PHONOLOGY Graphophonemics Flashcards
Silent consonants I
initial consonant silent
knack , gnaw, psycology, wrist wreck, whole special case : heir, honest, honor, hour Who whole whore Wreath wreck wring wrist White wrong
Final consonant silent
bomb, climb, comb, tomb dumb
autumn, column, condemn, damn
-penultimate consonant silent align resign , psalm, benign foreign , calm and notice salmon /sæmən / Paradigm align reign Calm palm Calf half calm Salmon Yolk folk
other words in which a consonant is silent : < b > debt, doubt, subtle indict, muscle , victuals <p> coup, corps aisle, isle, isle island viscount castle whistle answer sword
B ) in other cases of derivation , silent consonants are pronounced in derived words : Final < b > or < n > Bomb bombard Autumn autumnal Condemn condemnation Damn damnable damnation Hymn hymnal Solemn solemnize Penultimate < g> Diaphragm diaphragmatic Muscle muscular
Some phonetic process
Linking /r/
Word final is pronounced when preceding a vowel
-intrusive /r/ (optional )
R sound between two vowels
Syllabic consonants
When the sonorants /l, n / and occasionally /m/ and /r/ are preceded by /ə/ in weak syllables , the schwa usually drops out and the consonants become syllabic i-e receive the pulse of the syllable
-sudden / sʌdn /
-preference /pref rəns /
Verb and noun inflections
(e) d is pronounced
/Id/ after an alveolar consonant = / t, d / waited mended
/t / after a voiceless consonant :
Looked , marked , jumped
/d/ elsewhere i.e after vowels and voiced consonants
Begged , tried
(e)s is pronounced
-/IZ/ after a sibilant ( = s,z,ʃ,ʒ,tʃ,dʒ )
Horses, Agnes’s
-/s/ after a voiceless consonant : cats, looks
/z/ elsewhere, ie after vowels, and voiced consonants ; dogs , shows
The pronunciation of
The basic pronunciation of is /s/ which can be found word-initially , word finally, or in word medial position , before and after an unvoiced consonant
Soft, chaos, despair, test
However is pronounced /z/ in the following cases :
In medial position
a ) Before voiced consonants ( including syllabic consonants ) : baptism, criticism , mesmerize , husband
But : the prefixes –dis- dys- -mis are more often than not realized with /s/
Disgust, dismay, misgiving , mismanage, misinform ,misinterpret
b) between either a vowel or the consonants /l,r,m,n/ + the endings or
busy clumsy visor
c) after the inseparable suffixes –pre – de -re when followed by a vowel :
presume, resign , desire
-in word-final position :
After voiced consonants :
lens, measles
in < Vse# > endings ( with a fair number of exceptions ) : amuse, noise, phrase, tease
a certain number of words have /z/ when used as verbs, /s/ when used as noun adjectives : close , house , use
In / endings, when is pronounced / ɪ: / : series, species
< z > before < V r (C ) >, < ible >, < it> : usurp, visible , posit
Basic pronunciation of vowels in SBE
Each orthographic vowel has a basic checked ( short) value , and a basic fre ( long ) value.
Example for the letter < a> ;*
Each value, free or checked has a r modified version
Example for the letter <a>:*</a>
Each vowel , therefore, has four basic values which are represented in the following table :
Basic pronunciation in SBE
</a><a> Rat / æ / Car /ɑ: /</a>
< e> Fern /ɜ: /
<i> Fir / ɜ: /
Nor / ɔ: /
<u> Fur / ɜ: /</u></i>
Pet / e / <i> Sit /ɪ / Not / ɒ / <u> Tub /ʌ /
Three vowels , <a>, < i> have an additional free value</a>
English value
< a > / eɪ / rate
< e > / ɪ: / these
< i > / ɑɪ / site</a></u></i></u></i></a>
Checked value : / æ/ as in , < bat >, , < manual >
Free ( ‘alphabetic ‘ ) value : /eɪ / as in , , , < table >,
Checked value + : /ɑ / as in , ,cart > ,starry >
Free value + : /eə/ as in , , , < scary >
checked free
v v+r v v+r
<a> Rate /eɪ /</a>
These / ɪ: / < i, iy > Site / ɑɪ / < o > Note /əʊ / < u > Tube / (j)u:
< a > Rare / eə /
< e > Mere / ɪə /
< i, iy > Fire / ɑɪə /
< o > More / ɔ: /
< u > Pure / (j)ʊə /
Foreign value
/ ɑ: / armada, banana,
bra , karate, promenade, mirage , tomato
/ eɪ / deity peseta / i: / bikini , machine , martini ,mosquito , police</a>
The values of vowels in stressed syllables
The checked value of vowel is used : when the vowel is followed by one final consonant ( - C # ) :
