Visceral Innervation Flashcards
Neurons in visceral motor pathway
. Pre-ganglionic neuron and post-ganglionic neuron
Pre-ganglionic neuronal cell bodies for visceral motor
. Located in ventro-lateral horns at specific spinal cord levels
. T1-L2 levels for sympathetic neurons
. S2-4 levels for parasympathetic neurons
Preganglionic visceral motor fibers/axons
. Ventral roots
Post-ganglionic neuronal cell bodies for visceral motor nerves
. Autonomic ganglia outside CNS
Parasympathetic division
. Conserve energy and promote normal function
. Localized target and effects
. Both pre and post-ganglionic neurons release neurotransmittter Ach (cholinergic)
. Cell bodies of pre-ganglionic neurons in gray matter of brain stem (vagus) and sacral spinal cord segments (S2-4, craniosacral outflow)
Sympathetic division
. Prepare fight/flight
. Multiple targets and board effects
. Pre-ganglionic neurons release Ach and post-ganglionic neurons release NE(adrenergic)
. Cell bodies of pre-ganglionic neurons in gray matter of thoracic and lumbar spinal cord segments (T1-L3, thoracolumbar outtflow)
Enteric division
. Intrinsic innervation of GI tract located w/in GI walls
.2 complex and interconnected plexuses (meissner and Auerbach)
. 3rd ANS division or parasympathetic component
. Neurons capable of autonomous generation of peristalsis and glandular secretions
. Neurons receive input from parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions
Parasympathetic pre-ganglionic cell body locations
. Brainstorm nuclei assoc. w/ cranial nerve III, VII, IX, and X
. Ventro-lateral horns of gray matter in sacral spinal cord segments S2-4
Route of pre-ganglionic axons coursing in vagus nerve
. In thorax: pre-ganglionic fibers join pulmonary,cardiac, and esophageal autonomic plexuses to distribute to terminal ganglia in walls of lungs, heart, and esophagus
. Esophageal plexus coalesces into ant. And post. Vagal trunks that continue into abdominal cavity
.abdomen: pre-ganglionic fibers (vagal trunks) enter autonomic plexuses assoc. w/ abdominal aorta and branches
. Continues along blood vessels to terminal ganglia in wall of stomach, liver, pancreas, SI, and ascending and transverse colon
Autonomic plexuses
. Bundles of sympathetic, parasympathetic, and visceral sensory fibers coursing to/form common structures
. Named for structures they supply or where they’re located
Route of pre-ganglionic axons/fibers arising in sacral spinal cord segments
. Pre-ganglionic fibers exit S2-4 via ventral roots, spinal nerve proper, and ventral rami
. Branch from ventral rami as pelvic splanchnic nn. That pass to inf. Hypogastric plexuses ain’t hen to sub-plexus specific to pelvic viscera
. Post-ganglion cell bodies: near or w/in walls of target organs
. Post-ganglionic neurons have short axons compared to post-ganglionic sympathetic neurons
T/F There is no parasympathetic n. Distribution to limbs or body wall
T, only supply viscera of head, neck, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis
Splanchnic nerves
. Convey visceral motor and sensory fibers to and from viscera
. Can be parasympathetic or sympathetic
Pre-ganglionic cell body location in sympathetic division
. . Ventro-lateral horns of gray matter is spinal cord segments T1-L2/3 only
Post-ganglionic cell bodies in sympathetic division
. Chain ganglia (paravertebral ganglia): linked by sympathetic fibers to form sympathetic trunks/chains that run along spinal column
. Pre-vertebral ganglia: abdomen and pelvis along abdominal aorta and branches
Pre-vertebral ganglia
. Celiac ganglion: celiac trunk artery and innervates foregut structures
. Sup. Mesenteric, aorticorenal, and inf. Mesenteric ganglia
Route of pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibers
. Exit spinal cord via ventral roots, spinal nerve proper, and ventral rami
. Split as white rami communicantes and enter sympathetic chain (T1-L2/3 only)
Routes w/in sympathetic chain
. Synapse w/ post-ganglionic neuron in chain ganglion at level of entry or course sup/inf. To synapse w/ post-ganglionic neuron in a chain ganglion at different level
