5.2 Gram Positive Aerobic Rods 1 Flashcards
describe the physical appearance and susceptibility of gram positive aerobic rods
have a thick cell wall; sensitive to penicillin G
what is the habitat for bacillus
humans, animals, soil
gram-positive aerobic rods are important agents of (3)
zoonoses, septicemia and bacteremia
what is the habitat for listeria
throat and urogenital tract
what is the habitat for actinomyces
mouth flora
a cow presents with sudden death and bleeding from orifices… you suddenly suspect
B. anthracis
if you suspect B. anthracis, what are two important tests to perform and what do you never want to perform
1) Gram stain
2) Giemsa stain
Never perform a post-mortem (do not want to open the carcass)
how does B. anthracis appear after Gram and Giemsa staining
purple (G+) with a pink capsule; rod
where is B. anthracis commonly found
skin and soil
does B. anthracis form spores
Y; important virulence factor as it allows it to survive for decades in soil
T/F B. anthracis is zoonotic and reportable
B. anthracis spores are incredibly resistant because they are ___________
___ and ___ are two toxins created by B. anthracis that require ____ to be released
EF (edema factor); LF (lethal factor); PA (protective antigen)
what is EF and who produces it
edema factor; produced by B. anthracis; it is involved in the perinuclear endosomal membrane
what is LF and who produces it
lethal factor; B. anthracis; involved in apoptosis
what is PA and what does it do? who creates it?
protective antigen; creates a pore for transportation of EF and LF; B. anthracis
why is B. anthracis good at causing septicemia
really rapid proliferation; also causes a cytokine storm from macrophages
T/F B. anthracis infection is worst in birds
F; does not affect brids