bit , but…
when the vowel is followed by two consonants, final or non final (-CC ) : bottom , bitter
- when the vowel is the third last syllable or before ( Luick rule ) : , < e> , < i >, < o > are checked, but not <u>, see below.</u>
family, delicate, physical, operate
exceptions : unscrupulous
before a single consonant followed by < u > , the stressed vowel , except < u >, will be checked
(‘V-uC,< u > )
manual, ingenuous, ambiguous, innocuous… But exceptions : unusual…
The free value of a vowel is used
-when the vowel is followed by one consonant + < e >
pale, Pete, pile, pole, rule
Note that the vowel remains free if there is only an < l > or an < r > between the consonant and the < e > : table, acre, metre, ogre, bugle…
when the vowel is final :
be, go, true
-when the vowel is followed by a vowel in another syllable
chaos heroic, society, ingenuity, mahem
when the vowel is followed by certain ION endings, ( _ C(r)i / eV ), except < i > :
nation, region, potion, usual
but beware vicious
- when followed by a single non-final consonant, < u > is always free ( _ C( r ) V ) :
musical, funeral, curious
The vowel A
REMINDER ( GENERAL RULE ) <a> + CC ~ / æ / HAPPY</a>
However the stressed vowel </a><a> has its free value in the following contexts, even though it is followed by a consonantt cluster each time</a>
subrule 1 </a><a> + ,ste> ~ /eɪ /
</a><a> + < age > ~ / eɪ /</a>
haste, taste, waste
arrange, danger , change
range, strange
sub-rule 2 : </a><a> + + l/t/d/s/k > ~ / ɔ: /</a>
ball , bald, halt. talk, false
but notice < a > ~ æ / : ( general rule in shall )
sub-rule 3 : </a><a> + + m /f > ~ /ɑ: /
NB : l is silent</a>
calf, almond , half, calm
But compare salmon ˈsæmən and almost / ˈɔ:lməust
sub-rule 4 : predicative lengthening / ‘ask’ words
</a><a> +voiceless fricative - /s /, / f / or /θ / ~ /ɑ: /</a>
after , brass, , cast
ask, giraffe
bath, staff path
notice also : father, rather
sub-rule 5 < a . + n/m + C ~ / ɑ: /
branch, lance, chance
But notice < a > ~ /æ / ( General Rule ) :
band , clamber , gland, hand , stand
sub-rule 6 : < w> + </a><a> ~ / ɒ /
< w > + < ar> ~ / ɔ: /</a>
after < w > the vowel /æ / as in “fan” becomes /ɒ / as in “wan”, and after , < w > and before < r > the vowel < ɑ: / as in “car” becomes / ɔ: / as in “war”
wallet, wander , want, , was
war, ward, warm, warn
ware, wart, swarm , swarthy
But notice </a><a> ~ / æ / ( general rule ) before velar consonants. ( k,x, g, c )
wax wag wangle twang quack</a>
Cf also swam /æ / and water / ɔ: /
The vowel < A > :Exceptions
a > ~ / e /
any, many, Thames , ate , also reg. /eɪ /
The vowel < e >
Reminder ( General Rule ) < e > + CC ~ / e / BELL
< e > + < r > + C / / ~ / ɜ: / FERN
the stressed vowel < e > has no sub-rules
the following examples are all exceptions :
The vowel < E > : exceptions
~ / ɪ /
England, pretty, women, lenient ? / i: /
< e > + < r > C ~ / ɑ: / ( in British English
clerk , sergeant
The Vowel < ɪ >
Reminder ( general Rule ) < i > + CC ~ / ɪ / RING
However the stressed vowel < I > has its free value in the following contexts, even though it is followed by a consonant cluster each time :
sub-rule : < I > + < gn > ( e ) > ~ / aɪ /
< I > + gh ( t ) ~ / aɪ /
< I > + < nd > ~ / aɪ /
design , sign, malign, resigned
fight, flight, high , light
behind, , blind , find , kind
pint ( # mint )
Notice : child # children
mild # mildew
wild # wilderness
isle island
climb ( # limb )
wind : ( general rule )
The vowel O
Reminder ( general Rule ) < o > + CC ~ / ɒ / SHOPPING
However the stressed vowel < o > has its free value in the following contexts , even though it is followed by a consonant cluster each time ;
sub-rule 1 : , o > + < l > C ~ / əʊ /
poll, roll , toll
bold, cold, fold
bolt, colt,
yolk, folk
sub-rule 2 : < w + < o > + < r > ~ / ɜ: /
After < w . and before < r > the vowel / ɔ: / as in “cord” becomes / ɜ: / as in “word”
word, work, world, worm, worth
But notice , o > / ɔ: / in :
worn , sworn, sword
sub-rule 3 : < o > + voiced fricative + V
~ checked vowel ( th, Z , U ) = fricative )
disyllabic stressed 10 usually has free vowel before a single consonant .
