Pharnx And Prevertebral Muscles Flashcards
General characteristics of pharynx
. Connects oral and nasal cavities to esophagus and larynx
. Wide sup. And tapers inf.
. Has its own complete walls post. And lat., but its ant. Wall is incomplete and is largely formed by back of tongue and larynx
. Separated from prevertebral mm. By lost CT, the retropharyngeal (retrovisceral) space
Layers of pharyngeal wall
. External fibrous layer: buccopharyngeal fascia, extends onto outer surface of buccinator, inf. Continuous w/ pretracheal fascia
. Outer layer of voluntary mm. Circular in orientation (3 pharyngeal constrictors)
. Inner layer voluntary m. Longitudinal in orientation (stylopharyngeus and palatopharyngeus mm.)
. Internal fibrous layer (pharyngobasiliar fascia strongest sup. To suspend pharynx from skull)
. Mucosa w/ mucous glands and lymphoid tissue in lamina propria (tonsils)
. Post. To nasal cavities
. Choanae open into ant. Part
. Auditory tubes open into lat. wall, salpingopharyngeal fold runs inf. To tube
. Pharyngeal recess: narrow space in lat. wall post. To opening of the tube
. Roof of nasopharynx is mucosa inf. To base of skull
. Soft palate separates nasopharynx from oropharynx
Torus tubarius
. Bulge over cartilage of tube
Pharyngeal isthmus
Communication btw these parts of the pharynx, post. To soft palate
Pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal) tonsil
. Sup. Region of post. Wall of nasopharynx
. Enlargement = adenoids
. Adenoids may block auditory tube resulting in hearing impairment
. Adenoids may also obstruct choanae or pharyngeal isthmus resulting in mouth breathing and abnormal voice
. Post. To oral cavity
. Connects oral cavity to oropharyngeal isthmus btw palatoglossal folds (arches)
. Faucial isthmus is deeper passageway including the oropharyngeal isthmus and extending the palatopharyngeal folds
. Base of tongue forms ant. Wall of oropharynx
Lingual tonsil
. Covers post. Part of tongue
Palatine tonsil
. On lat. walls in tonsillar fossa (space btw palatglossal and palatopharyngeal folds)
. Much of tonsil is hidden from view
. Exposed surface on tonsil has tonsillar crypt
. Instinct from supratonsillar fossa btw tonsil and semilunar fold crossing its upper portion
. Depressions btw tongue and epiglottis
. Swallowed objects can end up here
. Post. Aspect of larynx forms ant. Wall
. Communicates w/ inlet of larynx ant. And esophagus inf.
Piriformis recess
.lat. to cricoid cartilage of larynx
. Another place where swallowed items can get stuck
Superior pharyngeal constrictor
. Ant attachments to edge of pterygoid plate and pterygomandibular raphe, area of attachment shared w/ buccinator
. Post attachments: med. pharyngeal raphe and pharyngeal tubercle on occipital bone
Pterygomandibular raphe
. Band of fibrous tissue running from pterygoid hamulus to body of mandible
Middle pharyngeal constrictor
. Ant. Attachment: stylohyoid ligament and horns of hyoid bone
. Post. Atttachment: med. pharyngeal raphe
. Overlaps sup. Constrictor
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor
. Ant. Attachment: thyroid and cricoid cartilages of larynx
. Post. Attachment: med. pharyngeal raphe
. Overlaps middle constrictor
. Fibers fan out post.
. Constricts and shortens (elevates) pharynx
. Inf. Portion grades into circular (deep) layer of muscle of esophagus
. Acts as sphincter preventing air from being inhaled into esophagus
. Must relax during swallowing or a pulse on diverticulum will occur
Stylopharyngeus OIAN
O: styloid process of temporal bone
I: thyroid cartilage and inner wall of laryngopharynx
. Passes btw sup. And middle constrictors to reach inner aspect of pharyngeal wall
A: Shortens pharynx and elevates larynx
N:CN IX, only m. Innervated by this
Palatopharyngeus m. OIA
O: superior attachment, soft palate
I: inf. Attachment, thyroid cartilage and inner wall of laryngopharynx (same as stylopharyngeus)
A: elevates pharynx and larynx, depresses soft palate and narrows space btw palatopharyngeal folds
. Soft palate
. Includes uvula
. Very rich in mucous or seromucous glands on its inf. Aspect and remainder is muscle
. Attached to hard palate ant. Andgrades into walls of pharynx lat.
Palatoglossus m. OIA
O: soft palate
I: side of tongue
A: depresses soft palate, elevates tongue, narrow oropharyngeal osthmus to help create seal btw oral cavity and oral pharynx
Levator veli palatini m. OIAN
O: tip of petrous part of temporal bone near foramen lacerum
I: soft palate
A: elevates soft palate and draws it post.
