The techniques of fiction Flashcards


The techniques of fiction

in her  study of Sartre Iris Murdoch has tallked  about  "the novelist's blessed freedom from rationalism" . what has been discovered  is  its essential contingency . "Libra" by Delllilo is packed   with  incidental detail , observations which  belong   to  a total impression of  the  events but  which   can  not be  explainded  in  terms  of  any  relationship to Kennedy’s assasination
Oscar Lewis  says  in  his  introduction to "The children of  Sanchez" :
the  independent versions  of  the  same  incidents  given  by  various  family  numbers  provide  a  built-in  check upon   the reliability  of  much of the data and  thereby offset  the  subjectivity inherent in a  single  autobiography
Lewis  choose  to  adopt a method  of  selective  revelation
"dramatize , dramatize " , said  Henry James . the  rationalist of anthropology  has  been stripped  away  . leaving  the  reverberant texture  of Sanchez family life  to  speak  for  itself . this  is  not  to suggest  that Lewis has  not  ordered the  experience he  presents , but  he  has  ordered it  'novelistically " rather " scientifically "
this  kind  of  cross-fertilization  between the novel  and  other disciplines redefines  the novlist's  proper territory .
a characteristic  failure of  the nineteenth  century  novel was  his  inability to transcend his  social group and  regional locality .Trollope's appaling cartoons  of  middle-class working  characters were symptomatic  of  this  period
Practical criticism has encouraged  a  large  number  of  students to  discover  the  technicalities  of both  poetry  and  fiction . when  we  apply  the  techniques  of Practical criticism  to  a novel it has  only  a  limited value . they  belong  to  descriptive  rather  than evaluative  criticism in  any  case . A poem divides  naturally into  the  brief unity of  line , image  and  stanza and Practical criticism concentrates  exclusevely  on  these.
A novel  divides  into most easily into  the longer  units of the  paragraph  , the  episode  and  the  chapter . our  interest  is g enerally   sustained not  by  images , and rythmic  repetitions, but  by  the  organnization of  events  in the  narrative . the verbal  quality of  the novel  is  best described  , not in  terms of the  striking image  or occasional distortion of syntax , but by the effect of  the  overall tone. 
by modern  fiction  I mean  works  published  since 1945 by English  and American writers who  have  established   their  characteristic  styles since  that date.
Three sections : 
on handling the  narrative , 
on dealing  with character , 
on  points of  style  and language


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chapter 1 : narrative

when a story is told the reader reconstructs past events -placing in a detached perspective . it exists in an ordered sequence , irrelevancies eliminated
in order to involve the reader in a story , the narrator adopts the convention of pretending that things are happening here and now ; imagery and dialogue are made to work before our eyes , a idf no gap of time separated us from the action of the narrative .
owing to the convention of tenses , the reader is held in a flexible relationship with the events of the story ,sometimes involved , sometimes detached . but many novelists have edged their narrative toward one extreme or the other in order to create a special effect . in “The Sot-weed factor “ by john Barth the author forcibly detaches the reader from the story , partly by phrasing it in archaic language , partly by using a past-historic tense . sometimes a third party retells his own account in his own words . sometimes the author appears to be writing autobiographically .
the value of first person testimony is obvious , particularly when the events in the story seem so remote or unlikely that the author feels it necessary to construct the figure of a witness who saw everything at first hand the homely quality of Ellen Dean who narrates most of Wurthering Heights and the first person of narrator of Edgar Allan Poe ‘s “The fall of the House of Usher” act as a useful link between the reader and the character
an intermitent use of the third person in a first person story can effect a degree of detachment . . in Herzog , Saul Bellow sometimes call herzog I , sometimes He . These changes do correspond with emotional movements in the narrative.
only when the author seems to be deliberately manipulating the conventions should we take critical notice . A good deal of recent conventions is obvioulsly written with a view to experimenting with the conventions of narrative , exposing the kind of mechanics of story-telling which we would normally take as granted.
handling of tense and handling of person
most of a passage may be phrased in the “present-habitual “tense of genealized statement in which the past is implicated just as deeply as the immediate present
the ritualized aspects of everyday life afford a way of enabling the past to survive into the present :
“staring and staring into a mirror , it sees many faces within it face - the face of the child , the boy ,the young man , the not-so-young man - all present still preserved like fossils or superimposed layers , and , like fossils , dead .”
George ‘s ambivalent preoccupation with the past is charted exactly by the undertones carried by the use of tense in this passage.
by using the present tense narrative the narrator can not compress and select his material
the use of the third person presents the hero in a detached light



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Point of view :
the narrrator may be a character who stands “on the fringe of events “. his main function is to observe .Nick Carraway in “the Great Gatsby “ or Marlow in “the Heart of darknes” . they are “fringe narrators”
sometimes several exist in a same novel . such is the case of “Wurthering Heights” . Ellen dean , the Housekeeper tells the story to Lockwood . we have to ask ourselves : can we trust them ? Have they any motives for distorting the story ? what is their role in the action ? how does it affect their vision of the events
recent fiction has been affected by the theory of limited point of view because if modern fiction has a commmon theme it is the conflict between the individual sensibility and the alien outside world - with such a subject only one point of view is possible , that of the suffering hero . A change of viewpoint is a lapse into inconsistency which would deflect the reader’s interest from the narrative altogether
as early as 1927 ,E, M , Foster complained about programmatic insistence on a limited point of view in Aspects of the novel : This right to intermittent knowledge … has a paralel in our perception of life … we can enter into people’s mind occasionally but not always … this intermittence lends in the long term variety and color to the experiences we receive
Foster calls this shifting of viewpoint “bouncing “ . he inhabits one character after another . anyone who has read “Howard’s end “ will be familiar with the subtle ambiguities of Foster’s character.
all of Angus Wison ‘s writing is directed towards generating the sense of embarrassment occasioned by the woman’s akward meeting.
consider the way in which Wilson treats DR Lortimer in Anglo-saxon attitudes:
” Rose Lortimer , struggling with weighed-shopping baskets made her immense way among the marble and mosaic of the Corner House , caught a passing view of herself in a mirror and was pleased “
the first half of the sentence presents Rose from a distance . she would hardly be likely to think of herself as “making her immense way “ , and the phrase is obviously coined by an observer of the scene . but by the time Rose has reached the mirror , Wilson is giving her view of things . Wilson adopts temporarily Rose’s point of view by appropriating her own vocabulary and style of expression ; her manner is reflected in the words she uses . “she had always loved artificial flowers”
at the same time her language reveals a degree of naive romanticism . she ‘dreaded to think into what strange realm the poor creature’s mind has strayed “ .
this is where much of the comedy of Wilson’s bounced narrative emerges : we see both characters from the inside , are aware of the trepidation of both of them , and are equally conscious of the fact that neither has a clue as to how the other is thinking . the whole episode is a drama of misunderstanding.
midway through the passage there is a characteristic moment :
“Dr Lortimer’s voice was strangely small coming out of her massive form , like a little girl’s reciting a party piece . its childish effect was greater after Clarissa’s Crane sophisticated , strangled contralto. “
during these two sentences we distanced from the two characters . the effect is that as if the novelist has moved us to some vantage point on the far side of the cafe : the point of view is now independant of characterisation , the writer is speaking for himself and for us . Such intermittent detachment enables us to see the characters as pathetic . Yet the interiorisation of the narrative allows us never to lose sympathy with either character - traditionalism of his technique.



