up to
There was nothing for it but to : il nous fallait
A number of sub-plots chiefly concerned with love
On coming of age , she discovered
On one level , the novel is a critique of colonialism
A giant hound was tearing out his throat
A relationship develops between them , which , Watson observes , Stapleton is eager to curtail
It later transpires that she is his wife , though he has forced her to pose as his sister , to conceal their murky past
Holmes suspicions of Stapleton are given further credence when it transpires that he is a distant relative
He sets off with his possessions
Milly is vulnerable to exploitation
At Kate’s subtle prompting , Densher follows the pair
After the exposure of his motives , he returns to London
Densher makes over the money to her
An acute eye for social foibles
A novel very much in the Victorian ‘ family saga” mould , with a few eighteenth century traditions thrown in
A repressed childhood in which every spark of natural intelligence is nipped sharply in the bud is followed by an equally oppressive school life , redeemed only in the attentions of Aunt Alethea ;
Such an upbringing leaves Ernest ill-equipped to contest the assumption that after Cambridge , he would follow his father into the church
In prison he decides to turn his back on his family and make his way in the world as a tailor
A chance meeting with Ellen
Ellen has returned to her drunken ways -
Fortune once more intervenes in the name of John
Their two children are farmed out to an honest bargeman
The plot may at times seem a little far-fetched
Davies has a secondary motive : he is in love with Dollman’s daughter , Clara , but concerned that she might be implicated in his father’s treachery
Srether meets Chad on a boating trip outside Paris
His innocence is dissolved but he clings to his belief that
He pledges marriage to a girl
Its attempt at pinning down exactly the thoughts of his characters is countered by
Gino who takes out his anguish on Philip
Sex permeates the novel
This is the decision that leads headlong to ruin
The cornered immigrant family
Caught in a web of petty lies and sexual inhibition
His narrative takes us into the mind of the woman
Her fate was replicated many times over in a generation
Jotting notes in a diary as he prepares to leave the confines of the island for the more liberated continent
Thus putting herself out of harm’s way
This drama takes centre-stage
Bill’s fair-weather fiancée
Tarr engineers his first meeting with Sarah
Strickland subsequently goes to Tahiti
His idyll is cut short when he is arrested
His aunt invites him to come east and try his hand in the family business
Through Sandra he mixes with the smart social set
Wooster and jeeves , do not always see eye to eye on the matter of clothes
External events are now filtered through the feelings and perceptions of the individual characters
Clarissa cannot simply be pinned down to the role of mother and wife
They find themselves immersed in an alien land, remote in terms of distance and culture
Orlando steers agilely between literary salons and the seedier parts of London
He is killed when he blunders into a cab in thick fog
The language in which they strive to capture their sensations is highly wrought
His anger erupts into a rebellion
The conflict of civilisation with its attendant ills
Miss Lonelyhearts lurches from crisis to crises
His mood swings between elation and despair
Gossip centers on private lives
Patchily educated
Brenda and Driver drift apart
It is the last he sees of her
She begins to sleep rough
He teams up with various drifters
In the glittering world of the inter - war avant-garde
His stance of detached observer proves cruel and manipulative
The tortuous drama of the rich Bohemians is played out against the backcloth of social poverty
The atmosphere turns sour
She is smitten with the absent Murphy
an equally oppressive school life , redeemed only in the attentions of Aunt Alethea ;
Densher makes over the money to her
This is the decision that leads headlong to ruin
He enlists the help of his manservant
She still treasures her independence
Leopold , his servant and corrupted sidekick
His son has long been expansive and a dangerous liability
Unhinged by Faye’s desertion
She takes out her frustration upon her benefactor
He discovers Mariott dead with his skull smashed in
Pablo is uneasy about the mission . He has lost his nerve
She nurses him back to health
They set out for the bridge
A garden-party is in progress
The full irony of the situation comes home to him with the realisation that
How he becomes involved with a street gang
He gains a measure of self-knowledge shortly before his death
Her feelings are fully reciprocated
The novel ends on a curious note of resignation
Sliding into alcoholism
Attempting to curry favor with his superiors
The glittering life of Parisian salons
The melancholy atmosphere of the house is set off against the raucous vulgarities of the pub
A strong element of farce gives a new twist to the atmosphere of this strange novel
Running parallel with this narrative is that of Stark’s rise, and death at the hands of his mistress’s brother
Institutionalised religion gets short shrift
The malevolence of dr Twaites is in tune with the malevolence of the times
A hero in the chivalric mould
They are punting on the river near his home
She has a dreary job in a lending library ruled over by the tyrannical mr poutley
After a particularly taxing day
An extended flashback
Scobie is passed over for promotion
He stages his suicide so that it looks as though he has died of angina
It is laden with allusions to Greek and biblical mythology
Transfixed by her beauty
The angst arising from his sense of Mortality
In the closing stages of the second world war
The novel’s controlling theme
Confused to the point of helplessness
Marriage is in the offing
From the sidelines , she watches developments in politics
The army’s top brass
A population of freaks locked in physical and spiritual isolation
Margaret throws an hysterical fit when he informs them that their relation is at an end
She embarks on a self-destructive binge
Giovanni’s honesty , integrity are thrown into relief by the sordidness of his surroundings
He finds the stranger lying dead , his head beaten to a pulp
He now lives in reduced circumstances
His exasperation with his wife has reached breaking-point
Steeped in the belief that a husband is a god , she endures his ill-temper
Out of touch with the mainstream of life
As her ill-conceived plan comes to fruition
He is the cause of controversy on two counts
A train accident forces the circus to disband
Deliverance seems at hand when
A warped legal system
The strictures of social living
Stevens slowly shed the illusions he had lived by
The search proves to be an harrowing experience
He has a fling with a famous movie star
Janice turns to the bottle
The wheel -chair bound granddaughter
Quoyle stumbles into a disastrous marriage with
Generosity will be repaid in kind
Recognizing in cruelty to animals an index of ingrained brutality
They construe his love for Nathaniel as a betrayal
A wasting illness has drained in him the capacity for feeling
The sibling rivalry reaches crisis-point
As time wears on
She makes short work of him : n’en faire qu’une bouchée
She has teamed up with mr Visconti in a smuggling racket
Elliot argues that impartial justice must be the cornerstone of society, but this ideal is characteristically undercut as the affair ends in compromise
Finding himself privy to yet another group
the disguise is wearing thin
to enlist the help of
sidekick : acolyte
The melancholy atmosphere of the house is set off against the raucous vulgarities of the pub
Institutionalised religion gets short shrift : expédier
I am not privy to all the details be privy to : être au courant de
an index of
Quoyle stumbles into a disastrous marriage with
The strictures of social living
locked in
we are treated to one last debate on the virtues of city life versus country life
Celia is concerned that Orlando might see through Rosalind’s disguise, but Orlando, in keeping with the play’s conventions, gives no indication that he
suspects Ganymede’s true identity.
Psychosexual drives spill over into insanity when acted out in real life
His falling sight again clouds his experience
Thetwowomenthencombinetoanticipatedivineretribution,andtomilkthepoorgentlemanofhiscash,in ordertodrivetheirlessonhome.
As the protagonists evinced a general reluctance to be
pinned down by geographic and national identity
Intellectual development has outstripped emotional growth
To cut lectures
A ride they are asked to give to an african turns sore when …
The past is irrecoverrably lost
The kidnap is bungled
Lured to a disused mine
She is out of touch with emotional realities
He resists her attempt at emotional blackmail
There can be no return to cosy domesticity
She and Julie hold disjointed conversation
Humboldt was then in his first flush of fame as a poet
His writing has stalled
Thaxter touches him for loans
Potent symbols of immigrants’ attempts to escape the strait-jacket of their circumstances
His dead mother unable to escape the strictures of morality
Their innermost drives
Dying at the hands of police marksmen
The novel fields a huge cast of characters
Rule-bound boarding-school
Mrs Foxe , now living in much reduced circumstances
Indmerpool comes near to being tried for spying
The leitmotif of magic and mysticism surfacing throughout Nicholas
Jenkins’s narrative , emerges as the major theme of the final novel in the sequence
The stranger who serves as a stand-in for Scott himself-returns to India to attempt some sort of reckoning with the past
He looked too close for comfort
Daphne being packed off to die nine days later
The narrative has the urgency and tension of a detective story
Life in Pankott becomes more and more unsettled
Every character is at some point obliged to confront the future head-on
Public events are inextricably entwined with private
It transpired that he stirred up trouble in Cyprus
An attempt is made on his life
He helps to sort out her educational problem
The narrative springs numerous surprises on the reader
Violence lurks beneath the surface
An unruffled Dorset seaside-town , unruffled by anything apart from the blustery wind on the cliff-path , is exposed by the furtive eavesdropping of a solitary man
An aptitude for theatricals
In communist parlance
His poetic progress is charted
She has been tangentially involved with many of the major literary figures of the twentieth century
Her psychological make-up is not different
Any intimacy between characters is precluded from the start
The characters become types embodying moral standpoint
Warding off the non-dream world
Liberated from the fetters of rationality
The visionary is also an outsider , one who is distanced from the world by his vision
Such figurative language has the effect of destabilizing the reader
Her sexual desire climaxes in sexual aggression
It is clear so far that
The narrator is obviously pulling the strings
The relation between man and woman is deflated by the farcical dimension
The narrator uses a slight touch of irony with the reference to the fruitless search
He only takes center stage for a while
The tragic destiny of the youth cannot be reversed
There are contemptuous overtones in the word “ dross”
we are treated to one last debate on the virtues of city life versus country life
The narrator uses a slight touch of irony with the reference to the fruitless search
The narrative springs numerous surprises on the reader
Violence lurks beneath the surface
Daphne being packed off to die nine days later : expédier
that’s outside my comfort zone : ce n’est pas ce que je pourrais faire
too close for comfort : dangereusement près
strenuous individualism
Satirical thrust at his cliched and false discourse
Short-circuiting of grammatical forms
Prior to
Themes of crucial import
When Mr. Rochester decides to take a trip at a moment’s notice, he does so
Jane Eyre believes in her right to be a full and complete human being, to be treated as the equal of any other human being in terms of basic human rights
when she manages to sneak away from her keeper and wreak havoc in select areas of the house.