however, if the stressed vowel < o > ( and this also applies to < a, e, i > is followed by a voice fricative , written < th , z , u > + < er > , < y > < el > or < en >
eg river, clever, then a checked vowel is normally found in the case of opaque derivation.
The vowel < o > often, though not always corresponds to / ʌ / but notice “ hover’, “novel”, “bottom” ( checked < o > = / ɒ /
this does not apply to transparent derivation, where derivation clearly accounts for the three value of the vowel e.g.. “rove” > “rover” free value əʊ “driver”
< o > ~ / ʌ / in the following :
above, brother, (re) cover, covert, dozen
govern , mother, other, oven , shovel
slovenly, smother, , covetous
But notice : “over”, “clover” with opaque derivation yet a free vowel ( < o > ~ / əʊ / is considered an exception .
The vowel < o > exception
< o > + CC ~ / əʊ /
ghost, host, most, post, both
But notice the following are regular ( ~ / ɒ / : cost , lost, brothel , cloth , moth
~ / ʌ /
The following examples are all exceptions , either because / ʌ / is an unpredictable checked vowel in these contexts, or before the context would normally require a free value
before , < m >
accompany, accomplice, accomplish
become, comely, comfort, company
discomfort, pommel, stomach
II. Before < n >
affront, among, conjurer, , done, effrontery
front, frontier, honey, monetary, month
none,, one, son , sponge, tongue
won, wonder, london , monday
But notice , < o > ~ / əʊ / in : won’t, don’t
III. ~ / ʌ / also in clot, does , dost, dove
glove, love, nothing, worry , thorough
~ / u: /
lose, move , prove, two
who, whose, whom
tomb, womb
notice comb ( < o > ~ / əʊ / but bomb ( ~ / ɒ / general rule
< o > ~ / ʊ /
bosom, wolf, woman,
< o > = /I / woman
The vowel , < u >
<u> Reminder , < u > + C # = / ʌ / FUN
< u > + CC = / ʌ / FUNNY</u>
However, in the following contexts, the checked vowel / ʌ / ~ / ʊ /
“PULL” sub-rule :
p/b/f + ll/sh/tch ~ / ʊ /
bull, bullet, bully
bush, butcher,
full, push
Remember rush ( < u > ) ~ / ʌ / follows the general rule
The vowel < u > : exceptions
< u > ~ / ʊ /
cushion, cuckoo, pudding, pulpit
pussy , put, sugar
<u> ~ / ɪ /
busy, business</u>
<u> ~ / e /
vowels + stress-imposing endings
1 Stressed vowel + O consonant + ending
The vowel always has its free value
archa # ic soci # ety hero # ic
/ eɪ / /aɪ/ / əʊ /
2 stressed vowel + 2 consonants + ending
The vowel always has its checked value
fra CT ion mille NN mum my ST ify ru S Tic
/ æ / /e / / ɪ / /ʌ /
3 ‘ U + C + V Rule
the stressed vowel < u > , followed by a single consonant , or C + < R > Has its free value :
< U > ~ / ( j ) u: /
music cupid nudity mutilate unify crucify putrid
stressed vowels and endings in other contexts
stressed vowels + 1 consonant + ending
Before _ION _ IAN _ IAL _ etc ( the extended ION rule ) , stressed vowels , except , < I > have their free value :
‘ V + C + ION , etc
<a> < u > are free < i > is checked</a>
</a><a> < ɪ > < o > < u >
/ eɪ / / i: / / ɪ / / əʊ / / ju: /</a>
nation legion delicious atrocious peculiar
maniac lenient opinion colonial union
Exceptions :
national /æ / ration /æ / rational / æ /
discretion / e / precious / e / special /e/
Before the following endings, stressed vowels, except the stressed vowel < u > , have their checked value :
‘V + C+ ending
</a><a> < i > are checked</a>
< a > < e > < i > < o >
/ æ / / e / / ɪ > / ɒ >
panic phonetic clinic logic, symbolic
exceptions ;
base ———z— basic
/ eɪ /
- ID - IT
< a > < e > < i > < o >
/ æ / /e / / ɪ / / ɒ /
valid intrepid insipid solid
inhabit credit implicit vomit
< a > < e > < i > < o >
/ æ / /e / / ɪ / / ɒ /
modality sincerity trinity majority
audacity heredity cupidity authority
< a > < e > < i > < o >
/ æ / /e / / ɪ / / ɒ /