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Dramatized consciousness :
the publication of Huckleberry finn in America in 1885 and of Ulysses in London in 1922 afford two seminal dates for the historian of modern fiction . In both novels the narrative was a dramatization in language of the workings of the central character’s consciousness .
the techniques of “vernacular narrative treat the language dramatically . they catch it in the act of beeing formed
Huck never superimposes an adult logic on his action and rarely presses an interpretation of events on the reader . his narrative dramaically enacts his innocence .Twain’s vernacular narrative cleaves to Huck’s own resources of language
the whole of Molly Bloom’s accumulated experience is available for total recall . neither conventional logic nor notion of time operates in Bloom’s mind . things happpen by random association than by any scheme of causation
a recent vernacular narrative J D Salinger Catcher in the rye bears out this tendency
Herzog is a patchwork quilt of all ideas , memories , speculations that engross the reader during the course of the novel . the consciousness dramatized in the novel is the consciousness of a man of ideas . Bellow’s novel charts every shift and twist of his mind . he skids off the present moment at a tangent . we are given one brief glimpse of what is happening outside while Herzog sits in the train . Herzog’s jumble of ideas is correlated by his jumble of vernacular idioms . a switch of thought entails a switch of language . Herzog’s easy colloquial moralism changes without warning into the stilted formality of the business letter . Herzog is a fragmented man splintered into facets which will not fit into a coherent whole.



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Time :
the flexibility of tempo is one of the novelist’s major instruments
one of the ways in which the narrator can order a story is by varying the proportion of time allotted to a particular incidents
narrative speed is larggely determined by the amount of details . but syntax too has an important part to play.

cause and contingency :
in Jean Paul Sartre La Nausee we have a dialogue between leamas and Roquentin , between the man whose world is bound by an inevitable if incomprehensible logic , and between the man whose life is just a bundle of related coincidences .
contingency is not an illusion , it is perfect gratuitouness . everything is gratuitous , this park , this town , myself.
Henry James demanded that the novelist should practice a technique of continual relevance , introducing nothing in his story that does not advance its logical development . neither Ford nor James faced contingency
the old distinction between the novel of incident and the novel of character is a useful one . the novel of incident traditionally hinges on the causative development of plot , while the novel of character deals typically with the contigencies encountered by the hero.
contemporary novelists , particularly those who have come under the spell of existentialism have made use of both the shandian and the picaresque to come to terms of helpless human lump
in John Barth’s The end of the road , we have a heavy stylized scene between jacob Homer as a victim of chance while the doctor plays the part of cause and logic
the dialogue between them exists almost as a series of philosophical illustrations , but Barth convincingly extends the principle of contingency into the descriptive structure of his narrative.
the particular strength of Barth’s writing lies in the way in wich contingency reasserts itself in Jacob’s narrative . all the time we are involved in the interview in wich logic and cause win outright , we are simultaneously confronted with a world of random sensations and irrelevant speculations . “the besotting particularity of Fiction “ which bothered R L Stevenson , is allowed a farcical scope in The end of the road
“ I made a suppositive gesture , which consisted of a slight outward motion of my lapel-grasping left-hand extending simultaneously the fore and index fingers but not releasing my lapels “



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chapter 2 : character and dialogue
an Oxford or cokney accent may have resonant associations with a particular class or by implication with a particular character- type.
there is a current argument that the novel is dying for want of a firm fabric of social manners speak
in Woman in love DH Lawrrence gives this speech to Birkin :
”right down the slopes of generation- mystic , universal degeneration . there are many stages of pure degradation to go through : agelong . we live on long after our death , and , progressively , in progressive devolution .” the rythms and vocabulary of that speech are poetic , stylized . but Lawrence was reaching toward an operatic where characters are formal mouthpieces for sentiments and ideas larger themselves.
we do not speak as we think . the language we speak is a deceptive index to what we feel.
some of Hemingway’s short stories catch the indirectness of speech . in “Hills Like white elephants” a man and a girl are waiting at a railway station . she is going away to have an abortion . the thing is never mentioned by name and we graduallly infer what is going on.
the writer has to choose between dialogue that conveys a complex argument directly and dialogue that is dramatically accurate.
accuracy for its own sake does not produce fine dialogue
we ask the writer to use dialogue as a medium and not as an end for itself
in the meal scenes in “Goodbye Columbus’ , Roth further emphasizes the alien quality of the characters’ world by refusing to supply us with explanatory detail . The banality of their conversation has to stand on its own and we are immersed in a family of strangers making jokes we don’t altogether understand.



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Characters  and manners : 
the  study  of  culture covers  the  more  ambiguous  literary concept  of  Manners . it  should   include  a relevant  distinctive  feature  of  the particular society portrayed in  the  novel .
if  a  character  must assert  himself as an individual he mut  transcend  his  culture . conversly , some characters in fiction  are  so "culture-bound  that they never become  individuals  in their   own right  . characters  may  be  most  subject to  their  culture  when they  thought  they  have  reached  a pinnacle  of individuality.
the  existence  of  a body of  manners  enables  the  novelist  to place  his  characters in  a social setting without  telling us  any more of the characters . when  Henry james  begins  The Europeans he sketches the  refinement  of  a sophisticated man and  woman staying  in the  best  hotel  at Boston. it  is important   that  at  this  stage  we  see nothing more  of the characters than their  social milieu . they  are generalized figures representative  of  a class and culture 
the portrait  of  a woman is  established  solely on  details of  fashion . We  are  initiated  into a cosmopolitan culture  of  the 1870s.
in the Garrick year Margaret Drabble paints  an  acid  portrait of  a  theatre company in which  the  actor's  tribal  behaviour dominates  the  novel.
J D Salinger  chronicles the  manners of  teenagers , college students  and the young affluent middlle-class .his  novel Catcher in the Rye  works  as exact  registers of the time , catching speech mannerisms . He  recreates in his work the surface of campus  and appartment  life.
when  contemporary  english  novelits exploit  the  manners of  our  own time , they  turn  most  characteristically  toward  small-scale institutions with  their  professional rituals  and  codes of conduct.
in portrait of Liddie from The group by Mc carthy , Libby  is  cast almost  entirely within the  mould of her culture . she is  a stereotype , romantically committed  to the  sidelines of  litterature , conventionally ambitious.
Libbie is  a model of social adjustment and  a perfect  product  of  her class. 
Mc carthy  wields  a double-edged blade when  she  deals  with  the Harper's  affair . for  Libbie as a prototypical middle-brow easily accepts  the  glamor of this conventionally sophisticated magazine while  the  rest of  her classmates  affect  to  scorn  it  . Wether  their  scorn or  Libbie's  ingenuous  reverence is  most  at   fault is  a matter of ambiguity.
the  whole  tone of  the narration  echoes the  student  idiom of  the  group . she  strikes  a consistent tone of nineteen  thirties  chic using  the  slang  and  syntax  of  fashionable gossip-columns of the period with  their  racy , if now , faded  elegance.
figures  of  speech  have  a facetious  pedantry  about  them "Lo and behold "
the  total effect  of  the language  of  the passage is to  evoke  a  sense of  strained informality . the  special adjectives and  phrases  are  an integral part of the  group's  system of  manners; they  set  the  trademark of  fashionabilty on whatever they describe.
a major  aspect of  modern culture has  been catalogued   with  deadly accuracy. 
as  a novelist of  manners , Miss mc Carthy manages  to touch the  pulse of the  dominant social class of  her  time.