. Pass through chain w/o synapsids and merge from chain as thoracic splanchnic nn (T5-12) or lumbarbsplanchnic nn (L1-3) in abdominal cavity, fibers then synapse in pre-vertebral ganglia
Sacral sympathetic splanchnic nn branch fro, chain in pelvic cavity, but _____
Fibers primarily post-ganglionic
sympathetic post-ganglionic fibers
. Long w high number collateral branches for more diffuse widespread effect
Post-ganglion sympathetic fibers in body wall and limbs
. Exit chain as gray rami communicantes (assoc. w/ all spinal nn.)and re-enter spinal nerve proper
. Course w/ dorsal and ventral rami of spinal nn. To their targets
Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibers in head and neck
. Branch directly from sup. Cervical ganglia
. Course along branches of external carotid a. To their targets
Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibers in thoracic organs
. Heart and lungs: split from lower cervical and upper thoracic chain ganglia as sympathetic cardiac nn. And enter cardiac and pulmonary autonomic plexuses to innervates heart and lungs
. Esophagus: split from thoracic chain ganglia and contributes to esophageal autonomic plexus
Post-ganglionic sympahtetic fibers in abdominopelvic viscera
. Arise from prevertebral ganglia and course along blood vessels and through autonomic plexuses to reach target organs
Visceral sensory fibers
. Course retrograde (toward CNS) w/ sympathetic fibers and through white rami communicantes to spinal nerve
. Moves through dorsal root to CNS
. In pelvis, course w/ parasympathetic fibers
The brain interprets pain as ___
Where is pain referred to?
Areas of body wall that receive somatic innervation from spinal nerves arises from same spinal cord level
Visceral pain fibers for heart arise from ____
T1-T5 spinal cord levels
Somatovisceral sensory fibers coursing w/ spinal nn. From T1-T6 distribute to ___
Upper limb
Skin sympathetic and parasympathetic effects
. S: raises hair, vasoconstriction, sweating
. P: none
Lacrimal/salivary glands sympathetic and parasympathetic effects
. S: dec. secretion
. P: promotes secretion, makes watery
Eyes S and P effects
S: dilates pupils
. P: contracts pupil, contracts ciliary muscle
Heart S and P effects
S: inc. rate and strength of contractions
P: dec. rate and strength of contractions
Lungs S and P effects
S: inhibits parasympathetic effects which results in bronchodilation
P:constricts bronchi
Digestive tract S and P
. S: inhibits peristalsis, vasoconstriction
. P: stimulates peristalsis and secretions of digestive juices
Urinary tract S and P
S: vasoconstriction, constricts internal urethral sphincter
P: inhibits contraction of internal urethral sphincter, contracts detrusor muscle
Genital tract and organs S and P effects
. S: Causes ejaculation, vasoconstriction causes loss of erection
P: produces engorgement of erectile tissues
Suprarenal medulla S and P effects
S: releases adrenaline into blood
P: none
PNS cranial nn. II, VII, and IX site of synapse and target structures
. Site: 4 pairs of head ganglia
. Target: smooth muscle and glands in head
PNS cranial n. X site of synapse and target structures
. Site: ganglia in/near walls of target structures
. Target: smooth and cardiac muscle, glands of viscera in neck , thorax, foregut, and midgut
PNS pelvic splanchnic nn. Sites of synapse and target structures
Site: ganglia on/near walls of target structures
Target: smooth muscle and glands of hindgut and pelvic viscera
SNS spinal cord levels T1-L2 site of synapse and target structures
. Site: sympathetic chain ganglia
. Target: smooth and cardiac muscle, glands of body wall and limbs (1-L2), head (T1-2), and thoracic viscera (T1-5)
SNS thoracic splanchnic nerves (T5-12) site of synapse and target structures
. Site: prevertebral ganglia
. Target: smooth muscle/glands of foregut and midgut
SNS lumbar splanchnic nn. (L1-3) site of synapse and target structure
. Site: prevertebral ganglia
. Target: smooth muscle/glands of hindgut and pelvic viscera