navigate generate participate accomodate
< a > < e > < i > < o >
/ æ / /e / / ɪ / / ɒ /
clarify specify solidify modify
- Endings beginning with < u >
< a > < e > < i > < o >
/ æ / /e / / ɪ / / ɒ /
casual strenuous residual innocuous
ISH ( all stressed vowels have their checked value )
< a > < e > < i > < o > < u >
/ æ / /e / / ɪ / / ɒ / / ʌ /
banish blemish finish polish punish
NB : before the neutral adjectival suffix - ISH , the vowel remains free
mule ~ mulish / ju: /
except in Spain /eɪ / spanish /æ /
The rule concerning the endings i + C Any vowel ( except < u > ) preceding these endings takes its checked value :
/ æ / /e / / ɪ / / ɒ /
- ic panic hermetic cynic frolic
- id rabid tepid insipid solid
- it habit credit exhibit vomit
- ish vanish replenish diminish abolish
this can be extended to cover other non-suffixed dissyllabic words stressed on the first syllable and ending in
i + one consonant
cabin cretin denim Philip
/ æ / / e / / e / / ɪ /
in a number of other dissyllabic words stressed on the first syllable , the stressed vowel followed by one consonant , a vowel and, optionally , certain final consonants, takes its checked value.
( l ) checked : ‘ V + C + V + ( r ) ( t )
panel metal river comet
level body
/ æ / /e / / ɪ / / ɒ /
Examples of stressed vowels modified by stress-imposing endings
<a> ~ / eɪ / / æ / < e > ~ / i: / / e /
grateful gratitude compete competitive
profane profanity extreme extremity
state static serene serenity</a>
< i > / aɪ / ~ / ɪ / < o > ~ / əʊ / / ɒ /
divide division provoke provocative
divine divinity sole solitude
sublime sublimity tone tonic
Digraphs : general rules
basic values of most common digraphs < aɪ > ~ /eɪ / ~ /eɪ / saint mail pain day Taylor
~ / ɔ: /
< aw > ~ / ɔ: /
Paul caught daughter
law yawn Shaw
~ / i: / ~ / i: / < ie > ~ / i: / feet leave veal feel knee thief
But notice : < ie > becomes /eɪ / after < c >
deceive receive
~ / (j)u:/
< ew > ~ / (j)u:/
feud neutral pseudo-
brew few new
~ / əʊ /
~ / əʊ /
boat road hoax
doe roe toe
~ / ɔɪ >
< oy > ~ / ɔɪ >
coin noise toil
boy royal toy
< oo > ~ / u:/
food cartoon root
< ou > ~ / aʊ /
< ow / ~ / aʊ /
round sound shout
brown cow now
Digraphs : secondary values and exceptions
The digraphs and < AY >
Exceptions :
< aɪ > ~ /e /
said says
The digraph < EA >
secondary value
~ / e /
bread dead head lead meadow ready peasant pheasant leather heather zealous cleanse sweat realm treachery
Exceptions :
~ / eɪ /
break great steak
Reagan Seamus Yeats
The digraph
secondary value :
< oo > + ~ / ʊ /
book look cook took rook exceptions : < oo > ~ / ~ / ʊ / in other contexts good hood stood wood foot soot wool room But notice : food mood < oo > ~ / u: / General rule
~ / ʌ /
blood flood
The Digraph < oo >
secondary values :
< ou > + + ( C ) ~ / əʊ /
boulder soul poultry shoulder soul
< ou > ~/ u: / ( the foreign value for
soup coup rouge route
routine souvenir wound youth
+ < ble / ple > ~ / ʌ /
couple trouble double
exceptions : ~ / ʌ / in other contexts
country courage cousin flourish nourish Southern
touch young youngster
~ / ʊ /
could should would
The digraph < ow >
~ /əʊ /
bestow blow borrow bowl burrow
crow fellow follow flow glow
know low owe row show snow
The digraph < ough >
secondary value :
< ough > + ~ / ɔ: /
bought fought ought
thought wrought
but notice: drought / draʊt /
exceptions :
< ough > ~ / aʊ /
bough plough slough
< ough > ~ / əʊ /
dough though although
< ough > ~ /ʌf /
enough rough slough (2) tough
< ough > ~ / ɒf /
cough trough
< ough > ~ / u:/
brougham through
< ough > ~ / ʌp /
hiccough ( + hiccup ) ‘hɪkʌp
< ough > ~ /ə /
borough thorough
Digraphs + < R >
The Digraph < AI >
Reminder ( general rule ) < aɪ > ~ / eɪ /
< aɪ > + < r > ~ / eə /
air Blair cairn fair hair
lair pair stair