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Character and symbolism :
Faulkner in Light in August invites us to view his hero as a Christ figure crucified by the vigilance and prejudice of a world he cannot escape.
where christian symbolism is ethically committed , symbolism is derived from classical mythology is “ethically neutral “.
beneath James joyce’s Ulysses runs the subtext of Homer’s Odyssey
Carl jung formulated the concept of “archetypal myth” in which he maintained that images of birth , growth represented by natural figures were historically represented in the man’s mind . the circle . the life-cycle of the plant , the movement of the sea represent in Jungian terms unconscious human urges . the great mythological stories could be explained as expressions of a collective , supra-rational impulse . The resurrection could be identified with pagan rebirth myths.
in the Centaur by Iris murdoch , the question is : does the weight of importance miss Murdoch attaches to her symbolic framework stifle her characters ? do they live as believable people? or as pawns of symbolism ?
one of the fundamental problems of the contemporary writer : how far can he afford to control his characters ?



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character and location:

the visual quality of a passage may extend beyond images . A cinematographic effect is thus achieved
“I saw him lying with his head upon his arm as I often saw him lie at school “
Cinema effects are used to by-pass the lengthy descriptions and discourses .
We are seeing characters and actions ,not only thinking about them
A high proportion of American novelists earned their livings by producing film scripts- Hemingway , Scott Fitzgerald . se also the Dear park ‘ de Norman mailer
The novel of short scenes linked by visual dissolves’ is characteristic of the nineteen-twenties .
Nathanael West’s ‘ the day of the locust ‘ llike USA’ of DOS Passos is a series of short scenes juxtaposed against one another . the location if Hollywood , with its jumble of architectural scenes , the mock-chinese pagodas set against mock-Tudor pagodas. Is used by West to validate his exploration of the artificial lives of the characters.
The consistency of the novel is maintained by the unity of location
The treatment of characters in silent films , where everything has to be sketched in visual terms , to imitate the effects of cinema and bypass the lengthy descriptions and deductions of discursive narrative.
Writers like Theodore Dreiser , William Faulkner , Scott Fitzgerald wrote film scripts and transferred their technical skills to fiction.
“the deer park” by Norman Mailer applied the visual technique of Hollywood
The scene of the tower
Every shift in emotional balance , every change in attitude is corroborated by the tangible world of objects and landscapes.
Character and location are attuned to one another.
The description of the tower sketches what look like a landscape without figures.
But an attentive reading reveals that every detail of the setting illuminates mrs Armitage’s state of mind . the sense of height , of being above the world , of enclosure within bricks and glass, of the obscurity enforced by mist and rain , and the apparent dislocation from the ground and drifting birds offer an exact image of human dislocation.
She is not painting a “generalized’ mood picture so much as giving us a precise rendering of a real place with real details.
The crispness of her description of the birds , ‘like burnt paper ‘ allow us no doubts as to the actuality of the tower.
The speculative tone of most of the second paragraph stays anchored to the reality of the physical presence of the tower .
”the high tower ,rising like a lighthouse in a sea of mist , was accessible to reality.”
“in that statement the two tones of abstract speculation and litteral description , subtly fuse .
By the third paragraph the theme of speculation has been stretched to include human identity as well as space and time
Mrs Armitage is cut off from a sense of the “actuality of people’s lives “
The tall , proud tower and the crushed life inside it make a dissonant pair .
Interplay between character and setting .
How successfully does mrs Mortimer correlate the visual and metaphysical elements in this scene ?



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Character and submerged form
A freewheeling hero
The matchmaking from “The magic barrel “ from Malamud
Malamud has erected a moral framework in the form of a fairy tale which constrasts with the actual working out of the story.
Ideal vs real
“his voice , his lips , his wisp of beard , his bony fingers were animated , but give him a moment of repose and his mild blue eyes revealed a depth of sadness …
Formal , mannered tone of a storyteller
That address to the reader in the subjunctive (‘give him a moment of repose’) belongs properly to an oral rather than written tradition of narrative .
Technique of stylization : a cartoon figure
Realistic vein
Further the fairy tale texture is overlaid by realism
”he now observed the round white moon as it moved through a cloud menagerie ‘
The fanciful surrealist image of the cloud lifts the narrative straight out of gutter realism
The pragmatism of Leo’s motive is at odds with the romantic fantasy of the lonely-prince situation.
Money and family connections are foremost.
Malamud’s realism achieves point and perspective is juxtaposed against romantic setting.
The two main literary styles correlate with the real subject of the story . romance and expediency are twin contrasted ways of marriage.
Malamud has intricately balanced his two forms against one another .



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chap 3 : Style and fiction
The language of fiction
If we are to describe the dialogue :
Mimetic function
Its place within the internal structure of the work ( what function does it perform in the narrative ? )
The language of the novel is dynamic in structure , geared toward the development of the narrative.
Can one discern a personal mannerism or traditional rhetorical system at work in the text ?
Is there any tendency for the language ( by the use of deviant structures , opposition or the use of repetition ) to draw our attention to the text as linguistic object ?
A sequence of deliberate clichés
Debased rhetorical system : balanced antithesis , platitudinous metaphors , (‘a hush fell over the crowd “)
His imagination finds its deepest expression in clichés . he is defined by his tawdry provincial surroundings .
Elegiac tone
Social overtone of langage
Registers in the language of fiction
The novelist may borrow the language of any situation , however formal or informal and use it in fiction.
The language register of business stands for a cheapening of the quality of private life.
A phrase like “marketing and media’ has limited implication in ordinary usage but carry its full range of associations in literature , usually taboo .
Much of Richardson’s style lies in its capacity to imitate the tone and style of his characters.
Writers can shift from grandiose heroic style to colloquial register.
His language is deliberately flat to the point of banality, catching the inflexions of the speaking voice .
“the awful sense that they are not quite the same “
And our school chum killed in a distant war
Is not surprised to see us at his door “



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Etude de la nouvelle:

La nouvelle est un reflet plus ou moins deforme de son eoque
Toute analyse littteraire ne peut se passer d’outils et fit appel a des concepts .
Pour reprendre les trois niveaux d’un texte litteraire:
Ces sgnifiants sont
-d’ordre linguistique –paradigme / syntagme; enonce /enonciation; signifiant/signifie;
/ apparition de la linguistique de l’enonciation /de la pragmatique des textes
-d’ordre narratologique: focalisation , discours; recit /histoire; temps du recit temps de l,histoire
-d’ordre poetique: travail du signifiant , psychanalyse
Il s’agit de forger sa propre methodologie a partir de theories existantes:
Il n’est plus possible de croire a l’a-theorisme de la critique littraire qui elle aussi a subi la rupture epistemologique , caracteristique de la modernite
Le lecteur critique soumet ses concepts a l’epreuve du texte et non l’inverse; par exemple il ne s’agit pas de montrer ce qu’est un narrateur heterodiegetique mais de voir quelle est la strategie du texte
Eviter la derive mecaniste
Une bonne explication doit rendre compte de la specificite du texte sans imposer une grille toute faite;
Pour cela faire fonctionner une ou seux methodologies en tablant sur le bon sens du lecteur