As a woman of genteel birth and education, she did not fit in with the servant class
On the other hand, her poverty and need to work for her living prevented her from being on terms of equality with her employers.
And, regardless of her skill as a teacher, she was rarely allowed the freedom to teach without some measure of parental interference.
I have hitherto only spoken of those females
Nothing short of parental interference should induce me to suffer them to leave the schoolroom;
Nor was it a case of the ‘higher’ ecclesiastical strata simply handing down an official doctrine and spirituality to the people
the parish church was a social as well as a religious focus.
These two unrelated and unfinished segments typify how the book you read short-circuits the completion of story again and again.
Challenging the assumption that subjectivity is a state of self-presence, psychoanalysis asserts that every subject is split, divided between conscious and unconscious, and that this splitting occurs as a result of the subject’s entrance into the symbolic field of culture through the acquisition of language.
his behavior later is anything but natural
As matters grow to a dangerous head
Benjy’s entrapment within patterns of loss and repetition
The telling of a story incident spurs the association with other story incidents
The time is part of our common frame of reference
The fictive experience— the temporal distortions attributable to a narrator or a focalizing center can only be explained by setting it into the context of what Ricoeur calls “the time off life”
His linguistic inadequacy : communication for him is reduced to moans
Benjy’s bellows register his outrage at the disturbance of properties
Time and history are contained by a kind of circular plot which negates the prospect of change
Muriel Spark does not put pen to paper until
She is due to a rude awakening
Though tragic rather than comic in its preliminary undertones
Guests who entertain themselves with ghost stories and gain perhaps most than they bargained for
Voice of folk tale “once upon a time”
What realistic illusion requires us to suppress or bracket off
She indulges in a matchmaking intrigue
High-flown authorial disquisitions about history
And a teenage speech at that
He is divided between infatuation and suspicion
This sentence seems to be a shade overwritten , weighed down by two many adjectives and averbs
Character revealing
Concentrate on how events affect them
Maisie is used by these unscrupulous adults as a pawn in their quarrels
She is glamorously dressed
The reader however is under no such illusions
The narrative carries on from John ‘s point of view
The mother has suddenly become a subject in her own right
Such innocence yields to a dawning awareness of what her adult relations are up to
these two questions are the mainsprings of narrative interest
Dickens exploited mystery in connection with crime
a railway siding beside a Cape Beach
the ultimate truth about him is irrecoverable
names having an hopeful association which we may or may not live up to
if mr Sheperd is a character in a novel , pastoral associations will naturally come into play
one may hesitate,or agonize over the choice of a name
to shadow so / to tail so
Brown taught him the ropes
The impossibility of pinning the signifier to a signified , of recovering that mythical , prelapsarian state of innocence by which a thing and its name are interchangeable is replicated on the level of the plot by the futility of the routines of detection
Lucy had her work cut out for her
Bloom meets and paternally befriends stephen Dedalus
the ultimate truth about him is irrecoverable
Dickens exploited mystery in connection with crime
Benjy’s bellows register his outrage at the disturbance of properties
Satirical thrust at his cliched and false discourse
Nothing short of parental interference should induce me to suffer them to leave the schoolroom : que… ni pls, ni moins
anything but : tout sauf ça
to be on the ropes : avoir le dos au mur
Brown taught him the ropes
The telling of a story incident spurs the association with other story incidents
she manages to sneak away from her keeper
his wife Molly falls far short of her prototype Penelope in faithfulness to her spouse
Joyce bought the interior monologue to a pitch of perfection
his wife looms so large in his consciousness that.. grammatically correct by strict standards
a fragment of interior monologue can be incorporated in it without jarring
Molly, in the last chapter who has hitherto been an object of observation becomes the center of consciousness
Drowsily remembering the events of the day
They remained tied to each other by familiarity
Molly is borne along by her own memories
Presumably, the writer of this passage wants us to approach mrs Calloway with admiration
theorists of different stripes
It’s a fair bet that we are looking at the truth
You will dramatically increase the odds that you will finish it
What to do if you get stuck
Giving yourself some leeway to explore before you commit to a topic
You are barking up the wrong tree about a particular idea
I admire your grit if you are among them
Famous advisors are a mixed blessing
You end up feeling lousy about your work and yourself
It is demoralizing to have an advisor who runs you down
You have to steer clear of self-blame and bad-mouthing what you have written
addictions get pretty bad press
they decide what they have written is not good enough and toss it
perhaps you can work non-stop for a few days but nobody can sustain this effort over the long-haul
don’t skip on good food
give yourself leeway : most of us are ambivalent about important psychic events of the day: getting married, having children.
it is the wrong fix for the problem
disappointment was writ large across his face
you’ll have to quit fiddling with your dissertation
similar characters who meet markedly different fates
his ambition is unfocused
horror films bring to light a conscious fear
if the joke is partly on us, O’Connor takes the sting out of it by
cut any details or incidents that clog the action or blur the point
the leisurely pace of the narration
note the concreteness of the passage
the writer secures the reader’s identification with the reader by establishing the observer’s physical position
a good description also contains a consistent psychological position, or point of view with which we can identify ourselves
a shop-soiled banality
with a few evaluative comments thrown in
it is doubtful, in fact, if this distinction holds water
an oddball
a poetic sleight of hand
surreal strangeness which the everyday day imagery only sharpens
the title reveals a self-obsession which stereotypically speaking is arguably more masculine than feminine
belonging to a culture does not mean that everything is up for grabs for us
people may wrangle over whether a particular color is green
they are searingly honest
a hint of virile bluster
a cumulative, multi-faceted view, panoramic view of each individual, of the family as a whole
the journalist has a wide range of reference
the sequence of movements involving cow and boy
there are no hard and fast distinctions to be made on matters of person
the extraordinary pliancy which Isherwood gives to the story
a kind of surrogate first person standing for the author himself
modern social melting-pot
we have to refocus any growing sympathy for a… Gavin is the new man able to take violence in its stride
the house is redolent with associations and memory
the walk through the house functions as an anchor for Gavin’s wandering reflections as he zigzags from the present into four areas of time.
language must be consonant with the real
her sharp, deflationary portraits of vaguely highbrow, mildly intellectual radicals
comic texture in the life of a red-brick university
saturated with details of jargon
mr Leroy has been very forthcoming as long as the partner was there
as a spoof on modern poetry
adherent to the mores of her college
she proves a dedicated follower of convention
her readings appear to be far-ranging and indiscriminate
Joyce bought the interior monologue to a pitch of perfection
Molly is borne along by her own memories
addictions get pretty bad press
lousy : mal fichu, patraque
bad-mouth : dire du mal de
redolent with : évoquer
there are no hard and fast distinctions to be made on matters of person
stereotypically speaking
if the joke is partly on us, O’Connor takes the sting out of it by
You are barking up the wrong tree about a particular
pliancy : flexibility
pliant : malléable
Gavin is the new man able to take violence in its stride : accepter avec sérénité
the writer secures the reader’s identification
Famous advisors are a mixed blessing
the novel cure
this a medical handbook - with a difference
it does not discriminate between emotional pain and physical pain
next time you require assistance with an emotional tangle
our belief is bolstered by an avalanche of anecdotal evidence
sometimes it’s the rhythm of the prose that works on the psyche
a character in a similar quandary or jam
the effects of physical or emotional abandonment are hard to shrug
put your energy into finding someone else to lean on, who’s better equipped for the job.
her mother, in a back-handed compliment to the man who…
a young woman with a gift for communication orchestrates most of it
don’t afraid to reach out to a wider community around you
Ned’s fate is sealed : he’s an outlaw for ever
Aloof and apart, he observes the flaws in those around him through a pitiless lens
As he hovers on the edge of revelation
Apart from capturing a slice of Nineties Dehli
Remember that your peers are struggling to cross the chasm too
Indeed who, as a child, hasn’t had a run-in with their parents and fantasized that they too were a foundling?
A novel with some disturbing views on adoption, but a riveting read nonetheless
Heathclith in Wurthering heights who upsets the delicate balance of his adoptive family
The complex family dynamics begin to move into new directions
The overall message of the novel is delivered without sentimentality
Even the most unconventional parents can make a good job of adopting a child
That means you have infinite potential
Their wisdom from the grave gives Ted the impetus to live his life to the full
Honesty on all sides is essential to allow those involved to come to terms with who they are, and what relationship they have with whom.
Affairs which break up long-term relationships usually go the same way in the end, as the old self and habits catch up, albeit within a slightly different dynamic
Often insecurities creep in too
Romantic novels riddled with tormented young ladies
The lustful, false Rodolphe, full of cliched flattery and the desire to serenade her with daisies
How can she go back to being the Anna she has been with cold karenin?
She can never shake the principles and values that formed her, particularly with regards to the love she owes her son
Guilt is hard to live with
Guilt and self-hatred bring the stricken heroin crashing down
Her sense of imminent liberation rapidly finds a focus in the form of Philip, a handsome, intriguing bachelor
Perhaps a second home is the secret to an enduring secret
Sadly, Edward doesn’t come off so lightly : he is deeply thrown, his whole tidy world turned upside down, and is landed, somewhat unfairly we feel, with the blame for it all.