The Digraph < EA >
Reminder ( general rule ) < ea > ~ / i: /
< ea . + < r > ~ / ɪə /
ear fear gear hear near
rear tear year
+ ~ / eə /
bear pear tear swear
+ < r > + C ~ / ɜ: /
earl early earn heard learnt
pearl search year
The digraph < EE >
Reminder ( general rule ) ~ / i: /
< ee > + < r > ~ / ɪe /
beer cheer deer peer
The digraph < oa >
Reminder ( general rule : ~ /əʊ /
< oa > + < r > ~ / ɔ: /
board coarse roar soar
The Digraph < oo >
Reminder ( general rule ) < oo > ~ / u: /
< oo > + < r > ~ / ʊə /
boor moor poor
+ < r > ~ / ɔ: /
door floor
The digraph < ou >
Reminder ( general rule ) ~ / aʊ / or / u: /
+ < r > ~ / aʊə /
flour hour our sour
+ < r > / ʊə /
bourgeois dour tour tourist
< ou > + < r > / ɔ: /
course court fourth mourn pour source your (s)
Exceptions :
< ou > + < r > / ɜ: /
bourbon courtesy journal journey
Adjective rule < ED > = / ID / Most frequent adjectives pronounced with /ID / Accursed Aged Beloved Crabbed . his crabbed handwriting Naked . the naked truth Ragged . a ragged cloth /the orchestra gave a ragged performance Rugged . his rugged features / his rugged good look Sacred Wicked Wretched Remark : Beloved Attributive ( = Adj ) / bɪ'lʌvɪd / His beloved wife has died Predicative ( = v ) / bɪ'lʌvd / Beloved by many friends NB : not all past participles systematically take the pronunciation / ɪd / eg cracked ( window ) , baked caved in ( roof ) , paved , canned , cogged where the pronunciation is / -t / or / -d / These examples suggest that the noun they are attached to function as the object of the verb
Compound adjectives pronounced with / ɪd / Cold-blooded Four-footed Hard-hearted Three-legged
Adverbs pronounced with / ɪd /
Absorbed # absorbedly
Marked # markedly
Decided # decidedly
In non-compound forms, unstressed syllables are regular pronounced with a weak vowel.:
Reduction is rare in compounds (BUT necklace ,cupboard) and-in learned compounds of the type A+B (democrat # democracy )
The strong vowels / e / , / eɪ /, / i: / (and / ɪ / ) will often reduce to / ɪ / / i / or
The strong vowels /ʊ /, / u: / will often reduce to /ʊ /or [u ]
The weak vowels /ʊ / and / ɪ / are only found in checked syllables (followed by a consonant).
The weak, non-phonemic vowels [u ] and / ɪ / are only found at the end of a word, or when by a vowel.
There are, however, a certain number of exceptions. These concern, essentially, the first and last syllables :
1st syllable :
The first vowel reduces if it is followed by one consonant (or two identical consonants), or if it belongs to an inseparable prefix which ends in one consonant.
VCV -> reduced : a’nalysis, necessity
VC+CV (prefix + stem) -> reduced confusion, per’vasive
VCC -> NOT reduced : spon’taneous, trans’parent
• Digraphs, <u>, and quite often, < i > do NOT reduce : au'thentic, stupidity, divergence • Separable prefixes do NOT reduce : unequal, amoral
• The vowel does not reduce when immediately followed by a stressed vowel in the following: aorta, chaotic
Last syllable :
• Disyllables with a stressed inseparable prefix do NOT usually reduce on the stem survey, transfer.
• The suffix —ise : antagonise, generalise BUT practise, promise
• The verbal suffix —ate : hesitate, delegate (t private, senate, considerate)
• More generally, final VCe# will usually retain a strong vowel, except for -ace, -age, -ure, -ice, -ive and non-verbal —ate iodine, missile, methane, benzene, Thatcherite
• Final < o>, <u> (and occasionally <i>) : potato, embargo, guru, menu, alibi, alumni
• Final , , , : climax, apex, cataract, cobalt BUT difficult
• Digraphs in final syllables will often not reduce, except —ain, -eign - ous — -our and -ey :
follow, tabloid, nephew, venue, cuckoo. N.B. Monday /eɪ / # Monday / i / morning.