       La specificite du  texte Au  cœur  de la  nouvelle se  trouve  une  tension  Le  sujet  ecrivain  force  le  langage  a   dire plus L’axe  syntagmatique  est  soumis  a davantage  de pression  que  l’axe paradigmatique Le  but  du  texte  de la  nouvelle  est  moins  de  representer  la  realite   que  de  créer  une  realite d’un autre ordre Le commentaire doit  rendre  compte  de  la  facon  dont le  travail  du  signifiant intervient  dans la  representation  de  la  realite Role  d’artefact  du   texte  litteraire  Le texte  ltteraire deconstruit la  langue  de  la  communication pour produire u  sens  cache Jacques  Derrida definit  bien le  mode  definition  du  texte;  un  texte n’est  un  texte  que  s’il  cache au  premier  regard  la  loi  de sa  composition , et  la regle  du  jeu . Strategie  d’indirection ,  de  detournement  C’est  Alain Robbe-Grillet  qui apporte des elements de reponse a cette question Pour  lui «un texte n’est pas le  devoilement  progressif  d’une verite .  c’est l’ouverture d’une liberte «. Pour  roland Barthes  le  texte  est  une  structure  dynamique  qui  echappe  a la cloture  du  sens . le  texte  ne  devoile  pas  une  verite  exterieure  L’auteur   profite  de ‘infinie  combinatoire  des  elements de la  langue . la  narrativite , le  lexique  L’autonomie  relative du  signifiant  garantit  une autonomie  au  texte . La  liberte  du  lecteur consiste  a  choisir  parmi la pluralite des modalites  du travail du   signifiant celles  qui  lui parlent le plus  pour  batir  son  commmentaire Montrer dans  le  commentaire  comment  le travail  du  signifiant  entre  en  conflit avec  la  linearite   du discours du  recit  Le  lecteur  se pose  la question  de la  production du  sens  et  est   libere  des  pistes  interpretatives  comme dans  le  roman policier  . [  Un  texte  est un artefact  qui  fonctionne a  trois  niveaux: linguistique , narratif  et   poetique  Le  sujet  utilise  des  modalites complexes   d’ecriture ,  d’encodage qui  en  determinent la  valeur  litteraire  ,  artistique ou  esthetique  Le  sujet  laisse  libre  a  l’autonomie  de  la  langue  dans  son  propre  discours afin  de  produire  un  supplement  de  sens  dont  il  ne   s’apercevoit  pas  lui-meme  les  implications  Le texte  de  fiction  produit par  retardement  des  effets  de  sens   Le  texte  litteraire  produit lui-meme  une  illusion de  realite –«l’illusion  referentielle –probleme  de  la  «mimesis  -l’univers  de  la  diegese,  ( de  l’histoire  ,  des    personnages ) -l’univers  de  la  realite – le  hors-texte  Le  but  est  de  créer  une  realite  d’un  autre  ordre  Le  commentaire  doit rendre  compte  du   travail  signifiant (  sauf  les textes  post-modernes  qui  mettent  en  avant la  dimension artificielle   du   language ) La  partie diegetique  peut  etre  traite  dans la  partie consacree au  contenu   thematique  Deconstruction  de  la  langue  litteraire   au profit d’une construction  plus  litteraire , plus  dense ]

Pour Roland Barthes le texte est une structure dynamique qui echappe a la cloture du sens .
Commenter une nouvelle revient a rendre compte de l’experience du poetique: travail du signifiant , donc du paradigme .-ce n’est pas autre chose que ce qui rentre en conflit avec la linearite du discours (fonde sur le syntagme.
Palimpseste: fonctionnement inconscient du texte
le fonctionnement linguistique
La signifiance permet l’existence du texte litteraire – un enonce qui ne s’arrete pas au sens litteral
La signifiance est le travail du signifiant –qui est une sorte d’encodage complexe qui utilise les proprites multiples du language afin dde produire une pluralite de sens avec un minimum de signifiant’
Le principe asssociatif est a l’œuvre dans le cas du paradigme
Le fonctionnement poetique fait rejaillir d’autres possibillites de sens qui fait paser du litteral au litteraire

Le fonctionnement narratif
Il fait appel a des strategies narratives
On appelle par la les diverses modalites d’encodage – narratif , cette fois –au moyen desquelles l’instance narrative choisit de rapporter les evenements de la diegese , ou dfe construire son recit .
Il faut abandonner le vieux mythe de l’inspiration . selon Vladimir Propp (1895-1970)
Choisir parmi les mulyiples combinatoires possibles:
La progression narrative s’opere a partir de certains choix –afin de determiner qui voit , qui parle , dans quel ordre les evenements sont racontes
Il convient de distinguer deux notions litteraires qui relevent de la nature du texte litteraire:
- l’oppsition entre histoire et discours
-Entre enonce et enonciation
La distinction entre signifiant et signifie correspond la distinction entre histoire et discours
Enonce = structure linguistique finie - par exemple le texte de la nouvelle .
Enonciation = acte par lequel l’auteur construit cet enonce . il est d’ordre pragmatique . c’est l’acte d’actualisation d’un enonce
Narrateur homodiegetique vs heterodiegetique
Dans la nouvelle «i am rather an elderly man»est une phrase simple ( sujet + verbe + copule + attribut ) tandis que l’instance narrative I qui prend la parole pour la proferer produit un act d’enonciation .
Le terme diegese releve du cadre spatio-temporel comme ce qui releve de l’action
Ce qui mediatise le rapport entre histoire et discours du recit n’est autre que l’acte d’enonciation , qui prend la forme de narration
Le debut in media res n’est autre que la marque du debut du recit ( discours ) alors que l’histoire elle a déjà commence . le recit peut commencer alors que l’incident a déjà eu lieu
Ce que le critique appelle une fin ouverte est une facon de dire que le discours du recit se termine tandis que l’histoire continue
C’est dans le domaine de la temporalite que l’articulation des trois nivewaux textuels: histoire , discours du recit et narration permet des jeux strategiques:
A la suite de Gerard Genette , distinguer story time ou temps de la diegese et discourse time qui correspond a l’espace textuel
-analepse et prolepse
Discordances en matiere de duree: pause , ellipse , sommaire .
Pas d’acceleration ou ralentissement du recit
Dans la pause le temps de l’histoire est inferieur au temps du recit alors que dans le summary c’est l’inverse
Dans l’ellipse le temps est egal a zero
Distinguer aussi:
Recit singulatif
Recit itratif
Une des modalites importantes de la strategie narrative est la focalistion
Si c’est l’instance narrative qui parle , qui narrre , elle peut adopter le point de vue du personnage –sans que le discours du recit le marque
Certaines formes du discours narratif brouille les reperes enonciatifs:
Cas du discours Discours indirect libre qui est un procede litteraire: il consiste a rendre compte des discours d’un personnage dans son propre idiolecte tou en adoptant la fiction d’un narrateur a la troisieme personne
La voix e la doxa: le discours dominant de la societe
Un aspect important de la strategie narrative est la constuction du personnage
Role des actants: adjuvant … etc
Mais le reperage actanciel ne constitue pas un commentaire litteraire – c’est ramener a une matrice unique .
Le commentaire peut faire apparaitre les aspects thematiques puis les diverses modalites mises en jeu qui peuvent etre d’ordre moral ,social , politique , religieux , psychanalytique , esthetique , metalitteraire
Saisir jeux de mots , allusions , refernces intellectuelles , references a des textes canoniques de4 la littérature anglo-saxonne
Le schema actanciel se decline suivant les motifs narratifs recurrents parmi lesquels on peu t distinguer
-le parcours initiatique
-la circularite
-le retour au point de depart
Qui peuvent conduire a des situations classiques de revelation ( climax –anticlimax )
-l’initiation , la naissance et la renaissance

Ce sont la des modalites narratives frequentes

Le texte est un phenomene de textualite
-L’etoilement du sens: indice de litteralite
Presentation materielle du signifiant:
Alternance de passages narratifs et de passages dialogues: tout decoupage du texte est déjà une mise en perspective; une contrainte imposee au lecteur
Fragmentation du recit peut representer metaphoriquement l’eclatement d’une vie
Retour au passe par la mémoire; anamnese
Le signifiant dans sa materialite graphique et sonore peut créer des effets de sens: paronomase –fonction poetique: recherche du plaisir
Les reseaux isotopiques
L’isotopie est un champ lexical au second degre , ce qui federe l’ensemble des signifiants en un un theme unique; par exemple le theme de la naissance
Role de l’incipit « a slip-up» peut inviter a une lecture freudienne
Les figure de style:
Modalite du double jeu: ex: ironie
Metaphore et metonymie:
Intetextualite et reflexivite
La notion de reflexivite signifie que le texte fait refence a ses propres modalites d’ecriture