Adultery may catapult you into a fine romance
You’ll probably hit a time when you feel…
She ends up spending time in a psychiatric unit
Then , she takes herself off to the backwater town in Minnesota
A dramatic pause in which grievances are aired
A summer without men may well give you the strength to forge ahead
If you’re an aggrieved spouse who suspects your husband is having an affair
Her husband Boris announces he wants a “pause” in their relationship
If you are the one considering , or having an affair, have a go at unleashing your unexpressed self within your marriage instead
To withstand the ingrained cultural prejudice against the large age gaps
To begrudge the new lease of life that Valentina gives him
A relationship between people at opposite ends of the innocence- experience spectrum
In an age where every person in the public eye has ironed away their wrinkles
When they get old people become crankier, more opinionated, more set in their ways
Taking out her misery on children
our belief is bolstered by an avalanche of anecdotal evidence
As he hovers on the edge of revelation
run-in : prise de bec
cranky : grincheux
In an age where every person in the public eye has ironed away their wrinkles : aplanir les difficultés
try this for size : essayer de voir si ça convient
enduring : constant, immuable
next time you require assistance with an emotional tangle : imbroglio
bolstered by
riddled with
Sadly, Edward doesn’t come off so lightly : he is deeply thrown, his whole tidy world turned upside down, and is landed, somewhat unfairly we feel, with the blame for it all.
To withstand the ingrained cultural prejudice against the large age gaps
Until he gave in to his family’s dogma and married a woman
He stumbles upon a village hidden among eternally shifting dunes
As the sun makes their shafts unbearably hot
To take some tentative steps beyond your own , less imprisoning walls
Their beery breath
In a drink-fuelled rage
By working as caretaker in Colorado he hopes he can reconnect with his wife and get his career back on track
A spooky hotel where you are likely to be cut off from the outside when the snow hits
Observing Jack’s disintegration will put the fear of the demon drink into you
Drunks tend to be either intoxicating or infuriating
He doesn’t really bother with food
The events cover just one day
She pours her disgust into the novel
Pip does land a surprise inheritance
The book may leave you uplifted or downhearted
An uninvited guest dropping round for tea is grossly unwelcome
His détermination is unstinting
His memoirs consist mainly of diversions from the point
A spontaneous excursion might take your fancy
He has ripped out the keel of his boat to use as a fish
Falling to your death from a cliff
A band of self-flagelling ascetics
From that day he radiates transcendent understanding
A starkly-furnished six floored tower
Kerewin is not everyone’s cup of tea
The first time she sets eyes on him
Allow their friendship to make its mark on you
A leech that saps you of your confidence
A confidence in herself that cannot fail to rub off on the reader
To rekindle the desire for things to turn out well
By the end you’ll be up and about with a bounce in your step throwing caution to the wind in your determination to have a hand in fate, setting yourself on a more proactive – if slightly reckless- new tack
Fixing him a colossal breakfast
Short, snappy sentences laced with slang
He got himself hired as a mechanic and set covetous, won’t-take-no-for-an-answer eyes on Cora
Suddenly you sense a searing pain in nameless parts that never stops but comes in starts
Even now he is Appetite writ large
She knows how to bring him down to size
The arrogance is so deeply instilled that..
It is the mop-headed brutes who should feel shifty in your presence
With untold relief
It is then at his baldest and most vulnerable that August meets his true love
To keep a secret bottled up
And confessing-or spilling the beans- can bring sometimes a sadistic pleasure
These positive emotions are usually short-lived
Just as salin’s life is yoked to the history of his country
If you are outraged when things do not go your way, you may have succumbed to the scourge of bitterness
Right at the end
We don’t recommend that you take up smoking
She has lived up to his accusation –not that she realizes it for a while
She fluctuates between doggy hilarity , and trying to find a way back to humanity
But might she, in fact, be better off as a dog ?
Just walking into a bookshop turns you on
TV rots your brains
Seven prodigies who have all featured as panelists on the popular radio show
Those ‘normal people’ on the receiving end of ‘abnormal’ behavior
He hurled extravagant parties to lure Daisy back into his arms like a moth to an enchanted flame
Having more money than we have to cover the essentials in life
It causes him to abandon and defile his true self
When the flame sputters
Quit wasting money on lottery tickets, downsize, and learn to budget
If your job still does not bring in enough for the basics
Success or failure can make and break you
If you’ve given up on your dreams ask yourself if you ever really given them a chance
Eating chocolate and popping slimming pills
To mend your broken heart by compromising your integrity
If you find you can map yourself on the dynamics of this group
and it all comes to a head when the older boy instigates a ‘burning’ of Tom in front of an open fire
His determination is unstinting
Allow their friendship to make its mark on you
A confidence in herself that cannot fail to rub off on the reader
Short, snappy sentences laced with slang
Suddenly you sense a searing pain in nameless parts that never stops but comes in starts
She knows how to bring him down to size
It is the mop-headed brutes who should feel shifty in your presence
It is then at his baldest and most vulnerable that August meets his true love
She fluctuates between doggy hilarity , and trying to find a way back to humanity
Just walking into a bookshop turns you on
and it all comes to a head when the older boy instigates a ‘burning’ of Tom in front of an open fire
If you find you can map yourself on the dynamics of this group
She has lived up to his accusation
It is then at his baldest and most vulnerable that August meets his true love
a spooky hotel
The bullying quickly builds to a daily mockery and humiliation
Next you go shopping , stock up on glorious fruits
He’s not dead in the conventional sense
You’ll soon be on the lookout for more chores to tackle
You may have to deflect visits
Her rage escalates and she battles against self-hatred
Such a gripping read
How much a strain a diagnosis can place on a bond, however loving
The question is a fraught one
They’ll take you on a cathartic journey from which you’ll return with greater resilience
When you are sitting with chemo
The thought of all those years of training and experience going down the drain makes you feel faint
The slab of meat on your plate
Train journeys offer unparalleled opportunities for immersing yourself in a book
To deviate or question our perceived norms makes us feel vertiginous
Discover the exhilaration of change and reinvention of self
Brigid’s story does not spare the squeamish , taking us graphically through the emotional rollercoaster and physical pain of birth
We can choose to let go of what one’s life can be
Paying the penalty for an excess of drinks
To steel yourself for the big day
Put on your best dickensien voice
A curious academic who gets sucked into a dangerous underworld
It is a gritty, oppressive landscape inhabited by incest, molestation and the surreal presence of snowfall
Lizards are clamped to the walls
An untapped energy borne out of the city and its character is harnessed
A kind of village with its own herds jostling for space
You’ll sit down to an open-air supper of cornmeal mush
The drink that makes it possible to keep going
At the very least you’ll be reminded..
Untroubled by the fact of homosexuality
But these things are not very cut-and-dry
A debilitating condition for the self-esteem
A novel penned by Richardson, very commanding in its intrigue
She has managed to inveigle her way to the asylum with him
We forgive her for being shallow, bossy and opinionated
Living out the rest of your day in an attic
His inner voice is wry and self-deprecating
We are left seething internally , the unresolved conflict festering until it either erupts more violently another day
His mother is damaged by the loss of her dead brother and is terrified that Asher will also disappear; and he does not help this by staying out late
Gently reminding the old man where his loyalties should lie
Wether your conflict is born of differing beliefs, face it before it escalates into estrangement or worse
This novel set in poverty-stricken slums of Bombay will have you unblocked in no time at all
Acre upon acre of shanty town made of reclaimed junk in which people go about their lives , copulating, all in full view of one another
Squatting with their buttocks to the ocean
The thatched village school is pulled down
His office becomes overrun by goats and geisha
Our coping mechanism –perhaps further depleted by hormones, insomnia- is so compromised by the volume of demands that it seizes up completely
But it all starts going downhill when she discovers a new means of mental escape : glue-sniffing
Colette’s family disintegrates around her
Shock-inducing cuss-word
An opiate netherworld opens up to him
His life is suddenly turned upside down
Doing his best to keep his family afloat
Corruption exists very palpably in this world
Corruption doesn’t exist in a vacuum
If you know that you tend to bottle out, be a wimp, or let others take the rap-or if you need a shot in the arm to step up to an occasion that requires you to be specially brave
It sometimes take more courage to walk away from a fight when someone is taunting you
Vigdis is on the threshold of womanhood: quintessentially feminine, she cuts a striking figure with her jewels and cascade of blonde hair reaching down to her knees
There is an immediate chemistry between them
Leaving her pregnant and her reputation soiled
Her Viking blood boils over with fury and a thirst for revenge
graphically gritty reclaimed junk netherworld a shot in the arm
One of the most galvanizing scenes in literature
Her decision to speak out in this way puts her on a par with her character
To kick the cricket addiction
If your previous culture , your habits are roundly criticized
If you give all your resources away
While offering your inner cynic an option to save face by re-styling itself along Greek lines
Cedric Charlton proves no match for the Larkin’s charm
He is little by little seduced into their bucolic world
Plied with whisky, strawberries, his conditioned cynicism recedes into the background
Let’s Pop ‘s sheer exuberance and his refusal to be blighted by killjoys infect you
It will come as a bit of a shock
He is barred from the number one spot in your heart
She deserves to have everything her way
It doesn’t help Emma’s skewed vision of herself that her parental triangle is completed by an absent mother and an overly generous governess
Her hapless father sends her out in the world with an overly high opinion of herself and a self-centeredness that can only bring herself grief
Your best option is stop playing the game and show what a bad girl you can be
His blonde wife has , until them stood between him and his fear
The discovery shakes his soul- and the foundations of her otherwise happy marriage
Jack explores all manner of arguments and philosophies to overcome his fear of death, from placing himself within the protective realm of a crowd to reincarnation
The death of a loved one brings with it a bewildering slew of emotional states, all of which can be bracketed under the general heading of fear
To exist for a while in your cocoon of shock
Her voice is as unforgettable as its message, for the rawness of her delivery
-ungrammatical, full of colloquialisms-
It shows a woman past caring about things that don’t matter
The chase turns out to be a wild goose chase
His mother has a cheeky new impertinence about her
And yet, violence and aggression seem part of the general landscape
The novel goes into satirical overdrive as it describes the clash of civilizations between the classes in a global world
His ancestors dabbled into the occult
The reader is aware throughout that our hero is a proverbial loser
It cures you of your inflated sense of self after finishing the book
Facing your demons
She indulges in a vast amount of comfort food to keep her complex past safely mothered
She wakes up in the early morning craving sandwiches , pizza
To bring this traumatic memory to the surface
When her mother’s heavy tread came up the stairs
The almost constant prickle of fear only disappears when the psychic meets her monsters head on
Take heart from her triumph
The city, in decline from headier days, is experiencing an uncomfortable decadence
he lives in a bourgeois wet dream where everyone is addicted to luxury
when one of their wives conduct an affair right under their noses
harboring delusions can be deadly
we are all for the spreading of the world
the narrative’s go-with-the-flow opportunism
Augie’s winding trajectory will help free you up when mapping your own path
values and individuals are trampled underfoot
it sounds counter-intuitive at first
characters with an uncompromisingly bleak view of the world
so dreadfully one
it may help in this regard
her lover’s inveterate womanizing
someone weighed down by life
kundera divides people into two camps ; those who understand that life is meaningless, and therefore skims its surface , living in and for the moment, those who insist on reading significance on everything
the suffering that results when meaning breaks down
when she is pushed to the brink of insanity by Thomas’s refusal to give up other women, Teresa berates herself for her weakness at having Thomas to change
At her lowest ebb she tries to take an overdose
Whenever you have sunk to such depths that it seems impossible for anyone to reach you
Writing about your own illness is cathartic
roundly mothered head on feisty delivery
Catatonic depression
These gifts are there for you to make use of
She documents through her young heroine Esther the bewildering mood swings that caused her to be searingly happy one moment, unable to rise to any emotional reaction- blank as a dead baby next.
