Reproductive System Development Flashcards
How long are gonads and genitalia morphologically indistinguishable
Up to week 7 of development
Urogenital ridges
. Paired columns of intermediate mesoderm running the length of the dorsal body wall
Gonadal ridge
. Med. portion
. Coelomic epithelium proliferates and gives rise to gonads
Nephrogenic ridge
. Lat. portion
. Gives rise to primitive kidney tubules and 2 sets of ducts that contribute to urinary and reproductive duct systems (mesonephric and paramesonepric. Mullarian ducts)
What occurs w/ gonad differentiation in weeks 4-6
. Primordial germ cells (future gametes) migrate from the yolk sac along dorsal mesentery and into gonadal ridge
What occurs in week 5 of gonad differentiation?
. Coelomic epithelium of gonadal ridge proliferates to form primary sex cords
. Testes or ovaries then develop based on presence of Y-chromosome in terms cells or not
SRY gene
. On Y-chromosome
. Encodes for production of protein testis-determining factor
Testis-determining factor
. If expressed, gonads develop into testes
. If not expressed, gonads develop into ovaries
Streak gonads
. Gonads that fail to develop into testes or ovaries
What occurs in weeks 6-7 of testis development?
. Primitive cords proliferate w/ TDF into testis (medullary) cords
. Testis cords from rete testis and seminiferous tubules
. Rete testis join efferent ductules from mesonephric tubules
. Spermatogonia take up residence in basal compartment of seminiferous tubules
. Somatic cells derived from mesoderm of gonadal ridge form Sertoli cells
Are testis primarily medulla or cortex?
. Medulla bc it contains seminiferous tubules and spermatogonia
. Cortex only contains tunica albuginea
What occurs in week 8 of testis develop?
Sertoli cells produce mullerian-inhibiting substance and testosterone
. suppresses development of paramesonephric ducts
. induces further development of non-ureter portions of mesonephric ducts and male external genitalia
Male Gubernaculum
. Mesenchymal condensation extends from caudal pole of each testis
. Distal end is anchored on body wall in inguinal region
. Elongation of torso causes testes to descend toward inguinal region
Where are testis located in week 28?
Descended retroperitoneal Lu from post. Abdominal wall to deep inguinal rings
Where is the testis location btw weeks 28 and 40?
. Descends through inguinal canals into scrotum
. Testes fail to descend into scrota by 12th month postnatal
. Corrected surgically
. Failure to descend results in impairment of germ cell maturation
. Abdominal testes 40 times more likely to develop cancer than normal ones
Development of ovaries in weeks 4-7
. Primary sex cords initially proliferate and then degenerate w/o TDF
. Continued proliferation of gonadal ridge surface epithelium produces 2nd generation of cords (cortical cords) that are clustered in cortex fo ovary
. Oogonia invade cortical cords
. Cell of cortical cords give rise to follicular cells forming primordial follicles
Are ovaries cortex or medulla heavy?
. Cortex bc it contains majority of oogonia and ovarian follicles
. Medulla only has CT and blood vessels
Female gubernaculum
. Extends from caudal pole of each ovary
. Distal end is anchored to body wall in area of future labia majora
. Elongation of torso causes ovaries to descend toward inguinal region
. Ovaries descend on post. Abdominal wall but don’t pass through inguinal ring (rest inf. To rim of true pelvis)
Each ovary is attached to the body wall via _____
. Suspensory ligament of the ovary
. Anchored caudally by ovarian ligament and the round ligament of the uterus
Male reproductive duct systemdevelopment
. Mesonephric duct forms ductus epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct
. Mesonephric tubules (part of primitive mesonephric kidneys) for efferent ductules
. Paramesonephric duct is suppressed by MIS and degenerate
Paramesonephric duct development in female reproductive tract
. Develop into cranial parts of female reproductive tract
.Influenced by maternal and placental estrogens
. Non-ureteric portions of mesonephric ducts and tubules degenerate in absence of MIS and testosterone
Development of female reproductive ducts and external genitalia doe snot require presence of ovaries
Uterovaginal primordium
. Midline Y-shaped structure formed by fusion of caudal portions of paramesonephric ducts
. As paramesonephric ducts migrate med., they pull overlying peritoneum med.
