Arm And Anterior Forearm Flashcards
Organization of upper limb
. Arm (brachium)
. Forearm (antebrachium)
. Wrist (carpus)
. Hand
Brachial fascia
Deep fascia of arm
Antebrachial fascia
Deep fascia of forearm
Medial and lateral intermuscular septa
Extensions of deep fascia that attach to medial and lat. suracondylar ridges of the humerus and shafts of radius and ulna
. Thickenings of antebrachial fascia that attach to distal radius and ulna and carpal bones
. Form osseofibrous tunnels for tendons of the forearm muscles
. Prevents bowstringing
Synovial tendon sheaths
. Thin walled, fibrous sacs lined w/ synovial membrane and lubricated by synovial fluid
. reduce friction and allow tendons to slide smoothly beneath retinacula
Compartments of arm and how they’re separated
. Ant. And post. Compartments separated by shaft of humerus and med. and lat. intermuscular septa
Forearm compartments and how they’re separated
. Ant. And post. Compartments separated by shafts of radius and ulna, interosseous membrane, and the med. and lat. intermuscular septa
Anterior compartments muscles
. Flexors and pronators
. Innervated by nerves derived from ant. Divisions (med/lat cords) or brachial plexus
Posterior compartment arm muscles
. Extensors and supinator
. Innervated by nerved derived from post. Division of brachial plexus
Dermatome distribution in arm
. Distributed along pre and postaxial borders of upper extremity in pattern that reflects limb’s origin in lateral body wall
. Single dermatome supplied by several peripheral nerves and individual named nerves carry fibers from several fiber segments
Autonomous area (zone)
. Region of skin supplied by single spinal nerve w/o any overlap
Myotome distribution
. Along proximodistal axis of extremity . C5-6 supply shoulder . C6-7 supply elbow . C7-8 supply wrist . C8-T1: supply hand
Anconeus OIAN
O: lat. epicondyle of humerus
I: lat. surface of olecranon process of ulna
A: weakly extends forearm and stabilizes elbow joint
N: radial n.
Deep tendon reflex of biceps brachii mediated by —
C5 and C6 spinal levels
Triceps brachii reflex mediated by ___
Anterior component of arm artery
Brachial artery
Posterior compartment of the arm arteries
Branches of profunda brachii a.
Pronator teres m OIAN
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna
I: Lateral radius at midshaft
A: Pronates forearm
N: Median n.
Flexor carpi radialis OIAN
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Base of Metacarpal II
A: Flexes and abducts wrist
N: Median n.
Palmaris longus m. OIAN
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Palmar aponeurosis
A: Weakly flexes wrist
N: Median n.
T/F palmaris longus is missing in over 10% population
Flexor carpi ulnaris OIAN
O: Humeral head—medial epicondyle of humerus
Ulnar head—medial olecranon process, posterior border of ulna
I: Pisiform bone, hook of hamate bone, and base of Metacarpal V
A: Flexes and adducts wrist
N: Ulnar n.
Flexor digitorum superficialis m. OIAN
O: Humeroulnar head: medial epicondyle, coronoid process of ulna, Radial Head: proximal ant. surface of radius
I: By 4 separate tendons to bases of middle phalanges of Digits II-V
A: Flexes PIP, MP, and wrist joints
N: Median n.
Muscles in anterior compartment superficial layer
. Pronator teres . Flexor carpi radialis . Palmaris longus . Flexor carpi ulnaris . Flexor digitorum superficialis
Deep layer muscles of ant. Compartment of the forearm
. Flexor digitorum profundus
. Flexor pollicis longus
. Pronator quadratus
Superficial anterior compartment of forearm vascular supply
Radial and ulnar aa.
Vascular supply of anterior deep compartment of forearm
Anterior interosseous a.
Flexor digitorum profundus m. OIAN
O: Upper three quarters of ulnar shaft and adjacent interosseous membrane I: By 4 separate tendons to bases of distal phalanges of Digits II-V A: Flexes DIP & PIP joints, MP joints, and wrist N: Lateral half (Digits II-III): Median n. Medial half (Digits IV-V): Ulnar n.
Flexor pollicis longus OIAN
O: Anterior radial shaft and adjacent interosseous membrane I: Base of distal phalanx of thumb A: Flexes IP, MP, and carpometacarpal joints of thumb; assists wrist flexion N: Median n.
Pronator quadratus m. OIAN
O: Lower one fourth of ulnar shaft
I: Lower one fourth of radial shaft
A: Pronates forearm
N: Median n.
Cubital fossa
Triangular hollow ant. To elbow
Cubital fossa boundaries
. Sup by a line connecting the med. and lat. epicondyles, med. by the pronator teres m., and lat. by brachioradialis
. Brachialis and supinator mm. Form floor
. Deep fascia and bicipital aponeurosis form roof
Contents fo cubital fossa lateral to medial
- Biceps brachii tendon
- Terminal brachial artery, proximal radial and ulnar arteries, venae comitantes.