Esther’s humanity and youth zest shine through the most disturbing passages of the novel
It doesn’t define who you are.
Her first novel will take you through the process
She receives him with a mixture of despair and fascination
As she begins to understand more about her husband’s illness, and therefore her own, her relationship with the shaggy mutt heads towards its resolution
Such is the taboo surrounding mental illness
If their experience doesn’t overlap with yours
England football louts burping on lager
the pandemonium begins on the very first page, when Heathrow airport plays host to fat aunties, wailing sucklings, and macho nephews
As you see, there are cracks of light to be found even in the darkest places
Berlin is a city in thrall to the Furher and his henchmen
Leaving postcard around Berlin urging their fellow citizens to stand up against nazis and fight back. Unfortunately the postcards backfire . Far from encouraging …
You’ll need to engineer a good chance meeting
He reaches out an arm
After a number of blunt rejections
In fact, patrick ends up with the nun, but again that’s beside the point
It is her he falls for
They are consumed by the sort of passion that hovers on the edge of violence
The price they pay for their adultery is their due comeuppance
A communist-style dictator
A dream-like sense of doom run rife
And when that happens, there’s no getting around it
If you don’t fit in and and feel left out
The cormorant flied streamlined just above the water
The social event that started this off
In the background they can detect the faint strain of music
His sense of identity is bound up with yearning
We hate to break up to you
The sardine canneries in a vacant lot
Their grocer-cum banker who extends credit with flashes of his gold teeth
All marriages go through peaks and troughs, and even if you have been in a trough for a number of years, your problems will be surmountable
We urge you to treat the problem at its root
conflict or happiness will make you vulnerable to a host of additional ailments
as he sits down to a souper a deux
we never get a sense that their problems have been aired and shared
the dismantling of the structure of marriage, with all its solidity and support will leave one floundered
his hat set at an angle
fingers are severed, roofs cave in and shelves came tumbling down
after tending to the specific ailments
they have the world behind as the wagon jolts on
she learns about the importance of grit and hard work
it is Jimmy’s submission to fate and his connection to the grounded Antonia that you need to emulate
folks are ripped to pieces by dogs
rods of october rain are coming down hard against the windscreen
wipers flashing back and forth across your vision
your breathing comes hard and fast
your windscreen suddenly frosts up
it’s a close thing
By the time you arrive to your destination you are cackling with glee
There are substances that creep up on us with their addictive qualities ( cafeine, nicotine)
Here the highs and horrors of heroin are spelled out
Welsh’s novel makes for gruesome reading and offers a compelling case for going cold turkey-or steering well clear in the first place
For many of us drugs feature- or have featured – in our youth
The pivotal role of drugs on a generation characterized by a generally nihilistic popular culture
The dispassionate and deadpan observers of his classmates
Meaningless sexual encounters to spice up their lives
Heading down the road to self-destruction
Thematic links create a connection between the two ends of the poem that produces a structure that is itself circular
the title is borrowed from Peter Pan. But it resonates on a more complex, shocking level too
England football louts burping on lager suckling run rife A silver-scrolled monster of a stove a bespoke lightbulb in one hand it’s a close thing your breathing comes hard and fast pandemonium
In the final stages of anorexia, she maneuvers her skeletal frame out of bed
When a new path opens up for Josie, a genuine hope is planted in the reader.
A gruelling but important read, you’ll glean new insights into the powerful psychologies at play in eating disorders, and come away reassured that there is light at the end of the tunnel
As you do, you notice a dribble of light yellow egg yolk snaking down your shirt
laughing so hard he sends a mouthful of raisin pudding across the table at a banquet
the young man funnels all his grief and desire to please into the making of the coffin
mental exhaustion can be more depleting
a weather-beaten face
sailing walnut-shell boats in a stream
if you’ve lost a sense of it all
we feel that our capacity to love is used up
then they become embroiled with a religious cult, which soon has them on the run
A place where people become irretrievably lost beyond the reaches of love
Things start happening that reach beyond realism.
Love coming to those who gave up on it long ago
When we are with our family we have the best of time and the worst of times
Whoever it is that gets your goat the most- your tyrannical toddler,your squabbling siblings
We are also part of parcel of them- steeped in their culture. We may turn our backs on them. Battle it out with your family, but know that ultimately you are battling it out with yourself.
We soon realize that his wife and daughter have been lost to vampirism
It’s Neville’s solitude that comes to the fore
Foraging for tinned goods from ghostly supermarkets
Let’s assume that you’re not killing off vampires on a daily basis
Sometimes this resentment gets let out on the child
If you wish to strengthen a father-child bond that has been blemished by this sort of emotional transferal
As befits a world without color or with scant humanity
If honesty is there, and love, a firm set of moral principles,and a dependable presence, you can’t go wrong
We smell a parenting rat straight away
Edward seems appreciative of this undeserved consideration, but the moment they are rescued, he reverts to type
She lacks motherly intuition and indeed wisdom of any sort
As this agonizing novel speeds toward its terrible finale
The path of parenthood is already strewn with guilt
The next time we see Stephen-emotionally shut down
There is Wilkinson, newly married and with a baby on the way, who dies a terrible frontline death
We cannot help feeling that Stephen, a father without knowing it, loses out by his ignorance of his and isabel’s child
We know of many male partners who have not a jot of fatherly feeling for the embryo they have sired while it’s still in the womb
You’ll almost hole up in the airport for a few days and forget about getting on a plane at all
A mother prone to excesses of vodka
This group of girls will soon have you guffawing with laughter
As you eavesdrop on their banter about bikini-lines
Struggling to wrest control of a two-seater aircraft
By the time ground control spots the storm heading off the Atlantic
With visibility reduced to nil, he has no choice but to tough it out from his tiny cockpit
When he attempts to tap out a message
Towering waves trying to pluck them to their deaths
Reading Night flight in the air-conditioned fuselage of your boeing 747, your G&T neatly stowed on your pull-down table and smiling hostesses tripping down the aisle beside you, the mellow voice of the captain calmly announcing that you are levelling out at 35000 feet, lifting the blind with your finger to admire the low orb of the sun
If you are still unable to take your mind off the tension
It will soothe your frayed nerves
It might give the in-flight reader jitters about..
A must in-flight read
In the hope of dishing up the woman who may have salvaged his grandfather
The one person who understands you inside out, is truly gutting marooned on the vast grasslands
The sputtering engine
Read the first fifty pages in a maximum of two seatings
This translates in modern parlance into over-indulgence
For starters : this book is difficult to gulp down quickly
Not only do they dole out words of wisdom regarding how to live life
With his life taking significant turns for the worse
Selling iron beams at a hefty profit
Bose peppers his story with hilarious dialogue
A grey beret cocked jauntily over one eye
He and his bizarre retinue
Whoever it is that gets your goat the most
a jot of fatherly feeling
dish up
Tremain vividly conveys the desperate lenghts that men will go to in order to satiate their lust for gold
Let Harriett and Brenda be your mentors, representing the more grounded approach to the possibility of unexpected wealth
He has an unnerving tendency to talk to himself
He is overcome with appalling remorse
The key is to schedule regular reading times into your week
Fence off a part of your week-end- when your reading muscles are toned
Your mind is a washing-machine on a fast spin cycle with the shreds of the events of last night whapping against the sides, revealing their colors for a brief, ghastly moment before sinking back into the foamy suds
Go on, indulge
Call in sick and go back to bed
Trouble hits when …
A herd of bulls running downhill; it heads to mayhem and destruction
Instead allow yourself to be lulled by Tango’s poetics, expansive prose
Films intended to whip the masses into a frenzy of hatred directed at the state’s number one ennemy
Posters are ripped off walls, banners are trampled underfoot
Summoning up the energy to open her eyelids
It might inspire you to design your own Nautilus , or strap an oxygen tank to your back
A german with three rucksacks
Novels that do not rush towards their resolutions, but luxuriate in non-event
Without being tied down to one particular place
Set in the rich, cultural melting-pot of 1940s Trinidad
Awkward and ineffectual he wants to move with the times. When, more by accident than by design, he finds himself marrying into the vast and successful Hindi Tulsi’s family
Too sensitive to hold his own
He misses his family. But he also begins to acclimatize
She finds the place in a shambolic condition, plug points clogged with grime
The novel’s depiction of genuine love flouts a scandalous law
Having to repress her desire for so many years had the effect of heightening it
Two people were engaged in something secretive and consensual
They arrive at a new ranch, then go to town and blow it all
Their shared dream has been keeping them going
Do you devise husband-welcoming strategies for the end of the day , dressed in seductive outfits
On the surface, you’re the perfect wife and mother
You perhaps need to self-medicate with a shot of vodka
There’s hoovering to be done; there’s the fridge to sort. And if the fridge has been sorted, it’s probably time you went shopping
What hope for one dreaming of a precious hour tucked away with a book?