Comment lire?
Lire c’est reperer tous les effets de sens produits par le travail du signifiant ( jeux de mots , langage code , allusions , images , citation ) pour les rattacher a une idee directrice
Le but de cette ide directrice est de construire une hypothese interpretative appelle probblematique
Faire apparaitre les reseaux isotopiques qui structurent le texte pour lui donner une cohernce isotopique autre que celle du semantisme de surface: le litteral .
C’est en d’autres termes rendre compte de tous les exemples de polysemie qui structurent le texte .
-Une lecture pour les strategies narratives
- une lecture pour le reperage des isotopies
-une autre pour les figures de style
Il convient de pallier la part contraignante a la lecture de type mecaniste en lui menageant un espace de liberte , d’ouverture interpretative

Le fonctionnement psychanalytique du texte
L’articulation des structures langagieres ala structure narrative produit des effets de sens symboliques qui constituent la litterarite sym bolique
Le but de l’œuvre n’est pas de produire un message ideologique , mais de communiquer une emotion esthetique
La notion d’inconscient du texte:
Remise en question de la notion de maitrise de l’ecriture .
Cela revient a placer l’auteur hors du jeu de la construction du sens et oblige le lecteur a ne se fier qu’aux reseaux d’isotopies qui structurent le texte
Pour Lacan , l’inconscienr est ce chapitre du moi qui est censure
L’ecriture du texte est un processus dynamique: lieu ou s’entrecroisent le paradigmatique et le syntagmatique

Themes  de  la  psychanalyse:
Compulsion  de  repetition
Stade  du  miroir 
Travail  du  deuil 
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style as outlook
the writer betrays by his style his own ultimate concern
to be conscious is to know something . language is the medium by which we are conscious
writing as discovery , a way of knowing
I ) style as outlook
style and audience
writing is a social act
how to relate to your audience
detailing :
when you generalize from a body of details , you are using what logicians call induction
thus you survey the lawn and note its details : iris , peonies , poppies , myrtle , verbena , roses ; then you frame a generalization : the impression of loveliness and amplitude
writers have mastered the inductive process : they don’t tell us that their characters are virtuous or wicked . they present the actual living details which present the character’s nature.
cohering :
young children are said to experience life as a series of unconnected events ; only the moment counts
naive structures :
the hedges and walls block off visitors ; they would give way to long ascending drives and walks ; the arching elms would frame both temple and sky.

original :
because the hedges and walls block off visitors , they would give way to long ascending drives and walks under the arching elms which would frame both temple and sky
anything you do in linking your material enters into this element of coherence
selective principles at work in a decription to convey a feeling
Sinclair contrasts the shockng violence oof catle slaughter wits systematic procedure
other example : police subduing a mob
abstract impersonality which creates the tone of understatement ( man , men ) in opposition to more specific , more dramatic treatment .
parody uses any device to throw into relief tthe target qualities of the original.



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Description :
Time order
space order
a special use of the comparison pattern is the analogy whereby an event is likened to a more familiar , more vivid one.
thus the flood could be dramatized as monster running amok down the valley
the contrast pattern can develop two opposing impressions of an event.
it opens with a general statement then provides amplifying particulars
coherence and non-coherence
the stream of consciousness fragment
the relation of message and audience is a dynamic one : it can shift
cant vocabulary : paroles creuses : “sincerity” , “uniquely her own” , “awareness” , “inner peace” and so forth :
here the language conveys fake sentimentality
the writer who deals in such signals as the real thing should be urged to practice discrimination which can open their language to powerful feeling
stock characters ( often called stereotypes) often constitute a kind of shorthand for bypassing the complexities of personality : minorities , family life
purpose : satirize common foibles , to help define the central character
a utility vcabulary of superlatives can be tapped to boost the general assertiveness.
ironic assertion :
the sentimentalist over-urges the reader to feel emotion
many good writers simply alllow the reader , without urging to infer emotion from detail carefully choosen
the ironist counter-urges in such a way as to draw the reader into active collaboration toward the desired response.
ironic assertion:
the departure of his only sweet Birdene left Chauncey in aching desolation . he wept bitter salt tears throughout the dull harassing duties of each day
note the assertive language (“aching desolation” , “dull harassing duties”) and the stock romantic detail (“bitter salt tears”)
ironic :
Birdene’s departure was troublesome enough , but Chauncey thanked the heaven a hundred times daily that he also had duties that kept him from thinking him.
This version says one thing while actually it says the opposite
Birdene’s departure is a mere mishap
Apparently Chauncey is happy but actually he is wretched
Irony : assertion pointing in one direction together with some signal to the reader that the real sense lies in another . thanks to the tip-off , the reader becomes the writer’s partner.
The truth of an assertion runs counter to its appearance.
Another example :
“Conscience is the inner voice that warns us that someone may be looking” Mencken
The tip-off is the sudden collapse of tone into the vulgar consideration that “someone may be looking “
The moral assertion is based on grubby principles
The writer can use irony as a sustained strategy of indirect attack
The finest irony is plausible and coherent at surface level
Some disparity enough to ignite and feed the reader’s suspicions of a second level of meaning.
The disparity may occur between tone and subject.
“ I was anxious to see the great men of Europe ; for I have read in the works of many philosophers , that all animals degenerated in America , and man among the number… in this idea I was confirmed , by observing the comparative importance and swelling magntitude of many English travelers , among us , who , I was assured , were very little people in their country.
The real theme that –that English travelers are often inflated with conceit
Suspicion is awakened – the signal comes in strong with Irving’s citing “observing the comparative importance and swelling magntitude of many English travelers , among us , who , I was assured , were very little people in their country”
The real thing that English travelers are often inflated with conceit fits the signal more clearly than the strained notion of the New world deteroriation.
Dramatic irony



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how to write fiction

start with what comes to mind first
start putting one after another and keep going
the secret of good writing is rewriting
asking questions
CHAPTER 1 : how to shape yor ideas into effective paragraphs :
one indispensable quality is substance : it must hold the reader’s attention
the topic sentence is the first sentence of the paragraph : you must then give specific evidence to support your idea , and then offer a related idea ( it may be the contrary ) . the development is from the general to the particular , then to the general
the topical sentence can also be at the end of the paragraph as a way of conclusion
the parts of a paragraph must fit together
if it is describing a place , it can move from a general view to significant details , or from immediately striking details to some less obvious , perhaps more important ones .it may move from near to far or from far to near
if it is explaining it can move from cause to effect , or from past to present
if it is arguing it can move from a conclusion to a supprting evidence , or it may give for instance an anecdote that illustrates the argument
another main point is coherence ; it can be achieved by repeating key words
because transitions establish connections between points , they contribute to coherence . here are some of the most common transititional words . they are cues that alert the reader to what follows
1 amplification and likeness
similarly , likewise , and also , again , in addition , furthermore , morever , finally
2 emphasis
chiefly , equally , indeed
3 Contrast or concession
on the other hand , by contrast , however , still , doubtless , granted that , conversely , admittedly
4 Consequence
as a result , hence
5 restatement
in short , that is , in other words
6 Conclusion
finally , therefore , thus

