Viro Clinical Signs Flashcards
canine parvovirus (CPV-2)
- bloody diarrhea
- vomiting
- lymphopenia
- myocarditis (puppies < 2 weeks)
- sudden death (puppies < 2 weeks)
feline panleukopenia (FPV)
- leukopenia
- V/D
- dehydration
porcine parvovirus (PPV)
- necrotic and abnormally formed feathers
- secondary infection
porcine circovirus
- nephropathy
- dermatitis
- reproductive failure
- PWMWD (wasting, jaundice, pallor, anemia, diarrhea, inguinal lymphadenopathy, lymphoid depletion)
budgerigar-fledgling disease
- absence of feathers
- skin lesions
- hemmorhage
- pale mm
feline herpesvirus-1
- upper respiratory disease
- conjuncitivits
- keratitis
- coughing
- sneezing
- ulcers
- discharge
bovine herpesvirus-1
- rhinotracheitis
- vulvovaginitis
- balanoposthitis
- enteritis
equine herpesvirus-1
- abortions
- respiratory disease
- encephalomyelitis
marek’s disease
remember that there are 4 forms…
- paralysis
- tumors (spleen, liver, kidney, etc.)
- iris invasion
- loss of feathers
suid herpesvirus 2
- mucopurulent rhinitis
- stillbirth
- mummification
- failure to thrive
malignant catarrhal fever
- sloughing of nasal mucosa
- leukopenia
- lymphadenopathy
- fever
- depression
- mucopurulent nasal discharge
- corneal edema
- lesions on skin and mm
- fever
- pneumonia
bovine papular stomatitis virus
papular and erosive lesions on
- teats
- muzzle
- mouth
- lips
orf virus
- lesions at mucocutaneous junction (lips, coronary band, buccal mucosa, teats)
- dry skin lesions
- wet pox with exudate on mucosa of larynx and mouth
african swine fever
hemorrhagic disease with high mortality
canine adenovirus 1
- canine infectious hepatitis
- respiratory disease
- corneal disease
canine adenovirus 2
respiratory disease
- reduced production
- secondary infection
- ulcerations on mouth, teat, foot
feline calicivirus
- ocular discharge
- lingual ulcers
- upper respiratory disease
- ulcerations in GI tract
- diarrhea
- necrosis/ulceration in mouth
- thrombocytopenia
- nasal/ocular discharge
- paralysis
- fever
- recumbancy
- death
- interstitial pneumonia
- ear cyanosis
- abortions
- respiratory distress
porcine enteric coronavirus
- diarrhea
- dehydration
feline enteric coronavirus/FIP
- diarrhea
- distended abdomen
- vasculitis
- peritoneal exudate/effusion
- yellow/green diarrhea
bluetongue virus
- thrombosis/infarction
- edema of mouth/face
- abortion
- cyanosis of lips/tongue
- ulceration of mouth/nose
avian influenza
- incoordination
- periorbital edema
- tracheitis
- hock hemorrhage
newcastle disease virus
- hemorrhage
- respiratory disease
- neuro disease
- diarrhea
- erosion/necrosis of oral mucosa
- enlarged LN
- nasal/ocular discharge
- fever/depression/anorexia
canine distemper
- conjunctivitis
- rhinitis
- seizures
- purulent discharge in trachea
- diarrhea
- respiratory signs
vesicular stomatitis
- fever and vesicles that resemble FMD
- erosions around mouth
- hypersalivation
- paralysis
- aggression/behaviour changes
- seizures
avian leukosis virus
- enlarged long bones (wing, femur)
- tumors in a variety of organs
- enlarged retropharyngeal and prefemoral LN
- tumors around thoracic vertebrae
- tumors in uterus
- reproductive failure
- immunodeficiency
- neurological signs
- neoplasia
- lymphadenopathy
- immunodeficiency
- secondary infections
- behavioural changes
- abnormal behaviour
- weight loss
- itching and loss of wool
- incoordination
- CNS degeneration
- behaviour changes
- weight loss
- drop in milk production
- marked weight loss
- abnormal behaviour