Crease a cosy reading nook- a dedicated place where you can go to read
Treat yourself to an elegant chaise longue
With luck, someone might see you in there and do the chores instead
The middle-aged housewife gradually overcomes her sense of inadequacy
If she likes she can float around drinking cocktails all day
If you’d like to escape your domestic chains but suspect that your husband is complicit in the arrangement
When taking a break from watering the tomatoes
His spoilt cousin ordering others around as he is, will have none of it
A version of reality that most of us do not see
The Idiot in Dostoievsky is an idiot in a rather social sense, standing outside society because he has no comprehension of its mechanisms : money, status, small talk.
If you are inclined to get yourself tied up in knots whenever you are called upon to make a decision
You are suffering from the quintessential ailment of your age : indecisiveness
The twenty-year slacker hero of Ben Kunkel’s novel
Halfhearted about his girlfriend Vaneetha
Dwight begins to make proactive choices for the first time of his life
There is nothing so heady , or so intoxicating as being in the throes of a serious crush
By its very nature, infatuation is blind to practicalities. It is an unreasoned, extravagant love, feeding off itself more than off the returned affections of the love-recipient
Cocteau’s enigmatic novel is a paradigm of intoxication
It illustrates a perfectly puzzling love maze, in which a brother and sister score points by transferring their infatuation to each other young men and women, then back again
They withdraw from the world into a make-believe world unfettered in the arcadia of a deserted orchard… it seems inevitable that a snake might lurk in the grass.
The snake is charismatic Mr Eliot, the beau of Madame Zizi who runs the hotel
His untroubled play with with these miniature mannequins is an example of an untrammeled pleasure these children are about to lose
the beau
float around
This heady rite of passage
A man who , though prone to nostalgia and bouts of nostalgia, is not immune to joy
He barely discriminates between states of sleeping and wakefulness
You can pick up the conversation to-morrow night wherever you left off
Sitting for hours and days, and year on end, gazing in solitary rapture at our screens, lost to a netherworld of negligible reality
You’ll chuck your computer into the nearest skip
Making an escape from London where he’s been chained to a dull teaching job for ten years
A sort of mystical place where he goes to connect with nature
As he chases after the bodily sensations that make him feel alive
There’s another , unexpressed emotion lurking, iceberg-like, beneath the surface
Once they are shut up in the small house with its uncomfortable sheets and stuffiness, the barbed comments really start flying
Helen gets her own back by blatantly changing the subject
As the light from the lighthouse washes over the house
Letting herself off the hook with : I’m old, and I can say what I like
As she finds no kindred soul
The novel is really a journey in the life of a girl named Kaya who finds herself in Shimla, in the company of her little brother and a gaggle of older women
An idea that will keep your mind occupied for days, if not weeks, if you do find yourself unwittingly stuck without human company
We recommend you a companion in the mould of jeeves
The face-off that clinches the boy’s authority
Things come to a breaking point when…
He has no intention of messing things up
A joint family split into two, with Byrappa atomizing the group further and further until the family structure is literally destroyed.
She winds up in hospital
Coming home from work one day, Rabbit joins a scuffle of kids shooting balls in an empty lot
He just carries on hating Janice and running away
A woman who falls on hard times
When the chips are down
A clock that seems to run on its own time . Ticking to a different time and out of beat with the rest of the universe
When the desire to join in is there, one can end up begrudging of those selfish, oblivious others who’ve failed to do anything about our distress
A common impulse is to try and fix it in one or two misguided ways : to force ourselves upon the group, or reject the group which has rejected us
None of it stops her being “unjoined”
The Member of the wedding will strike a chord with those who feel they are on life’s sidelines, whether they are being ignored at work or left out of a new trend among friends
If you are empty of motivation, it is hard to shift
Americans who have shunned their homelands. A strange, featureless, restless group, they spend their days mostly in avoidance of one another
Kit is the most dysfunctional Don Quixote – who styles himself on the knights-errant in the courtly romances to which he is addicted
A rascal to run through with a lance, with a jaunty, blithesome disposition, immune to the cautions of his trusty squire
For those who are sluggish and slow, it’s the most electrifying tonic literature has to offer this side of the law
With its romance and zest, with its upswing and cavalier call to arms
When your sex-drive takes a nose-dive
Possibly they take it too far
When he discovers their common asymmetry
Beyond the minutiae of life there is another realm common to us all : the mystery of being alive. Books are our ticket here,
Daemons are representations of a person’s spirit
If a daemon strays too far from their human, both human and daemon are physically compromised
The sycophants and schemers who surround him make for highly entertaining company
Sometimes when we are lonely, we don’t have the energy for new friends
As she flips you an egg, sunny side up
Some friends who hit a spate of bad fortune
To take care of a mother wracked by mental illness with a searing honesty that makes one flinch from
Pinto tells the story of the Mendes family with an extraordinary mixture of tenderness, horror, and comedy
The world outside teems with people interacting with one another
We find great solace in the company of a like-minded book
Try reading rather at lenghts or the bits you’ve underlined
Everybody takes turns to read from a novel aloud
Maybe at some point someone may occupy the space at the other end of the sofa
Will Navidson moves with his girlfriend into a house of Ash tree lane and captures , with a selection of cameras and CCTV footage , uncanny violations in the building the psychological implosion of all involved, as meaning disintegrates around you
skip a gaggle of older women The face-off that clinches the boy’s authority oblivious upswing When your sex-drive takes a nose-dive to flinch Chase after the barbed comments really start flying When he discovers their common asymmetry
You’ll find when reading this post-modern roller-coaster of meta-narrative…
What follows is an asymmetrical love affair
But somewhere along the way , the reader is gradually made to understand that
We sense Javed being smitten by Ruth
As Ruth reconsiders her view of Javed, we lose once and for all any doubts we may have had about Tennyson’s truism that it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. The Flight of pigeons is that endorphine-booster that celebrates two people making a go of it despite all the odds stacked up against them
A plan for escape fuelled by the intensity of their passion
As if to remind her of the great chasm that exists between them, Mellor slips every now and then into his broad Derbyshire vernacular
Connie’s plea for him not to give up on her seems naïve
It’s only a matter of time before the accompanist sacrifices himself literally
Sensitive , artistic types began dressing in the signature outfit of young Wether and some killed themselves in copycat suicides
Goethe was quick to denounce the overblown emotions of the Romantic movement
She’s vain and full of herself
She has a whole deck of suitors at her disposal, and though she treats him as a confidante, she does not take his advances remotely seriously
Lust has its place, of course. we wouldn’t feel alive without it. But when it comes to decisions, lust takes a back seat
Handing a thirteen-old year boy the keys to your new Aston Martin and suggesting he takes a spin
We know Grief’s future hangs on the line
Still smarting from having confessed her childhood crush on Mattie
She allows her overly-vivid imagination…
Her distressed cousin Lola, having been knocked down and violated by a shadowy retreating figure in the dark
She chooses to shore up her position and expunge her doubt, all for the sake of maintaining the narrative she’s embarked on
As she seeks atonement for her crime
This novel should be read as a vaccination against the temptation to tell an untruth
Perhaps it is grief for her father that undoes her; perhaps it is the emotional void
Between herself and joe
But whatever its cause, her increasingly fragmented and ungrammatical narrative does such a good job of conveying her balanced mental state.
