Urinary System Development Flashcards
Urinary and reproductive duct systems develop from ____
Intermediate mesoderm
. Urinary system first,t hen reproductive track later
Urogenital ridges
. Week 3
. Intermediate mesoderm condenses into 2 columns
. Located along dorsal wall do developing thoracoabdominal cavity in surface coelomic epithelium
. Each ridge has nephrogenic ridge and gonadal ridge
Nephrogenic ridge
. Lateral portion of urogenital ridge
. Parts of urinary system and reproductive ducts develop
Gonadal ridge
. Med. portion of urogenital ridges
. Gonads form from this
. Well 3
. Form as few sets of tubules in cervical regions of nephrogenic ridge
. Multiple tubules unite to form pronephric duct that grows caudally and connects to cloaca
. Tubules degenerate in week 4, but duct persists
. Primitive tail-end cavity into which developing intestinal, genital, and urinary tracts open
. Week 4
. In thoracic and lumbar regions of nephrogenic ridges as collection of tubules and clusters of capillaries (glomeruli)
. Larger than pronephroi
. Tubules connect to pronephric duct then matures to be mesonephric duct (Wolffian duct)
. Briefly functional
. Tubules degenerate by week 8, derivatives of duct persist as ureters, part of bladder, and parts of male reproductive tract
. Week 5
. Final definitive kidneys
. Form from ureteric buds and metanephric mesoderm
. Paired ureteric buds branch from caudal mesonephric ducts near cloaca
. Layer of metanephric mesoderm at caudal end of nephrogenic ridge coalesce around ureteric buds and proliferates to become nephrons
. Distal portion of mesonephric ducts form ureter and bladder trigone
Ureteric buds differentiate to form ___
. Renal pelves
. Major and minor calyces
. Collecting ducts of kidneys
Nephron development
. Proximal end of nephron forms Bowman’s capsule
. Middle portion elongates to form proximal and distal convoluted tubules and loop of Henle
. Distal end of each nephron connects to collecting duct
Ascent of kidneys
. Metanephric kidneys migrate from pelvis into upper abdomen as thorax elongates
. Kidneys rotate 90 degrees so hilus faces medially
. As kidney ascends, arterial supply occurs via progressively more cranial branches of aorta
. More caudal vessels involuted as higher vessels take over their duties
Embryonic kidney function
. Metanephric kidneys are fully functional by week 12
. Fetal urine is excreted into amniotic sac which helps maintain amniotic fluid volume
. Fetus swallows amniotic fluid that then absorbs into loud stream and recycles through developing kidneys
Ectopic pelvic kidney
. Occurs when metanephric kidney fails to ascend into upper abdomen
. Kidney is usually fully functioning but is located in pelvic or lower abdominal cavity
Horseshoe kidney
. Occurs when 2 ureteric bud fuse causing single U-shaped kidney
. Lies at L3-5 level
. Normal kidney ascent during embryonic development is prevented as fused kidney is trapped inf. To root of inf. Mesenteric a.
Accessory renal vessels
. Defect in normal development and degeneration of successive aortic branches as kidney ascends
. More inf. Located vessels usually degenerate as sup. Vessels appear, but errors in process result in accessory vessels
Bilateral renal agenesis
. Oligohydraminos due to failure of kidneys to develop
. Results in pulmonary hypoplasia and is fatal w/in few days of birth
In pelvic region, the cloaca is continuous w/ what superiorly and what posteriorly?
. Allantois superiorly
. Hindgut posteriorly
What does cloaca derive from?
Endoderm of primitive gut tube
Cloaca subdivides to provide separate passages for what structures?
Anus and urethra
Urorectal septum
. Week 6
. Wedge of mesoderm tha subdivides cloaca into ant. And post. Portions
. Grows outward to reach body wall where it contributes to perineal body
Anorectal canal
. Post. Portion of subdivided cloaca
. Becomes rectum and anal canal
Urogenital sinus
. Ant. Portion of subdivided cloaca
. Further subdivides into vesicle portion, pelvic portion,and phallic portion
Vesicle portion of urogenital sinus
. Primitive bladder and is continuous w/ allantois
. Epithelium lining bladder from endoderm
. Lamina propria, smooth muscles, and serosa/adventitia from splanchnic mesoderm
Trigone formation of bladder
. Forms from mesonephric ducts
. Become incorporated into post. Wall of bladder lined by endodermal epithelium
. Fibrous cord that arises when allantois degenerates
. Attaches bladder apex to abdominal wall
. Becomes median umbilical ligament
Pelvic portion of urogenital sinus
. Narrow canal
. Forms prostatic and membranous portions of male urethra
Phallic portion of urogenital sinus
. Definitive urogenital sinus
. Develops into penile urethra in males
. Urethra, vaginal vestibule, and inf. 1/3 part of vaginal canal in females
Urethral development by end of month 3
. Epithelium of prostatic urethra in males and urethra in females proliferates and forms outgrowths that penetrate into surrounding visceral mesoderm
. Males: bud to form prostate gland
. Female: buds give rise to paraurethral (SKene’s) glands
Urachal fistula
. Failure of allantois to close
. Forms btw urachus and bladder
. Urine leaks from umbilicus
Urachal cysts
. Isolated portions of allantois may also persist
. Along length of urachus/median umbilical ligament