. Main mechanism of closing pharyngeal isthmus during swallowing or when making certain speech sounds
. Assisted by sup. Part of sup. Constrictor in this
N: CN VII and CN X
Tensor veli palatini m. OIAN
O: scaphoid fossa of sphenoid and lat. membraneous wall of auditory tube
I: tendon uses the pterygoid hamulus as pulley turning med. around hamulus to reach soft palate to become palatine aponeurosis that arrached to post. Margin of hard palate and opposite half of palatine aponeurosis
A: at rest aponeurosis arches sup., when contracted, the aponeurosis is pulled taut and descends until it is horizontal
. Opens auditory tube during swallowing or yawning
N: CN V3
Innervation of all soft palate and pharyngeal mm. Except tensor veli palatini ant stylopharyngeus
. CN X
. Bulbar part of CN XI via pharyngeal, sup. Laryngeal, and recurrent laryngeal palatini
Sensory innervation of pharynx
. Soft palate and sup. Part of nasopharynx supplied by CN V2
. Rest of soft palate and nasopharynx plus oropharynx and part of laryngopharynx supplied by glossopharyngeal n.
. Laryngopharynx supplies by vagus n. That also supplies esophagus
Artery blood supply of soft palate and pharynx
. Ascending pharyngeal a.
. Facial a. (Branches to palatine tonsil and nasopharynx)
. Maxillary a. (Branch to nasopharynx and lesser palatine a. To soft palate)
. Sup. Thyroid and inf. Thyroid aa.
Vein blood supply of pharynx and soft tissue
. Pharyngeal venous plexus on exterior w/ connections to various veins including internal jugular vv.
Lymphatic drainage of soft palate and pharynx
. Drains into retropharyngeal nodes then to deep cervical nodes or directly into deep cervical nodes along internal jugular v.
. Ultimately lymph drains into jugular lymph trunks
Pharyngotympanic tube
. Ant. 2/3 of auditory tube has wall that is cartilaginous sup. Nd med. but membranous lat.
. Post. 1/3 w/in temporal bone
. Runs post., sup., and lat. from nasopharynx to middle ear cavity
. Function: keep air in middle ear cavity and equilibrate air pressure in middle ear w/ atmospheric pressure
. Allows optimal sensitivty to sound
Auditory tube obstruction
. Air that is absorbed can be replaced by serous fluid if tube is chronically obstructed
The mucosa of middle ear can release CO2 helping to counteract the fluid
. Frequent sniffing can also contribute to filling of middle ear cavity w/ fluid if tube is incompetent
Mechanism of swallowing
. Tongue moves sup. And post. Driving food to oropharynx
. Pharyngeal isthmus closes, levator veli palatini pulls soft palate sup. And post. While sup. Constrictor contracts
. Auditory tube opens
. Constrictors contract in sequence
. Pharynx elevates past bolus of food (glove action) at same time larynx is elevated and epiglottis covers it’s entrance
. Glottis closes
. Sphincter at entrance to esophagus relaxes to let bolus through then contracts followed by peristaltic contraction of esophageal circular mm.
Role of pharynx in vocalization
. Alters volume of air in lumen
. Smaller air volume resonate at higher frequencies than larger volumes
. Larynx is raised to reduce volume of oropharynx and pharyngeal isthmus is narrowed or closed so volume of oral cavity is reduced to make high pitch sound
. Opposite for lower sound
Atlantooccipital joints
. 2 synovial joints btw occipital condyle and sup. Articular facets of atlas
. Permits fl/extension of head
Atlantoaxial joints
. 3 synovial joints: 2 lat. joints btw inf. Articular facets of atlas and sup. Facets of axis and 1 median joint btw ant. Arch of atlas and dens of axis
. Permits rotation of head
Atlantoocipital membrane
. Ant. Longitudinal ligament Btw ant. Arch of atlas and occipital bone
Tectorial membrane
. Post. Longitudinal ligament btw axis and occipital bone
Cruciate ligament
. Cross-shaped, ant. To tectorial membrane
. Transverse portion (transverse ligament of atlas): thick band btw tubercles on lat. masses of atlas, holds dens against ant. Arch of atlas permitting dens to pivot
. Longitudinal portion: thinner band from transverse portion sup. To occipital bone and inf. To body of axis
Hangman’s fracture
. Fracture of pedicels of axis
. May involve fracture of dens and/or transverse portion of cruciate ligaments
Alar ligaments
. Strong, short rounded cords
. 1 on each side
. Extend from dens to lat. margins of foramen magnum
. Prevent over-rotation of skull
Longus capitis OIAN
O: ant. Tubercles of transverse processes of C3-6
I: Basilar portion of occipital bone
A: flexes head
N: ventral rami C1-4 spinal nn.
Longus colli m. OIAN
O: ant. Surface of bodies and transverse processes of cervial and thoracic vertebrae
I: ant. Surfaces of cervical vertebrae including ant. Tubercle of atlas
A: flexes cervical vertebral column
N: ventral rami C3-8 spinal nn.
Rectus capitis ant. M. OIAN
O: ant. Surface of root of transverse process of atlas
I: Basilar part of occipital bone
A: flexes head
N: ventral ramus C1
Rectus capitis lateralis OIAN
O: sup. Portion of transverse process of atlas
I: inserts on occipital bone post. To jugular foramen
A: lat. flexes head to same side
N: ventral ramus Ca