His interior monologue is mesmerizing
So much so that you feel right at home and rather normal, in comparison
Caroline Rose is renting a flat in kensington and experiencing mid-century angst around issues of feminism and aesthetics
Dispassionate narration of her thoughts and actions- as if a greek chorus were intoning the banal drama of her life, offstage
She can’t outwit
If Caroline’s peculiar brand of madness doesn’t overlap yours
The absurdity of society as we see it unfurling around us : bureaucracy , safety regulation, the dysfunctionality of society caused by an excessive use of technology
Do not attempt to go through life with bad manners
He hasn’t given up on the ideas of love and marriage
She’s on the receiving end of his rudeness
The attentions of one so poorly mannered
If you feel your marriage is stuck in a rut
The ethereally beautiful Caroline
Faces puckered by fear and worry smooth out
Great loves are re-ignited
A rupture has its own logic and trajectory
Forty-four-year old kate has been holding back the tide – tinting her hair
When a job comes her way
She continues to try on other roles- but find them variations on the mothering theme, a discovery which sends her spiraling into a breakdown
What shines through from all the confusion is an epiphany she has half-way through her summer of change, that her future will not be a continuation of her immediate past, but will pick up from where she left off as a child
Have you been eying up your secretary as a potential passenger
Taking odd jobs along the way
Disturbing evidence
He decides he must atone for his sins and takes off to live on an island
He gets himself shackled to a rock
Monday-shirkers take note
But they soon realize there’s a fine line between support and suffocation
Her identity as a woman is thrown off balance when her son gets married
The old family dynamics is obsolete and a new one must be built
He finds, almost to his astonishment that he has met his true love-match in Helen
Leith and Helen wait for each other, spanning their separation with letters
overblown emotions she does not take his advances remotely seriously brand of humor : type de copycat : similaire à un autre to spin a coin : tirer à pile ou face to spin : filer expunge : anéantir to take off : ( leave hurriedly ) filer
She is not the only one being damaged by the years of waiting
She reveals a pyromaniac side – and simply doesn’t give up
His own shilly-shallying has caused him to lose self-respect
Lin knows his weakness has ruined all their lives, and even when the waiting is over, there is more waiting on the horizon
Wasting time on a dud relationship
Since the nineteenth century , novels have shared- or reflected, or fuelled, depending on your take- this obsession
Everyone , hostages and terrorists alike gravitate toward art and culture
Bitterness begins to corrode their bond
Mumbai is just than one city. with such fragmentation, for anyone to belong to Mumbai
When she and Laurent decide to kill Camille, in order to clear the way for her love, Zola challenges our affinity with the heroine
The sense of belonging to a demarcated space
A no-man’s land bracketed by barbed wires
Bishen Aka Toba , now conflated both as both place and person
He pulled a gun on him in a fit of drunken pique
To recoup some money she owed to her father
Mc Gregor manages to capture the infinite possibilities of neighborly interaction , from love to sacrifice
Tucking into an omelette aux fines herbes
But assumptions made about Old Fith tend to be wide off the mark
They supply a biting commentary from the sidelines
When he has his first taste of the world beyond his childhood walls , he is in for a bit of a shock
We become so adept at organizing our life, parcelling out our days into half-hour segments allocated to some use- work , sleep, exercise- that we forget to allot any portion to …
At first Crusoe’s situation looks unremittingly bleak
A successful life is finding about your inner resources
we are wondering what has been the point of it all
Being a politician in India allows one to leapfrog in terms of social mobility
Hero’s North Indian sidekick whose real intention is grab power by bumping him off
But there is one person alone that he considers at a par
Low brow respectability
The love for pornography is having its finest hour
Pornophilia means being addicted to the stuff to such an extent that real life is put on hold, while imaginary liaisons take over
When he dies one-third into the book
His reputation lies cemented in the past where he became known as a success story among friends
Girvan’s image as a stentorian , ailing man with a glorious past quickly crumbles
As you follow Joshi’s gripping novel to its
A more permanent solution would be found in bringing about a culture of shaming
Those who find themselves constantly peeved about life may, like Victor, fail to spot happiness even when it’s delivered to them on a plate
A country still bound by segregation and fraught with racial prejudice
In a wry understatement typical of his voice
The invisible man grabs him by the lapels, brings the man’s chin down sharp against his head
But de facto segregation still persists far and wide
A literary achievement in its own right
A non-polemical examination of one man’s struggle to define in relation to a disrespecting world
It’s an act of cowardice not to join the fight against racism even when you infer its presence in the world
Countless other vulnerable Blacks have been swallowed up in a criminal underworld
We in turn watch Kumalo become more and more bowed and frail as his heart breaks under the enormity of his grief
Sometimes his rage wins out
Kumalo’s sufferings will put your own in perspective
Vulnerable people can go off the rails in their twenties
And if you’re heading off the rails yourself, how do you stop yourself careering fast towards destruction?
His fragile relationships with his mother nose-dive further when his mother takes up with a new man
Whether you are concerned about someone else going off the rails , or think that you must be heading that way yourself
A good way to tell if you’ve got the balance right is never to spend more hours of your spare time reading than living
And without the pluck and resilience of character she acquires
a take : a particular version or approach: his own whimsical take on life.
leapfrog : devancer
sidekick : acolyte
bump off : liquider
to take up with so : s’attacher à une personne, group
Have you, too, yet to find the landscape with which you most resonate?
His blinkered determination to see the job completed against all jobs leads to terrible sufferings for others
The last thing you should do is to sit around passively
Your last desperate efforts to escape are bound to pay off
A young activist-feminist running after every cause that comes her way
Her ways of dealing with customers gender-sensitive as they are, are no match for the balding men
Of all the life’s skills, those pertaining to the gentle art of seduction are the hardest to come by
The way a community can demoralize and stunt a youthful spirit by depriving him of love
The devil warns him that he should not assume he’s hallucinating
As new and more positive world order seems to be taking over by the end
Set in Japan on the cusp of the nineteenth century
A randy fifty year old whose craving for sex never lets up
When the guilty fail to own up to their shame
Loyalty becomes problematic when it breaks the bounds of morality
Even if it means gangling up against your parents
Because one cannot pursue two single-minded objectives in direct conflict with one another
Could we have cured him of single-mindedness prior to him having written the novel which was the cure for it? Such circuitous thinking…
But Sybil doesn’t let poverty come between her and her high achievement
There comes a moment in the novel where Stella is at her lowest
To cope, she smokes almost constantly, punctuating her days with long, deep pulls on her cigarettes
blinkered: borné
to stunt : empêcher personal growth
She considers absconding with her husband, then claws her way up in paris
In his attempts to find out why his son lost the will to live at an age when others cross over gladly to adulthood
With a noise-cancelling headset and interacting only with his housekeeper
Footballers reside in architectural eyesores
Keeping track of the ways he had been slighted by others
An unremitting jabber laced with street-slang
What cures Vronsky is the displacement of physical pain by a searing emotional pain
He had found her sprawled in the table in the railway station cloak-room ,her body bloody and limp, the head lolling back with its weight of hair
Rates will jump exponentially
Rosamund is catapulted into motherhood
He chats up her in a bar
She runs roughshod over everyone
This novel will allow you to explore your violent streak vicariously
Stamp out any potential for violence within you once and for all
Let his fearlessness rub off on you
Gully is galvanized into action
Clothes are a fact of life. Get to know your own wardrobe inside out
A better man would insist that she get on with her life, that their affair can come to nothing; but she cannot seem to resist the visceral pull to his city bedsit.
To help you navigate these sad and difficult times
She directs her anger uselessly at him
A retired military man in the stiff-upper-lip mould
Here in prison, he no longer has to keep secret the despicable self he has been repressing all these years. At last he can indulge in the rapturous specifics of what, and who, he has loved
This was a blow to his sense of security
however strong her love, she was casting him adrift
his identity further solidified
Professors feel validated when their students are able to disgorge back what is provided in class. Without this ability to play the academic game, it is difficult to imagine how Obama would have made it to the next scholastic rung.
they remained dismissive of ordinary Americans
His status as a college professor was played up : monter en épingle, mettre l’accent sur
grooming his public persona
the convoluted saga of his mother : complexe
his disguised Marxism quickly came to the fore
no form of deception was off-limits
preternaturally self-assured.
This squeamishness has a huge downside
With an undiluted conviction
replete with evidence
Unlike Clinton, who would laugh things off,
Barack did not have a storybook childhood.
They begin stumbling over their words
Despite his initial modesty, he quickly reverted to form and insisted that he had won after all.
if need be he will cover up a defeat with vulgarity.
Lurid tale : épouvantable
They concocted justifications as to why
The former internalize social standards such as morality, while the latter become oppositional and seek to get away with what they can.
middle class persons are more worthy of trust than their lower class peers.
he was flummoxed by Romney’s assertive questioning.
Others might be thrown off stride by unexpected events, but he always maintained his equanimity.
Or are they just inured to a problem they have heard too much about?
To be blunt, this budgetary reduction was ..
to chat up : draguer; baratiner
This loquacious criminal has an unwavering sense of his right to speak
When all you seem to do is meet deadlines, tick off tasks and put yourself in recovery position in readiness for the next day
Rose, the elder can stand it no more and she decides to marry her way out of poverty
With your passions unaroused and your curiosity untapped.
her grief is one which, if acted upon will create difficulties for the College of Cardinals.
the final comment made on their relationship before his death has a double edged ring.
That’s the point of dystopias -to figure out where society must be going
Occasionally the heroine is so much of touch with herself as to think she is in love with the villain. This a cue to the reader that she has to undergo an ordeal to learn her lesson since the heroine a priori must love the hero
A versatile mirrored cabinet : une armoire de toilette polyvalente
Willa Cather My Antonia
Clara does not see the beauty of the prairie or man s connection with the land.. Instead the image interposed on the sun reveals Claras selfishness and limited vision.
space becomes a metaphore for plunging back in ttime
Iowa neighbors the state of Nebraska, which is the locus of childhood”the burning wind (!. IO), “burning . that burning daY · (1. 65) repeatedly convey the intertwinedifuotifs of heat nd of the intensity of their remembrances of the West.
remembrance intertwines time and place
narrative distance is conveyed through remembrance
vibrant sensations
such blurry narrative devices “little town like these” hook gradually the reader’s attention
The mrrator s blunt admittance that she [does] not his wife- (I. 24) is dramatically positioned at the end of a short paragraph conveys practical information delivered in unadorned syntax that sharply contrasts with the ample descriptive sentences of the first paragraph
the narrator first focuses on his wife Genevieve Whitney whom the narrator characterizes in a few caustic sentences.
Jim’s wife is characterized as a rather unsubstantial figure.
The descrition of her character is scathing : She is handsome, energetic, executive, but and temperamentally incapable of enthusiasm”
the ternary succession of flattering adjectives is immediately deflated by the narrator’s strong, jubilating voicing ofher unfavorable opinion of the woman.
Genevieve Whitney s essential inconsistency is encapsulated by her splurging on different ventures, either political or artistic, every other day.
It deliberately orients the reader in a misleadig direction since , in the narrative as such, Genevieve Whitney will not be actually part of any plotline.; It both seves as a foil to Jim Burden and a way to undermine his charismaby anticipation.Jim s extended portrayal in the fourth paragraph de.finitely widens the gap between the spouses through an almost sy stematic contrast between their respective characteristic features.
As counterproductive as it may seem the introduction, right from the start that there will be no, or little passion, in the developping story
the narrator presents him as a synthesis of American Dream.
Jim’s regular trip out West both revive and reiterate the dynamics of the initial conquest.
in a lower key, they also hint at his restlessness.
the narrator- s admiring depiction of Jim· s capacities and generosity is, indeed, also fraught with und rtones that betray a number of inconsistencies.
Aotenia’s passionate temperament echoes her capacity for eliciting stories and awakening memories, evidently making her an ideal character for narrative. The narrator and Jim s childhood friendship solidifies around this common acquaintance who belongs to a long-gone cherished past and around.there is, indeed, something Antonia•s name: its strong evocative power is akin to a form of incantation.
The compelling power of that extremely romantic name, which is redolent of a sense of adventure and which reads as an amalgation of cultures.