the opening paragraph
one such paragraph moves from a rather broad view to a narrower one , a common version offers some background and concludes wit the subject at hand
the concluding paragrqph
try to say something interesting
it rounds out the previous discussion with a few sentences that summarize , but it also draws an inference that has not previously been expressed . to draw an inference is to see the previous material in a fresh perspective
a good concluding paragraph closes the issue while enriching it
end from some idea at the begining of your essay and bring it full circle
end with an allusion , say , to a mythological figure , or event , putting our topic in a larger framework
chapter 2 : fine-tuning sentences :
A ) revising for conciseness
wordy :
however it must be remembered that Ruth’s marriage could have positive effects on Noami’s situation
concise :
Ruth’s marriage , however will also provide security for Noami
for the vague “positive effects” , and “situation” , specific words communicating a precise point have been substituted.
wordy “
the economic situation of Miss Moody was also a crucial factor in the formation of her character
concise :
Anne Moody’s poverty also helped to form her character
words like : quite , rather , completely , definitely and so on can be struck from a sentence without loss :
it was a rather{ fatuous} statement
both films deal with disasters {virtually} beyond our control
avoid using intensifiers with unique
empty conclusions :
in both Orwell’s and Baldwin’s essays the feeling of white supremacy is important .( why is white supremacy important ?)
concise :
both Orwell and Baldwin trace the insidious consequences of white supremacy
wordy :
the scene is taking place at night before the Capitol
concise :
the scene takes place at night before the Capitol
the rule is , whenever you can , replace a form of the verb to be with a stronger verb :
To be : stronger verb :
is taking take
are indications indicate
is reflective of reflects
redudancy :
in “Araby” , the boy feels alienated { emotionally }
alleged suspects
emotions and feelings
negative constructions are sometimes wordy and pretentious
housing for married students is not unworthy of consideration
housing for married students is worth considering
avoid subordination
wordy :
George Orwell is the pen name of Eric Blair who was an english writer
concise :
George Orwell is the pen name of Eric Blair , an english writer
they are seated at a table which is covered with a patched and tattered cloth
they are seated at a tale covered with a patched and tattered cloth
B ) revising for clarity :
connotation :
avoid cliche such as ivory tower
finally the long-awaited day arrived
first and foremost
the acid test
slowly but surely
incoherence :
Ruth’s devotion to Noami is rewarded by marrying Boz ( does devotion marry Boz)
Ruth’s marriage to Boz rewards her devotion
misplace modifiers :
put it near
Orwell shot the elephant under pressured circumstance
Orwell , under pressure , shot the elephant
reference of pronouns :
when sheriff Johnson was on a horse , he was a big man
when he was on a horse sheriff johnson was a big man
ambiguous references of pronouns :
her mother died when she was eighteen
general rule : put togeter what belongs together
Daru learned that he must take an arab to hail against his will
Daru learned ,against his will , that he must take an arab to hail
words like surely , it is noteworthy may become habitual . if they don’t help your readers to follow your thoughts , they are prose additives

clarity and sentence structure :
make the structure of your sentence reflect the structure of your thought :
i will accept if nominated , and serve if elected
fascist art glorifies slander . it exalts mindlessness , it glamorizes death.
C ) revising fo emphasis :
a word or a phrase may be emphasized if it appears at an unusual place.
the end is usually more emphatic :
the essay is brief but informative
the essay is informative but brief
the rule : it really makes sense to put the important point near the end lest the sentence becomes anticlimatic .
although i could not read its six hundred pages , i never willingly put it down
i never willingly put it down although i could not read its six hundred pages
the second sentence straggles away from the real point - that the book was interesting.
anticlimactic :
besides not owning themselves , women also could not own property
women could not own property , in fact they did not own themselves
the common anticlimaxes are produced by weak qualifiers put beside an interesting statement in my opinion , it seems to me , in general the rule :
try to bury dull but necessry qualifiers in the middle of the sentence :
anticlimactic :
poodles are smart but they are no smarter than pigs , i have read
poodles are smart but , i have read , they are no smarter than pigs
subordination :
make sure that the less important element is subordinated to the more important
Theo provided money and Van Gogh painted at Arles
the two clauses are of equal importance
if the author had wanted to emphasize Theo , and to deemphasize Van Gogh , he might have written :
while Van Gogh painted at Arles ,Theo provided the money



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Chapter three : acquiring style
a writer’s style is a composite of his attitude toward the subject and toward the reader
“there are so many books on dying that there are now special shelves set aside for them in bookstores along with the health-diet and the sex manuals .
these additional words tell a great deal about Thomas’ attitude toward his subject - he suggests that such books are faddish and vulgar
another example :
some of them are so packed with detailed information , you’d think this was a new sort of skill which each of us are now required to learn. Cambridge journal of economics
Thomas conveys his commmon sense view that these books are a bit pretentious . we are hearing his voice

chapter four : Analytical thinking
analysis is a way of arriving at conclusions , or discovering how conclusions were arrived at.
analytical thinking requires classifying into categories and seeing how these categories relate to each other:
by subject matter
by degree of difficulty
cause and effect
ways of organizing an essay devoting to a comparison :
let’s say you are comparing the narrator in Hucklebery Finn and in Catcher in the Rye
one thing you can do is to split rather than to lump together
1 ) first similarity
B ) Holden
2 ) second similarity ( the corrupt world surrounding the narrator )
A ) society in Huckleberry Finn
B ) society in the Catcher in the Rye
3 ) First differences ( degree to which the narrator fulfills his quest and escapes from society )
A ) Huck’s plan to light out at the frontier
B) Holden’s breakdown

Here is another way of splitting :
1 ) first point : the narrator and his quest
A ) similarities between Huck and Holden
B ) differences between Huck and Holden
2 ) second point : the corrupt world
A ) similarities
B) differences
3 ) third point : degrees of success
A ) similarities between Huck and Holden
B) differences between Huck and Holden
the final version should not duplicate the thought processes ; rather it should be organized as to make the point clearly and effectively


Chapter five : narrating , describing , defining , persuading ( 70 pp )
describing :
the main point is organization , the translation of our chaotic impressions into orderly structures
limiting the impression to what is sensed at the moment imposes some order
our description must have some patterns : from general to particular , from near to far
describing an action :
strictly speaking , description is static
description can be interwoven with narration by the account of passing time
good description frequently shows us a person performing somme action
for example , if you want to sugest a person’s height and weight , it’s much more interesting to show him manoeuvering throug a turnstile.
the description can be animated by our identification with the observer - a small child watching the man who waits intently for the woman who is his mother . In a portrait , the description can be filled with physical presence , or inner life.
description and analysis :
it can be analytical , we share the reader’s thoughts
defining :
a definition can be inclusive / exclusive
persuading :
persuasive writing relies chiefly on reasoning (rather than on an appeal to emotions ) that is usually called argument
what distinguishes explanation from argument is that , in argument , some statements are offered as reasons for another statements - reasons that convince by their validity.
use of parallel construction
claims of fact assume that something is or was
claims of value concern what is right or wrong -it may be expression of taste-appeal to standards.
you will turn up plenty of evidence to illustrate your argument
examples will provide concreteness , otherwise your essay will be abstract
you must keep in mind your audience . a second example may be a clincher
avoid obvious errors in resoning called fallacies - citing a wrong authority
begging the question : death penalty should be abolished / you , like a begger is asking to grant you something at the outset.
circular reasoning : I feel sympathy for her because I identify with her : restatement
in addtion to using some argument , the writer aso uses wit in the form of irony.
wry understatement is typical : “ I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else who I knew so well “
the method of organizing arguments :
begin with the background , then set forth the thesis, statement and then work from the simplest argument to the most complex.
after that arrange your arguments in order of increasing strength