. When ducts fuse, peritoneum creates broad ligament
. Forms uterus, cervical, and sup. 1/3 of vagina
. Surrounds splanchnic mesoderm forms myometrium and other smooth muscles
Uterine tube development
. From infused cranial portions of paramesonephric ducts
Abdominal Ostia of the uterine tubes
. Cranial ends of uterine tubes that are open to developing abdominal cavity
Sinovaginal bulbs
. Paired outgrowth from dorsal wall of UG sinus where uterovaginal primordium is in contact
. Bulbs fuse to form solid vaginal plate
. Plate elongates and canalizes by month 5 forming inf. 2/3 vagina
. Caudal end of plate adjacent to UG sinus doesn’t rupture but persists as thin membrane (hymen)
Imperforate hymen
. Obstructive congenital anomaly of female reproductive tract
. May require surgical intervention to allow for passage of menstrual fluid
Uterus didelphys
. Double or duplicated uterus resulting from non-fusion of caudal paramesonephric ducts
. Frequently assoc. w/ double vagina
Bicornuate uterus
. 2 uterine horns open into single vagina
Unicornurate uterus
Uterus w/ one horn
. Due to partial or complete atresia of paramesonephric duct on 1 side
Uterine agenesis
.absence of uterus
Vaginal atresia
. Absence of vagina due to lack of development of sinovaginal bulbs
. Boulder vagina results when sinovaginal bulbs fail to fuse
Week 4 development of external genitalia
. Mesoderm surrounding cloacal membrane forms swellings (cloacal folds)
. Cranial folds unite midline to form genital tubercle
. Caudal folds form urethral and anal folds
What occurs by end of week 6 in external genitalia?
. 2nd set of swelling
. Genital (labioscrotal) swellings appear lat. to urethral folds
. Urorectal septum divides cloaca into UG sinus and anorectal canal
Male external genitalia development?
. Develop under influence of testicular androgens
. Genital tubercle elongates to form phallus
. Elongation of genital tubercle pulls urethral folds ventrally resulting in formation of narrow urethral groove on ventral aspect of phallus
. Urethral groove closes in month 3 forming penile urethra
. Genital (labioscrotal) swellings migrate caudally and fuse to form the scrotum
. Abnormal opening on ventral surface of penis from incomplete fusion of urethral folds
. Condition where urethra is open on dorsal surface of penis
. Due to caudal displacement of genital tubercle
. Frequently assoc. w/ exstrophy of bladder
Female external genitalia development
. Genital tubercle elongates slightly to form phallus (clit)
. Urethral folds remain unfused and persist as labia minora
. UG sinus gives rise to vestibule
. Genital (labioscrotal) swellings form labia majora
Klinefelter syndrome
. Occurs in genetic males w/ extra X chromosome
. Most common sex disorder
. Patients have dec. fertility, small testes dec. testosterone levels
. Gynecomastia present in 1/3 cases
. Carcinogens (radiation, Tobacco smoke, pesticides)
Sperm cell aneuploidy is assoc w/ what??
Testicular cancer
Gonadal dysgenesis
. Turner’s syndrome
. Genetic females w/ XO genotype
. Streak gonads
. Female anatomy from circulating estrogens
. Short stature, webbed neck, broad chest
. Do not go through puberty w/o hormone treatments
Pure gonadal dysgenesis
. Occurs in genetic males or females, no chromosome abnormality
. Streak gonads from failed germ cell migration
. Develops female reproductive ducts and external genitalia
. Do not go through period w/o hormone treatments
. High risk of germ cell tumors assoc. w/ streak gonads
. Treatment: hormone replacement and excision of defective gonads
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)
. Genetic males
. Cells of body are unable to respond to androgens
. Develop female external anatomy, but MIS suppresses female duct development
. Normally not diagnosed until they mail to menstruate or have difficulties becoming pregnant
. Testes must be removed at puberty because they are susceptible to become cancerous
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
. Affects production of cortisol by adrenal glands
. Results in excessive production of androgens
. In females have masculization of external genitalia
. In males they may start puberty early