For all its skillfully constructed network of expectations and delayed atmosphere will be, and essentially remain ,”quiet”, a rather strange commitment in lieu of an invitation into the story.
My Antonia can, indeed,hardly can be interpretated as a plot-oriented story.
Through Jim’s atypical impulsiveness, the narrator is is identified as a writer. Antonia’s first name finally surfaces in the text for the first time;
Jim and the narrator’s mutual purpose is not only to grasp their memories of Antonia but also to compensate for the versatilitv and fleetingness of memory through written words with a view to recreating a picture ofher.
Their referring to their project as the pursuit of a picture of [Antonia J 83) also emphasizes the painterly dimension of the story to come, its impressionistic aspect, its retrospectiveness from the vantage point of the present and, above all, its essential artificiality. The act of recollection is, indeed deceptively presented as a fabrication: two individuals” personal experiences of life in Nebraska through the evocation of the trajectory of one emblematic figure who was modeled by the West.
Indeed, the sentence of the introduction implies that, rather than being empowered by Jim’s birth as a writer, the official writer has been incapacitated by it: “My own story was never written, but the following narrative is Jim’smanuscript, substantially as he brought it to me (l.114-115). Her actual part as a writer ends up being reduced to whatever little power is left to herthe adverb “substantially”
the homely .\1 ebraskan truths inherited from childhood were to integrate the maturing writer and womans fluctuating appreciation of self and truth; Her floating perception of question of gender and authorship.
Cather had to face the challenge-a whole enterprise of its own- make the overwhelmingly familiar not only cohabit with, but convey, a sense of the alien, a sense of alienation.
this is what may be at stake in her introductions, what was to become her best-known and most successful novel : allowing, through indirection, small mishaps, missteps and false starts to break however imperceptibly at first glance, the veneer of countryside values.
the retrospective nature of the narrative serves to highlight all the more the notions of fluidity and time. Both the narrative and the framing device emphasize Jim as a man in motion
Jim, Antonia is an artist of domestic and maternal bliss, the heart of a family from which he can come and go. As such, she represents a mediating position between the Gothic extremes of exclusion and enclosure that occupies hisimagination. By extension, artistic experience may be understood as an ethic doubling of the self providing momentary access to the incommunicable domain of experience.
Gothic Duality
Nature and geographic displacement, all recurrent Cather themes.
Lucenti offers a detailed reading of the Gothic components of “ My Antonia”
threat of fragmentation
violation and engulfment
the otherness of memory
dual fears of absolute exclusion and of absolute enclosure
In the novel, Gothic elements have been expertly integrated into the narrative.
No longer glaringly apparent as contrived stylistic devices, they have been assimilated into Jim s drama of memory which gives us a window onto the Gothic struggle taking place in his mind which represents the urge to mediate between conflicting desires.
Jim’s depictions of the landscapes and the seasons an indication of the duality that governs his imagination.
fear of exclusion through engulfment in the unknown is countered at the other end of the spectrum by a faear of constricting small town life which Jim describes thusly: “this guarded mode of existence was like living under a tyranny”
Stouck reads the novel in terms of the centrality of the notion of time. Book recounts the first year in Jim’s new life in Nebraska as organized through the four seasons; “Books 2-5 are in essence a reexamination of that central experience four different perspectives (287•8).
Stouck analyzes the way in which Jim’s awareness of disappearing freedom coincides with his awareness of times pssage . Thus, for Stouck, “the central emotion of the novel [is] the increasing sense of loss and alienation as one grows older. This notion is congealed in the text bv a powerful image of the effects on each female protagonist of the physical ravages of time, exacerbated by illness in the case of Katharine ( 27 l), by hard farm labor for Antonia (M.A 175).
the context of a text which opens up to such a plurality of meaning, it is interesting to look at what the novel may have in common with other Cather texts in order to bring out some overarching elements of the authors imaginary world.
the rattlesnake episode belongs to the overall pattern of negative imagery w-hich belies the novel· s superficial optimistic reading ( 77 S). in a way, the snake stands for the erasure of rationality to Jim.What is more Python is presented as a female snake ( Grant and Hazel 312), which ighlights the creatures symbolic association with obscurity,chthonic forces of and irrationality.
On the whole, in Western lture, the Dragon/snake symbolizes the obstacle that has to be overcome to reach a higher level of being-the beast you have to kill within yourself.
ndeed.. , dragons, and devils become tools to subordinate people to a central power.
It represents also a unyfying force: the devil and its incarnations is a hidden face of the dynamics aimed at combining the Roman cultural and political heritage of the Great Empire and a new , strong set of christian creeds.
kiling the symbol of Satan in the garden might hint at the elimination of all evil in the new territory, in keeping with the ideal of innocence and new beginning.
art needs rhythm and rhythm is made by dramatic contrasts which produce tension.
she goes through severai stages of development, from an eager girl, through a tough adolescent young woman with her sexuality in its full bloom, a broken-hearted single mother, to a mistress of a homestead and mother with a large family and a fine husband_
Her first moral lapse is her uncritical support for her wicked brother Ambros
Figuritlgthe National Identity
In Cathers criticism there is a tendency to classify Antonia as a symbolic :haracter in two basic ways: representing the immigrant type, together with immigrant characters, such as Danish, Norwegian, Ger-nian, Swedish or :3ohemian, and a mythic personification of the land. This. pull to generality can be supported by some of the finalizing claims made by the personal narrator Burden. “More than any other person we remembered, this girl seemed to to us the country, the conditions, the whole adventure of our childhood” 6). Her mythic elevation resonates in statements such as: “She was a rich of life, like the founders of early races” (MA 186).
Antonia s style of dancing discloses her nature and character-she is not only a fountain of energy but she artful and innovative, she is not content to take things as they come, she is fond of variations.
Process of Linguistic Acculturation
process through which immigrants confront a new cultural experience is called acculturation.
Another consequence oflanguage barrier is dehumanizations ,:he language by foreign settlers such as the Shimerdas cannot be understood by the narrator whose description of his new Bohemian neighbors during their first enacculturation process teems with references to animals. The acculturation process is soon completed and Jim s sense of belonging is palpable, as demonstrated in his use of a collective pronoun when talking about Black Hawk inhabitants:
Mr Shimeda s abilities as a musician are intimately linked to his social identity in Bohemia.
In Willa Cathers novel, most immigrants going through the process of 1angua.e acquisition manage to achieve sufficient fluencyto communicate and function sociallywithout forsaking their own linguistic heritage. e.Asmentioned previously, ultimate goal oflinguistic perfection is illusory and the idea of a role model, of an ideal native speaker as described by ChomslcY, a theoretical one.
Any English speaker will display foreign, regional, dialectal or social particularities which are inherent in the language and participate in its authenticity. Moreover, English language is constantly changing as a consequence of interactions between these various registers. Th s evolution is necessary since English needs tochange and be adaptable to suit the needs of a changing world” (Watts 300 ).
[ Chomsky defines the ideal speaker-listener at the very beginning of his book Aspects of of Syntax: Linguistic theory is concerned primarily with an ideal speaker-listener, in a complete]y homogeneous speech-community, who knows its language perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatical irrelevant conditions as memory limitations, distractions, shifts of attention and errors (random or characteristic) in applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance- (1). ‘this ideal’ speaker was brought forth for the purpose of the study and theretore does not really exist. ]
Linguistic acculturation has to do with one’s willingness to communicate, the enjoyment one finds in it and the imprint one leaves on other neoele s lives.
Gender in Willa Cather· s America
locale chosen by Cather (the great plains of the Midwest) is in itself a teavily-gendered space, one where male and female roles were clearly defined. Midwest, the Far West, the Frontier have all engendered some of America· s powerful icons of masculinity: the farmer, the cowboy, the cattle-driver, »seman of the plains, to use Owen Wister’s formulation, icons clipsed attention to their female companions m these open spaces “heroes are male characters who exhibit stronz masculine traits such as a reliance on action in place of verbal mmunication, a lack of demonstrated feelings, and an attitude of dominance toward women
This period also contributed to reinforcing the female versus male-coded spaces that the Great Plains like the western environment, embodied. It was the time of the separate spheres doctrine, a time
Nevertheless, Lena s masquerade, like Antonia·s, is problematic
“nasquerade has to be understood as what women do in order to recuperate some element of desire, to participate in man· s desire, but price of renouncing their own. In the masquerade, they submit dominant economy of desire in an attempt to remain ·on the “market” in spite of everything. But they are there as objects for sexual enjoyment, not as those who enjoy. (133-34)
In this scene, Lena is obviously both object of sexual enjoyment and subject of enjoyment, asserting that she will kiss Jim as much as she wants. Once again, begin to collapse, with Lena leavingJim “drifting [since she 1 had broken serious mood” (MA 155).
Despite the logic of Jim s argument, however, Antonia, we can argue,writes herself out of objectification,
While admitting Peter Middleton· s theory that the male gaze is the one which “triangulates vision, knowledge, and power lqtd. in Schehr 29), Cather, in the instance, seems ready to complicate the traditional equation between power, vision, and masculinity.
Sense and sensibility Jane Austen
Laughter, sports and power relation
sense and sensibility is marked by the influence of the comedy of manners
emphasis laid on wit and repartee
laughter is supposed to be elicited by the character’s wit
Gentlemanly laughter originated in the desire to reform mannners, away from the agressive assertion of superiority that laughter was thought to entail with the influence of Hobbes’s theory
mrs Jennigs is branded as vulgar bcause she laughs too much
their shortcomings in terms of manners are class- related
breaches of manners being a staple source of mirth in the comedy of manners
-desire to shine with no regard whatsoever for the other’s discomfort
one would be hard -pressed to find anything amusing in the situation depicted
Marianne’s enthused response suggests her vulnerability
what starts as little seduction ploys typical of comedy of manners turns into excruciating pain thus countering the light tone of the genre andcastigating its playful perception of courtship.
The dashing rake of the comedy of manners, a recurring type, is here roundly condemned with the appeal of the reader’s sympathy for his victim.