Chapter six : The Research essay ( 70 pp )
telling stories is at the core of our being human
we are unfettered from the constraints of time , space or obligation
we turn a measure of control over to the writer
story means the deepest meaning of a tale while plot refers to the events and characters that fulfill the story.
a situation can become a plot when you have someone with a problem.
will you carry away some nugget of realization or learning ?


ow to write fiction

most stories have two levels : the external plot events and the internal character need
the antagonist is the protagonist’s equal
antagonists have typically less consistence
minor characters are not typically granted a point of view
story structure
a series of incidents strung together is called episodic structure
a story with a plot has a dramatic structure
fiction structured dramatically targets one primary problem
the climax is the resolution of the problem
nothing motivates the protagonistt much as an unquenchable need rooted in suffering that originates in the past.
the message is the story’s theme
it is the bedrock of fiction
passion , or depth of feelinng
prominent sense of humor
“thinly veiled autobiography : the author projectss his thoughts onto the character
but fiction is a selective representation of reality
your character must show their humanity -emotion- : the reader empathizes with the character’s lonelinesss , self-hatred and helplessness I want him to have a turn of fate for the better
“immutable truth “ vs “transitional truth “
characters are “complex beings” : physical description , environment factors , emotional or psychological traits
the character’s choice of words create suspense or lower it
physical description
how people look : physical body , dress , mannerisms
avoid making a list which shows the hand of the writer and is dubbed “author’s intrusion “ ; your description must be colored by the attitude of the point of view character
characters as ‘fresh and original”
without their “color you have a bland amost list-like description
the author’s attitude for example, his visceral reaction before the character may be conveyed : Moldowsky’s upper lip curled, exposing the small and pointy dentition of a lesser primate
it adds what is referred to as edge . edge means potential or implied conflict and conflicts means suspense.
tags are visible markers of characteriztion: an obese , orchid-tending genius , with a compulsion for food . assign gestures or body language : a flick of the wrist , the nervous tapping toe
use facial expressions pouting lips , arching eyebrows
show a tag for beverage preferences : pretzel on the morning
speech tags :”sweety”
describe characters as soon as they entered a scene from the first time
add to the description in subsequent scenes
intermixing description with your characters’ thoughts
make descriptions reflect characters’ subjective point of view vs reporting robot-like demeanor
risk of author’s intrusion
sociological or environmental factors
geograpphy or neighbourhood , social class , ethnicity ,political beliefs and affiliation ,
relationship data : parents , living or dead , lovers
cultural value may or may not match social class: a garbage collector may love opera
emotional and psychological traits
look for psychological disorders ; the protagonist’s fears serve to break his Scharwzenegger’s steorotype and render him vulnerablle in an appealing way.
moody or manic? how often does your character “cycle” and what are the external triggers to a plunge downward and a surge upward ?
even heroic characters can have patterns that contribute to their dimensionality.
- some characters can gain depths by development of a personality character
neurotic fear of death driving to murder
phobias : fear of crowds , or open places


chapter two : mapping
mapping involves an overlying structure for your novel as well as working out the intricacies of plot within that larger structure.
after presenting classic three-part or five-part structure ,we will briefly outline other story structures : vignette /slice of life story ; epistolary , picaresque ; parallel plot , frame story ; circular structure.
the most basic form of all story is a three-step structure ; situation , compilation , resolution
the short story features one central conflict
vignette / slice of life story
elements of story structure :
epiphany or realization
the vignette centers on the author’s exploration of an idea instead of a character. others convey an atmosphere or mood and omits plot , theme and depth of characterization .they are often open-endded
“the color purple”
the reader is in a position of a voyeur
the picaresque features a protagonist with “ a general intention” that propels him forward
the primary motive of the trail ride seems to be Gus’boredom in Larry’s Mc Murry “lonesome dove”
the theme is adventure . what lends unity and coherence is a single theme
the double plot
frame stories

chapter three : heroes and heroines
in his academic studies of myth . Campbell recognizes a universal pattern called an archetype
the heroic quest archetype
the story is down-to-earth rather than complex
Brody is an outsider who does not belong
many novels begin with the call to adventure .it is termed in media res
the sea is out of Brodie’s comfort zone
words such as feminine and masculine are defined in psychological ways meaning the inner receptive and dynamic aspect of the self and not as adjectives in the vernacular meaning the way someone acts and appears
the descent is characterized as a journey to the is often precipitated by a life- changing loss
the fear that accompanies loss is followed by the falling away of the perimeters of a known role. she experiences a loss of identity
winning means inner growth rather than outer achievements
in fact , many novels of women’s fiction both mainstream and litterary seems to display an inner journey as the story arc rather than an outer journey
a woman moves down into the depths to reclaim the parts of herself that split off when she rejected the mother and shattered the mirror of the feminine ( according to jungian-based archetypes) she searches for an identity in a masculine-defined culture.
2 identifiction with the masculine
she becomes addicted to perfection
3 The Road of trials
she challenges the role of feminine inferiority, dependancy and romantic love
4 the illusory boon of success
5 the initiation and descent to the Goddess
she feels spiritually arid
a period of drawing inward and recollecting the lost pieces of herself
6 urgent yearning to reconnect with the feminine
7 healing the mother/daughter split /schism
9 finding the inner man with heart
10 beyond duality
the secret marriage occurs as she learns to integrate all aspects of her self


chapter Four : the beginning
narrative hooks : you must create suspense
a viewpoint reveals a character’s feelings. you can’t pull punches and hid information that it would be natural to share .
the narrrator may not be the protagonist such as Nick in the Great Gatsby
an omniscient opening of geography and setting can work for an historical novel orienting the reader to time and place . these openings must hook the reader’s attention . what is at stake?
characters locked in conflict
inciting incident relayed in the viewpoint of the protagonist
vicarious experience of being out of time and place
the presentation of setting may be atmosphere
the window may be the frame of the character’s inner sight.
the”window” is a potent symbol of the portal between one reality and another
finding when in the continuum of time to begin your story
avoid coincidence and cliches

chapter five : deepening your character
using “you“ to describe events that you have not been party to.
psychiatrist Carl Jung coined the term “archetype” to represent primordial images that are held in what he termed “collective unconscious” ex : the ruler , the servant , the father.
an archetypal approach to the hero and the hero’s journey can help map the structure of the story
nature itself may be a character _ the marlin in the old man and the sea
deus ex machina is the phrase originating with the Greeks to describe the intervention of heaven , god in the affairs of humans
the partner or sidekick is indispensable :
to create a love-bond that could be threatened by the antagonist to raise the stakes of the story
to be a sounding board or mentor for the protagonist
sparks of conflict increase the underlying bond
villains and antagonists should not be two-dimensional
in horse latitudes , the writer Robert Ferrigno elicits the reader’s sympathy by making the anti-heroes care for each other . they are so inept at killing the victim that the victim has to coach them how to finish the deed
run-of-the-mill criminal whose goals are diametrically opposed to that of the protagonist
minor and neutral characters and their interactions add color and comedy


