2.3 Red Blood Cells Part 3 - Non-regenerative Anemia Flashcards
What are the characteristics of primary marrow disorders causing non-regenerative anemia (2)
Generalized depression in RBC count; multiple cytopenias
What is characteristic of a secondary marrow disorder causing non-regenerative anemia
Selective depression in RBC
What are 4 broad causes of primary marrow disease
1) hypoplasia or aplasia
2) myelodysplasia
3) leukemia
4) other reason for myelophthisis
what are three causes of bone marrow hypoplasia
infectious agents; immune-mediated; drug/chemical toxicity
estrogen toxicity would cause what (be specific)
primary non-regenerative anemia due to hypoplasia/aplasia
immune-mediated hypoplasia/aplasia of the bone marrow would target what cells
stem cells and progenitor cells
what are the characteristics of myelodysplasia/myelodysplastic syndrome (3)
1) peripheral blood cytopenia
2) normal to hypercellular bone marrow
3) dysplastic features
what is leukemia
tumor of developing red cells, white cells, or platelets
why does leukemia cause a non-regenerative anemia due to a primary bone marrow disorder
presence of cancerous cells crowds the bone marrow
what are 5 causes of myelofibrosis
1) unknown
2) neoplasia
3) chronic hemolytic anemia
4) necrosis
5) FeLV
what is a characteristic of RBCs in patients with myelofibrosis
dacryocyte (teardrop shaped)
what are 5 causes of secondary marrow disease causing a non-regenerative anemai
1) chronic inflammation
2) FelV
3) endocrine diseases
4) metastatic neoplasia
5) renal disease
why does anemia occur in chronic diseases
suppressive cytokines cause the body to sequester iron -> less iron availability for RBC production
what are the characteristics of anemia from chronic disease
normocytic, normochromic, usually mild to moderate
name 4 hormones required for efficient hematopoiesis
1) thyroxine
2) growth hormone
3) cortisol
4) androgens
how does FelV cause secondary non-regenerative anemia (3)
anemia of chronic disease
myelophthisis from hematologic neoplasia
pure red cell aplasia (PRCA)
how does FelV cause primary non-regenerative anemia (2)
1) causes hypoplasia/aplasia of BM
2) causes myelofibrosis
How does FelV infection impact MCV
normal or high (normocytic or macrocytic)
in what 3 ways does CKD cause a non-regenerative anemia
decreased RBC lifespan; decreased EPO production; decreased bone marrow responsiveness to EPO
what does lead toxicity cause
rubricytosis; see increased number of nucleated RBC in circulation WITHOUT polychromasia
Polycythemia can be further categorized how
Into absolute (primary or secondary) and relative polycythemia
What are the two causes of relative polycythemia
1) dehydration
2) splenic contraction
In primary polycythemia, EPO is ________ and pO2 is ________
decreased to normal; normal
In secondary polycythemia, EPO is _________
what is the only cause of primary polycythemia
polycythemia vera (a neoplasm in the BM)
name some causes of secondary polycythemia
altitude; hormone excess; kidney mass; paraneoplastic syndrome; cardiopulmonary disease