That Marianne’s slip is perceived by men as justification enough to try to take advantage of her is made plain by Sir John’s view of the situation, as he explains to Elinor. His choice of words : “ all this tumbling down hills” tends to give a licentious shade to Marianne’s fall because in the context Sir John seems to conflate the literal and the figurative meanings of the slip, which metaphorically alludes to a woman’s sexual encounter with a man outside marriage.
the verbal fencing and the little games of seduction of comedies of manners have given way to sentimental concerns.
Jane Austen however seemed to relent in her next novel, giving their bite back to women, as a weapon not only to fight each other, but to fight on a par with men.
Picturing the landscape
The film frequently stages the heroine walking in the country
— landscapes mark the regular transition from one place to another, serving as a structural device for the visual narrative.
Sense and Sensibility grants considerable textual space or visual space to natural environments, generating particular visions of the landscape which necessarily mirrors certain aesthetic codes.
Landscape as aesthetic context
The debate mainly revolved around the notions of regularity and smoothness, considered as “the most considerable source of Beauty” by Edmund Burke in his “ Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful” ( 1757 ) as opposed to the wild irregular, spectacular motifs defined as the Sublime, with the Picturesque as Middle ground between those ideals.
Landscape as metaphor
It actually serves to support the narrative by contribution to the characterization of the protagonists, serving as a mirror to their own emotions and reactions.
Marianne’s emotional state is suggested by a sequence in a dramatic, awe-inspiring landscape— reminiscent of Edmund Burke’s Sublime— with the view of the hills in the rain
Even the garden in the film , with its messy lawn and disorderly bushes, seem to reflect the gradual distancing from a decorous and orderly world.
Landscape as artistic composition
Marianne appears to be frequently concerned with perspectives.
The film actually partakes in the representation of nature as a work of art in the way it delivers a large series of tableaux, most of which reminiscent of certain eighteenth century works by Claude Lorrain or Nicolas Poussin.
Similarly, the film exploits a large number of clues to increase the impact of the natural world on the viewer and enlarge his representation of the environment . As a result, nature is extremely present in the indoor scenes fraught with elements such as freshly-cut flowers, for example in vases, arranged carefully on tables and window-sills like in Barton Cottage. it also explains why doors are repeatedly left open in most interior scenes, offering a glimpse of the surrounding countryside and providing frames to the landscape.
The camera uses a palette of colors as well as a variety of natural elements in the setting, with a diversity of lines and shapes, elaborate lights and contrasts, to magnify and enhance the natural elements.
Notes sur Humphrey’s Clinker
All such contradictory clues make it obvious that Wilson will play an important part in the novel and at this stage this reader is led to believe that Humphrey Clinker is a love-story- which it is not
From the outset «the rhetoric of deception» is put to use in more ways than one
All in all little is said about medecine.
The conflict that opposes Bramble and dr Linden stems from the place
People and places are seen in a conflicting relation
He points out at basic evils that isolate man from the natural order of things
Evil and disease have to be connected
They are both background character at this point
He forced him to the edge of dulling by provoking him to the verge of duelling
Jerry’s definition of an original, though not actually stated, seems to involve ridicule and humour, and many characters fit the bill, specially for being ridiculous. If originality did not involve departing from the norm. The ludicrous is not a worthy criteria either
Hé expatiates on social unbalance that has its roots in luxury, sloth and corruption.
Luxury has blurred class distinctions
What appears from the political letters is that the prevailing rule is that of public opinion and of prejudice
Jurymen cannot be supposed remarkable either for sentiment or impartiality» a comment that paves the way for Clinker’s arrest and subsequent trial
Clinker’s faith is put to the test in the prison’s episode and the result is two-fold: on the one hand he proves to be up to his social calling. On the other hand, he proves to be totally deficient in that worldly wisdom that is necessary in front of a perverted system. Clinker’s refusal to claim his innocence and his translating his language of justice into spiritual values induces Matin to say «the poor fellow was not compos» and consequently ought to be discharged as a lunatic- the only way he can try to help him out.
Information and explanation are delivered by the constable, who displays a surprising optimism about Clinker’s fate. Basically, the episode demonstrates that no faith can be possibly be put in such a system.
He comes to the gist of the matter when he says that severity to Clinker was no other than a hint to Bramble to make him a present in private
There is a way to reclaim Clinker from the jail and gallows, and that is corruption, which Bramble is no way ready to encourage.
With the introduction of Burdock two themes wil be introduced that will be developed through the end: that of hospitality and that of marriage.
Burdock piques himself upon living in the country
Barnard who is introduced on the way back to Scotland also marries an heiress and his son would turn no better than Burdock, should not his mother’s timely death rescue his family.
These farcical episodes and the sordid pictureof matrimonial life are set against sentimental scenes and pave the way to the model of a healthy and balanced life embodied in the Dennisons
The juxtaposition of sentimental scenes rings an optimistic note that is echo again in the reuniting of the Bramble family
Places and people in Scotland
Bramble’s appreciation is balanced as shows his description of the castle area ss
Bramble’s come close to cataloguing people and places. He points at contrasts
«MR Moffat is very powerful in prayer, and often assists her in her private exercise of devotion.
This savours much of irony . But since there is no further development on Moffat there is no satire either
Speech and exposure in the women’s letters
Win is in touch with other social realities
Win voices other points of view . As a servant she has nothing to complain
She makes a sweeping comment on her experience. She joins Bramble in his overall criticism
There is much malice, treachery as canot fail to strike a virtuous mind.
The main points are that both women are, medically speaking, hysterics
Moreover Clinker has it in his power to make Win sinful of his sinful ways, though she would have a long way to go to acknowledge her vanity and imprudence in trusting Dutton
She starts assessing other marriageable men’s characters
Clinker is obviously taken in by women’s seductive powers
At this point Lydia illustrates the physical consequences of the dilemma she is in
Later on when Barton is pushing his suit Lydia is made unable to understand her aunt’s behaviour
There is no mention of Win in connection with Barton
What is made clear here is that Lydia is isolated from his family
The style of the letter to Litty echoes her dilemmas voiced in her letter to her governess
Later Smollett makes use of a rhetorical process called epanorthosis
Lydia’s opinion gives the lie to Jerry’s amused assessment of his uncle’s personality
She sees through Jerry’s two-fold concern
Clinker and Lishmago are described at some length
In terms of the discrepancy between physical character and moral reality Clinker is the simplest character. Still he retains most of the time a ridiculous attitude
Lydia never formed a judgement on personal grounds and she has always assessed William according to her heart
Characters are drawn into an otherness that affects their behaviour
Lydia is un hampered when speaking her heart
Indeed one cannot perceive the truth othernesss of others when one is blinded by prejudice
Bastardy has been always been hinted at in Blackberby episode
The newcomers belong to a dynamics that forces their characters out of their sheltered selves to the final self-discovery
The first married couple of interest met with in the family are the Burdocks
Hé analyses the relationship that exists between husband and wife. They both put up with things as they are and do not push the other beyond The limits of his resilience
Married people are introduced only in the moral section of the novel
It seems that conviviality can be at best farcical, if not downright violent
Thé convivial dialectics move from a social dimension to to a personal one and runs counter to the integration one
Jerry’s writing reverts to its original tone. Everything rêver is dealt with in a farcical mood. His emotions show in the way he lapses into epanorthosis: ( but how is it possible… no I canot think the girl so base.
Human dialectics
There is not clear-cut dichotomy between good and evil
Human dialectics reaches a clear cut equilibrium in the Baynards/ Dennisons contrast
The conclusion to that human dialectics is that inner contradictions within an individual – here Baynard- may be so de by a dialectical relation between men and that’s harmony does necessary stem from the pairing of similar nature, preferably good, but also from the pairing of contrasts
The farcical trend never relaxes
Romance and potential tragedy intermingles
By the end of the novfarces seem to be pregnant with dangers
The narration takes a satirical turn when Jerry reports on Tabitha’s reaction
He then turns to sexual matters and explains how he has cured a prostitute from venereal disease
Anger is another means of evacuating one’s passions
Conclusion: the rhetoric of deceit
The structure of the novel: the progress through space is paralleled by a progress of consciousness
And thé central consciousness, in terms of structure is that of Bramble.
A rhetoric of deceit has been working throughout.
When Lydia is ill, Bramble suffers, which is to his credit and counterbalances the agressivity of his former letter
Bramble writes himself as a valetudinarian
He also writes physicians into incompetence and powerfulness
He also writes the world as he wants it to be seen
«Thé females in his train» do more to impair his health than the hardships he is put to for the sake of his valet
The eighteenth century world was ruled by poetical justice.
In Clinker Smollet breaks with a major convention which consists in marrying off the hero once he has accomplished his educational progress of life
One of the basic structural pattern in Clinker is that of benevolence and that of family making or unmaking
Consequently Bramble has won his way to redemption
The Grieve episode is one of those instances in which the Brambles are allowed to partake in human generosity
Bramble looks at Jerry’s infatuation with more understanding than Jerry does. He relates the duel episode with a narrative distance Jerry is unable of
He hides the family shame of having Lydia in love an actor
Jerry is entirely involved in a process of social regulation that disregards human feelings whereas Bramble balances social concern and affection
He is not able to provide Lydia with efficient love but Jery’s fear of being detected in an act of charity proves that he is in the process of rejecting all charitable impulses altogether. Tabitha is a more obvious foil to Bramble’s generosity and her revealing misuse of English language, she is more peevish by far
Jerry is a satirical onlooker who is amused at whatever he witnesses
Jerry acts under hisuncle’s supervision , which enhances the link between this episode and the recognition scene
In an uncharacteristic manner, Bramble does not only consul this own feelings but enters in silent discourse with his nephew.
When they meet Lismahago he shares in the family feeling
Jerry failed to pass away any critical judgement
Jerry and Lydia are carrying on with their own journey through life
What the characters reach through the interplay of letters is some degree of self- knowledge