chapter six : mapping
timeline for writing a book : two months for research , including characterization worksheets , two months for writing the first draft
- scene is conflict . a story arc defines the sweep of events from begining to end
- a character arc defines character’s change of greath over time
- subtext contains the unspoken intentions , reactions that are often unplannned by the character.
the tension beneath the surface can be sexual inuendo
everyone looking just happy can be
a bunch of kids muggging for the camera
novels need many events of high dramatic intensity . otherwise, an emotional monotony will reduce overall suspense.
the image of a slope or hill captures the buildup of difficulty that periodically culminates in a high point only to build up toward a higher intensity scene , until reaching the highest one.
these high points -wether crises or triumphal scenes are variously called set-pieces-ex : deaths , weddings-
they serve to alter the course of the protagonist’s quest by highliting their weak points
foreshadowing is more effective than surprise where the reader’s emotion follow an event rather than build toward it.
preview the set-piece :
create a scene or interaction that mimics the set-piece in its content , style or emotions. for instance , in a romance a first touch previews a first kiss , or a first kiss previews a first love-making . or if a character will die , show him as beeing threatened
contrast the set-piece :
in a scene , create a contrasting tone , or event from what is coming next , this step sets out a reversal which set the set-piece stand out. even more . for instance , if your hero plans to propose in the next scene , perhaps he and his beloved can have a full-blown argument
the set-piece :
greater impact is achieved by setting details , describing the emotional reactions of the character to the unfolding events
make sure you make out the shifting emotional truths , or reveal their partial realization of truth about their inner yearning and its relation to the wound from their past . the story goal remains unchanged and you may even show a greater urgency to reach it
a sandstorm or a lightning the day before can heighten the danger
every fiction writer strives to orient the reader in time and place . yet another skill is knowing how to write about time and place


chapter 8 : narration and visuals : settings , description ,imagery
the visual sense in readers is primary . as writers , we are the reader’s eyes . through the mind’s eye , the reader connects with emotions and realize an event’s symbolic meaning
specifity in description is achived by an original perspective
impact of the visuals - grass frozen hard , clouded over , through use of sensory details.
using the imagery of similes , and metaphors and building the symbolic power of your descriptions, adds artistic value and emotional power to your writing
most writers undewrite when it comes to imagery
movement can be created through action in coordination with unanswered questions ( rhetorical questions, mvt of the passage)
questions create movement because the reader must read on to get answers
“ someone carried it , delivered it here . the sickness , a behaviour that looked foreign to her rigid , wagon-tongue demeanor .her words took flight too . Mary watched her striding back and forth between the wagon and the fire , thought to interrupt , but lacked sureness”.
locate the dramatic tension in the subtext : in the sister’s unusual demeanor , in the unpredictable image of heat lightning and in mary’s uncertainty while watching the sister’s pace
narration means what is told , it includes telling about the character ,
the axiom of effective fictional writing “show , don’t tell “
instead of character’s driven , the scene may become author driven.
make a description spring from the character’s point-of-view
one of the way to tell well is to couple the emotion with action , seting , imagery , movement
Kirlpatrick wrote “ a woman , -a pretty woman -held the horse by its halter. Tipton felt her chest tighten .
the reader’s own body will register the emotions conveyed by “chest tighten”
show the emotion as a physical reaction
i’ve italicized the told emotion below:
so much was worrisome. she triedvnot to think as she walked . but there was the river , the Missouri , ( setting). wide and gorged with rain , it was worth worrying over (image, subtext , danger ) people said lightning fire could race (setting , action) across the prairie and leave nothing but charred remains of wagons and people (strong image) . she could worry over that and over the Sioux ) too who could steal and kill (action) stragglers who just harassed (strong image) she’d heard tales of messages left by travellers scraped onto human skulls , warning of the dangers of sickness ahead (strong image , action) . everything was worrisome if she was honest . her mouth got dry with the thinking. (showing emotion)
in this skillful writing , notice how character-driven and character-filltered narrartion makes it not seem like telling at all . also notice how implied movements from active verbs lend the feeling of showing to telling , which includes narration about ideas , attitudes and past events :
she had dreamed of making this journey together. except for the first day out there has been little to dream about. (ideas narrated) , just long hours of riding , walking ,and sometimes just waiting while Tyell was pounding on iron to repair the wheels (past events with movements from active verbs)
pace :
in the world of fiction , time is anything but the mirror of reality
the write controls the rate of sped of the events
dialogue speeds pace , narration slows pace
short sentences vs long sentences
no movement stalls pace
increased pace heightens the drama
faster pace increasess tension
faster pace plus danger or conflict increases suspense
dialogue :
at its most basic , dialogue should reflect or deepen characterization and advance plot
it’s twelve forty , think you can pull it off “
use a lexicon that belongs to that character alone
lower class diction , often reflective of less education , has its roots in anglo-saxon origins .the sex words are short , punchy and direct in meaning and emotion .ex ; “kill the bastard “help me . i’ve got time
upper -class diction makes use of words from latin origin , with suffixes like ion ; pretension , erudition
do lace dialogue with emotional tension , such as ; you didn’t … i’m sorrry I didn’t mean to
do weave in action , conflict , character reaction between es of dialogue


chapter nine : endings

the character may have a blind spot about their own complicity in the difficulties :
‘if i’ve accepted the the help I was offered , not letting my pig-headed independance get in the way , I wouldn’t been in this pickle .
fully develop the climactic confrontation between protagonist and antagonist one of the most popular ending is the epiphany . this means that the character “comes to realize” something important about self or life he gains perspective on his life
other possibilities for the tone of ending is various forms of humor ; the ironic twist , the good-natured joke, the reversal of the expected , and the inconclusive ending that leaves the reader guessing

chapter 10 : problems of characterization : structure , technique and style
flat , boring characters
passive characters whose actions are not bound by conflicts i.e a character who can walk away from the situation
insufficient relationship, chemistry , contrast between characters
increase the relatedness of your character and you can raise the level of emotions . you are building a microcosm , a tiny universe .
insufficient character chemistry can stem from underdevelopment of characterization , or failures to think in terms of opposites or contrast , goals at cross-purposes to one another
psychic distance refers to the visual and emotive distance between characters
the point of view hovers or borders on omniscient
an unanchored viewpoint supplies only what the character sees .you must include other visceral sensations (sounds , taste ,smell , taste ), emotions as displayed by physical reactions thoughts , references to the past
dramatic tension : create a crescendo of tension
subplots must intersect and be related to the main plot
throw them off balance in the world , push them out of their comfort zones
slow pace may stem from failure to create movement within the text through the use of active imagery and through raising questions and from the use of passive verbs : looked like , appeared , was
for instance :
“he grabbed the binoculars , and saw the Suzy K host its sail , heading back to port “
read the revision :
“he grabbed the binoculars .he peered over the cresting waves . there he saw her and strained to make out the boat’s name. the Suzie-K -but why was she hoisting its sail?
each sentence leaves the reader asking questions that lead to the next sentence and the next
use short sentences to speed pace in case of a danger
flashbacks steer the reader’s atttention to the back story
scene plays too slowly . dramatic tension is high : use foreshadowing of conflicts : if you show a character in a scene hiding a knife , before the guards drag him into the shade , the reader will experience a sense of heightened pace . he will read more quickly
narration provides context for action . as the story unfolds , the reader becomes more involved . they welcome background about characters , exploration of motives and clues
description : pair phrases of physical description with emotions
use active verbs to convey the idea of movement within the narration .Monica Wood calls this method “show-tell” in her book “description” :
“the dust on the gravel had just enough energy to drift on a short distance and then collapse on the flower-beds” . the sun had a white cast
conclusion :
can your novel pass this test ?
is your novel plotted dramatically , not episodically?
fill out worksheets of character traits and determine which archetypes or metaphors underlie their deepest motivations ?
dynamic characters : do you reveal an unresolved problem from your protagonist’s past that is activated by the plot?
do you constantly raise questions in the mind of your reader
articulate theme with characterization and plot.