Cranial Nerve Overview Flashcards
Pairs of cranial nn. And spinal nn. In PNS
12 cranial
31 spinal
Somatic component of peripheral nn. System
. Somatic sensory
. Somatic motor
Autonomic component of peripheral nervous system
. Visceral sensory
. Visceral nervous
T/F some cranial nn. Are mixed, and some only do sensory or motor
. Clusters of neuronal cell bodies located w/in CNS
. Cell bodies of motor and sensory neurons of CNS located in nuclei w/in gray matter in brainstem
. Clusters of neuronal cells odies outside of CNS
. Cell bodies of sensory neurons of CNS located in sensory ganglia in select locations throughout the head
Special sensory neurons
. Assoc. w/ special senses: visions, smell, taste, hearing, balance, equilibrium
Special motor neurons
. Assoc. w/ skeletal mm. That form w/in pharyngeal arch apparatus rather than directly from paraxial mesoderm
Cranial nn. In order
I: olfactory II: optic III: oculomotor IV: trochlear V: trigeminal VI: abducens VII: facial VIII: vestibulocochlear IX: glossopharyngeal X: vagus XI: spinal accessory XII: hypoglossal
Cranial nn. That carry only special sensory fibers
. CNI: olfaction from nasal mucosa
. CN II: vision from orbital retina
. CN VIII: hearing from cochlear duct, balance and equilibrium from sensory epithelium in semicircular ducts and vestibule
Cranial nn. That carry only motor fibers
. CN III: somatic and visceral motor, extraocular and intraocular mm.
. CN IV: somatic, extraocular mm.
. CN VI: somatic, extraocular mm.
. XI: somatic, trap, SCM, pharyngeal mm.
. XII: somatic, all intrinsic and most extrinsic tongue mm.
Trigeminal n. Ophthalmic division region supplied
. Somatic sensory
. Upper face: cornea, scalp, forehead, nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses
CN V maxillary division region supplied
. Somatic sensory
. Mid face structures: skin over maxilla, upper lip, maxillary teeth, nasal cavity, maxillary sinuses, palate
CN V mandibular division region supplies
. Somatic sensory to lower face structures (skin over mandible, lower lip, temple, mandibular teeth, TMJ, mucosa of oral cavity and tongue)
. Somatic motor: mm. Of mastication
facial nn. Region supplied
. Somatic sensory : external ear
. Special sense: taste rom ant. 2/3 tongue
. Somatic motor: mm. Of facial expression
. Visceral motor: lacrimal gland, submandibular and sublingual salivaery glands, mucosa of nasal cavity, hard and soft palates
Glossopharyngeal n. Region supplied
. Somatic sensory: post. 1/3 tongue, oropharynx, mucosa of middle ear cavity, auditory tube
. Special sense: Taste from post. 1/3 of tongue
. Visceral sensory: chemoreceptors to carotid body and carotid sinus
. Somatic motor: stylopharyngeus m.
. Visceral motor: parotid gland
Vagus n. Region supplied
. Somatic sensory: external ear, larynx, laryngopahrynx, dura
. Special sense: taste from root of tongue and epiglottis
. Visceral sensory: chemo and baroreceptors to aortic body, esophagus, thoracic, and abdominal viscera
. Somatic motor: palatoglossus m., mm. Of pharynx, larynx, and soft palate
. Visceral motor: mucosa of pharynx and larynx, smooth mm. Of pharynx, larynx, thoracic, and abdominal organs, cardiac mm.