Larynx Flashcards
Larynx skeleton
. Consists of 9 cartilages connected by ligaments and membranes
. All are hyaline except epiglottic that is elastic
. All cartilages covered by mucosa
. Paired: arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform
. Unpaired: thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottic
Thyroid cartilage
. Formed from 2 plate-like lamina that fuse and leave post. Side open
. Laryngeal prominence: midline projection at C6 from fused lamina
. Oblique line: oblique ridges on lat. surface, attachment for thyrohyoid m. And inf. Pharyngeal constrictor
. Sup. Horn: sup. Projection on post. Side, attached to hyoid bone via thyrohyoid membrane
. Inf. Horn: inf. Projections on post. Sides, attachment for cricoid cartilage at cricothyroid joints
Cricoid cartilage
. Complete ring w/ narrow ant. Arch and wider post. Lamina
. Articulate lat. w/ inf. Horns,
. Median cricothyroid ligament spans space tw thyroid and cricoid cartilage ant.
. Articular w/ paired arytenoid cartilages sup.
. Connected to 1st trachea cartilage by cervicobrachial ligament inf.
Epiglottic cartilage
. Leaf-shaped, attached to ant. Entrance of larynx post. To root of tongue
. Attaches to thyroid cartilage and you’d bones via ligaments
Arytenoid cartilage
. Paired pyramids w/ sup. Projecting apex
. Ant. Projecting vocal process, and lat. muscular process
. Corniculate cartilage sit on apices
. Vocal process is for post. Attachment of vocal ligament
. Muscular process is for attachment of lat. and post. Cricoarytenoid mm.
. Articular w/ cricoid cartilage at cricoarytenoid joints (synovial) on superolat. Edge of cricoid lamina
Corniculate and cuneiform cartilages
. Small, mucosa-covered nodules in post. Part of aryepiglottic folds
. Corniculate attach to apices of arytenoid cartilages
. Cuneiform do not attach to other cartilages
Thyrohyoid membrane
. Spans space btw hyoid and thyroid cartilage
Vocal ligaments
. Elastic fibers attaching to laminae of thyroid cartilage ant. And vocal process of arytenoid cartilages post.
. Vocal folds/cords consist of vocal ligaments covered by mucosa
Conus elasticus
. Poorly defined term that comprises the med. and lat. cricothyroid ligaments plus vocal ligaments
Median cricothyroid ligament
. Ant. Midline structure that spans space btw laminae of thyroid and cricoid cartilages
Lat. cricothyroid ligaments
. Paired
. Extend lat. from vocal ligaments (sup. Free margins of ligaments) to sup. Border of cricoid cartilage
Cricothyroid joints
. Synovial joints from lamina of cricoid an inf. Horns
. Rotary and gliding movements
Cricoarytenoid joints
. Synovial joints btw lamina of cricoid and bases of arytenoid cartilages
. Rotary and gliding movements
Extrinsic mm. Of larynx
. Attach to hyoid or thyroid laminae
. Elevate/depress entire larynx
. Elevators: thyrohyoid, stylopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus, suprahyoid mm.
. Depressors: sternothyroid, omohyoid, and sternohyoid mm.
During swallowing, the larynx is ____
. Elevated
. So epiglottis covers inlet of larynx and food move spost. To esophagus
Rima glottidis
. Opening btw vocal folds
. Shape varies w/ vocal fold movement
What muscles open rima glottidis
Post. Cricoarytenoid m.
What closes rima glottidis?
. Arytenoid m.
. Lat. cricoarytenoid m.
. Thyroarytenoid m.
What decreases tension on vocal folds?
Thyroarytenoid m.
What inc. tension on vocal cords?
Cricothyroid m.
Intrinsic mm. Of larynx innervation
. Inf. Laryngeal n. Except cricothyroid m. That is done by external branch of sup. Laryngeal n.
Intrinsic mm. Of larynx
. Cricothyroid m. . Post. Cricoarytenoid m. . Lat. cricoarytenoid m. . Arytenoid m. . Thyroarytenoid m. . Vocalis m.
Cricothyroid attachments and action
Attachments: the ant. arch of the cricoid cartilage and inf. border and horn of thyroid cartilage; visible on the external and internal surfaces of the thyroid laminae
A: tenses and elongates the vocal ligaments
by tilting the thyroid cartilage anteriorly
Post. Cricoarytenoid m. Attachments and action
Attachments: the post. surface of the cricoid lamina and muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
A: abducts the vocal folds (opens the rima
Lat. cricoarytenoid m . Attachments and action
Attachments: lat. side cricoid cartilage and muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage
A: adducts the vocal folds (closes the rima
Arytenoid m. Attachments and action
Attachments: posterior surfaces of adjacent arytenoid cartilages
A: pulls the arytenoid cartilages together (closes the rima glottidis)
Thyroarytenoid m. Attachments and action
Attachments: internal surface of thyroid laminae and median cricothyroid ligament ant. and arytenoid cartilage post.
A: The thyroarytenoid m. decreases tension on the vocal cords by pulling thyroid and arytenoid cartilages closer together
Vocalis m. Attachments and action
Attachments: the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilages, the vocal ligaments, and the thyroid angle
A: adjusts tension in the vocal folds.
Glottic incompetence
. Due to partial or unilateral paralysis of vocal folds
. Inc. risk of aspiration
Ant. Surface of larynx
. Lies deep to strap mm. And thyroid gland
. Laryngeal prominence (adam’s apple) palpable and visible in midline of neck at C6
Post. Surface of larynx
. Inlet of larynx: sup. Opening from laryngopharynx, slopes posteroinf.
. Valleculae: paired recesses btw root of tongue and epiglottic
. Piriform recesses: in laryngopharynx lat. to cricoid cartilage
Inlet of larynx boundaries
. Epiglottis ant. And sup.
. Aryepiglottic folds lat.
. Mucosa covering arytenoid cartilages post.
Internal larynx
. 2 pairs prominent folds visible
. Vestibular (ventricular/false): sup. Located pair, consist of mucosa overlying vestibular ligaments
. Vocal folds (true): inf. Located pair, consist of mucosa overlying vocal ligaments and vocalis mm.
. Vestibule: space btw inlet of larynx and vestibular folds
. Ventricle: narrow space btw vestibular and vocal folds
. Infraglottic cavity: space inf. To vocal folds, continuous inf. W/ trachea
. Vocal folds plus rima glottidis
Sensory innervation of larynx
. Mucosa sup. To vocal folds via internal branch of sup. Laryngeal n. (Branch off sup. Laryngeal n. At hyoid bone that pierces thyrohyoid membrane to enter larynx)
. Mucosa inf. To vocal folds via recurrent laryngeal n. That becomes inf. Laryngeal n. Sup. To cricothyroid joint
Motor innervation of larynx
. Inf. Laryngeal n. Innervates all intrinsic mm. Except cricothyroid
. Cricothyroid m. Innervated by external branch of sup. Laryngeal n.
Blood supply to larynx
. Sup. Laryngeal a.: branches from sup. Thyroid a, courses w/ internal branch of sup. Laryngeal n. Through thyrohyoid membrane to enter larynx
. Inf. Laryngeal a.: branches from inf. Thyroid a., courses w/ recurrent laryngeal n. And inf. Laryngeal n. Into larynx
. Sup. And inf. Laryngeal aa. Anastomose w/in larynx
What may be damaged during thyroid surgery?
. Recurrent laryngeal nn.
. Severing of 1 causes hoarseness when speaking
. Severing of both causes suffocation due to loss of function in mm. That open rima glottidis