- Median n.
Median cubital vein location
Superficial fascia overlapping cubital fossa
Musculocutaneous n.
. Innervates all muscles in ant. Compartment of arm
. Pierces coracobrachialis then courses inf. In plane btw biceps brachii and brachialis
. Emerges sup. To elbow to becomes lat. antebrachial cutaneous n.
Median n. What muscles it innervates
. Innervates all muscles in ant. Compartment of forearm except flexor carpi ulnaris and med. portion of flexor digitorum profundus
Median n. Pathway
. Passes med. to biceps tendon and deep to bicipital aponeurosis then enters forearm btw heads of pronator teres
. Passes through hiatus in flexor digitorum superficialis and descends in plane btw sup. And deep muscle groups
. Crosses wrist med. to tendon of flexor carpi radialis
. Passes deep to flexor retinaculum
Where is median n. Likely to be compressed in injury?
. Btw heads of pronator teres (pronator syndrome)
. As it passes deep to flexor retinaculum (carpal tunnel syndrome)
Ulnar n.
. Supplies 1.5 muscles in forearm
. Pierces med. intermuscular septum to course in post. Brachial compartment deep to triceps
. Enters cubital tunnel post. To med. epicondyle
. Courses btw heads of flexor carpi ulnaris to enter the ant. Compartment of forearm and descends deep to flexor carpi ulnaris
. Crosses wrist superficial to flexor retinaculum and just lat. to pisiform bone where it’s secured by CT (guyon’s canal)
Cyclist’s palsy
. Compression at wrist causing pain and numbness of med. 1.5 digits and weakness of intrinsic hand muscles
What can injure ulnar n.?
Blows to elbow/fractures of med. epicondyle
. Subject to compression when it passes through cubital tunnel
Radial n.
. Innervates all muscles of post. Compartment of arm
. Supplies sensory to lat. and post. Aspects of arm
. Courses in spinal radial groove btw med. and lat. heads of triceps
. Pierces lat. intermuscular septum above elbow to course in furrow btw. Brachialis and brachioradialis
Medial brachial cutaneous n.
Supplies sensory to ant. And med. arm
Intercostobrachial n.
. T2
. Lat. cutaneous branch of 2nd intercostal n.
. Supplies sensory to med. and post. Arm
Axillary n.
Supplies sensory to lat. and post. Aspects of arm
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous n.
. Direct continuation of musculocutaneous n.
. Supplies sensory to ant. And post. Aspects of lateral forearm
Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
. Supplies sensory to ant. And post. Aspects of med. forearm
Brachial artery
. Blood supply to upper extremity
. Continuation of axillary a. Distal to inf. Border of teres major
. Terminates in cubital fossa by bifurcation into radial and ulnar aa.
Branches of brachial a.
. Collateral branches to elbow anastomoses and unarmed muscular branches
. Profunda brachii (deep brachial) a. Arises high in arm and courses w/ radial n. In spiral groove
Radial a.
. Lat. terminal branch of brachial a.
. Descends in lat. forearm deep to brachioradialis m. And becomes superficial just prox. To wrist
Radial a. Branches
. Numerous muscular and collateral branches
. Branches to wrist and hand
Ulnar a.
. Med. terminal branch of brachial a.
. Courses inferomedially btw superficial and deep muscle groups and becomes superficial just prox. To wrist
Ulnar a. Branches
. Common interosseous a.: sometimes absent, short branch that divides immediately into ant. And post. Interosseous
. Ant. Interosseous a.: descends on ant. Surface of interosseous membrane and supplies deep flexor muscles of forearm
. Post. Interosseous a.: passes sup. To interosseous membrane and descends on post. Surface supplying post. Forearm muscles
Collateral circulation
Branches of 4 major arteries of arm and forearm (brachial, profunda brachii, radial, and ulnar) form circular network of anastomoses around elbow joint
Semilunar valves
. Prevent blood from flowing retrograde
Arterial pump
Arterial pulsation propel blood towards heart in vein
Muscular pump
Dense brachial and antebrachial fasciae direct force of muscular contractions inward propelling blood towards heart
How do superficial veins communicate w/ deep veins?
Perforating branches that have valves that direct blood flow from superficial to deep
T/F SUperficial veins are constant, but superficial venous channels are highly variable
F, opposite
Cephalic vein
. Lat. aspect of forearm and arm
. Pierces clavipectoral fascia w/in deltopectoral triangle and empties into axillary v.
Basilic v.
. Med. aspect of forearm and arm
. Pierces brachial fascia in lower arm and unites w/ venae comitantes of brachial a. To form axillary v.
Median cubital v.
. Short, horizontal venous channel connecting cephalic and basilic vv. At cubital fossa
. Blood flow usually from cephalic v. To basilic v.
Axillary lymph nodes
Majority of lymph from upper extremity drained to these
Lymph vessels accompanying cephalic c. Drain into ____
Deltopectoral nodes