Vibrio Cholerae Flashcards
Biotypes of Vibrio cholerae O-1 ??
Difference in biological/biochemical reactions
- Classical
- E1-Tor
Serotypes of Vibrio cholerae (Classical )??
Antigen difference
- Inaba
- Ogawa
- Hikojima
242 IOH
Serotypes of Vibrio Cholerae (E1-Tor) ?
- Inaba
- Ogawa
- Hikojimu
Appearance of Vibrio cholerae on Gram Stain ??
Curved Comma shaped
Biochemical characteristics of V C ??
Oxidase (+) which differentiate them from enteric gram (-) bacteria
Which colour is V C
Oxidase (+)
Virulence factor of VC ??
- Enterotoxin
- Pili
- Mucinase
Toxin name of V C ??
Enterotoxin - Choleragen
VC vs Enterobacteriaceae ??
- Single polar flagella
- Curved bacillus
- Oxidase (+)
- Aerobe
Opposite of enterobacteriaceae
Hnaging drop preparation appearance V C ??
Fish in stream in appearance
Antigen structure of V C ??
- O atg
- H atg
Media for V C ??
- Thiosulphate citrate bile sucrose TCBS agar
- Monsurs media - Tellurite Taurocolate Gelatin AgAR MEDIA
- MacConkey agar
- Nutrient agar
TCBS media appearance of VC ??
- Yellow colony
- Background- Dark-Green
Monsurs media appearance of VC ?
- Dark colony
- Characteristics hollows
BD stain of V C ??
V C O139 Bengal
High risk of V C infection ??
- Person have little/No Gastric acid - Take antacid
- Who had - Gastrectomy
- Blood group- O
Subunit of Choleragen ??
- A = Active subunit
- B = Binding subunit
A subunit function ??
ADP- Riborylation
Enters into the cell
B subunit function of Cholerageen ??
Binds to a ganglioside receptor of enterocyte
GM1 = Activate Gs Pathway
Why watery D in cholera ??
- C is not an invasive infection
- Choleragen toxin
- Inc secretion of Cl & H2O from the cells
- Watery D = No RBC or Neutrophills
A subunit further action ??
- Stimulate adenyl cyclase
- Overproduction of cAMP
- pKa = Protein kinase = Activate transport channel = Cystric fibrosis
Hallmark of cholera infection ??
Watery diarrhea
MacConkey agar characteristics in V C ??
Lactose fermented slowly
Dark ground illumination DGI appearance of V C ??
Shooting star in dark sky
Microscopic examination of V C ??
- Gram staining
- Hanging drop preparation
TSI agar characteristics??
- Acid slant
- Acid butt without gas / H2S
- Ferments sucrose
Why monsur media dark black colony??
Liquifaction of gelation
Biochemical characteristics of V C ??
- Urease (-)
- Oxidase (+)
- Reduce nitrate
- Produce indole
- Fermant sucrose & lactose
- No gas
Tx of cholera ??
Vaccine of cholera ??
Live attenuated vaccine
+ Tetracycline =Close contact
Transport media for VC ??
- Alkaline peptone water
- Carry Blair Media
Clinical features of V C ??
- Rice watery stool -
- Dehydration
- Cardiac F
- Renal F
- Acidosis
- Hypokalemia
- No Abdominal pain
- 40% case death
Toxins act by inc intracellular cAMP ??
- Cholera toxin
- Labile T of E coli
- Pertusis T
- Edema factor of anthrax T
Never casue extra intestinal infection ??
- V C
- Shigella
Serological test for VC ??
- Slide agglutination test
- Rise in AB titre
why TTGA media selective ??
bile salt
K tellurite
why indicatior
TTGA media ?
K tellurite
Findings of TTGAM ??
central black colony
sourrounded by clear halo
why clear halo ?
liquefaction of gelatin
why central black colony «
metallic tellurium
name of storage media ??
egg saline media
chalk cooked meat broth
12.32 PM
which organization in BD work in cholera <
ICDDRB full form ??
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
how to prepare monsurs media for vibrio cholera
Dr. Monsur, in the preparation of Monsur’s medium, used specific ingredients to create a selective and differential medium for isolating Vibrio cholerae. The key components he used include:
- Peptone and Gelatin: As nutrient sources for bacterial growth.
- Sodium Chloride (NaCl): To provide an optimal saline environment for Vibrio species, which are halophilic.
- Potassium Tellurite: As a selective agent to inhibit the growth of most bacteria except Vibrio species.
- Sodium Taurocholate: To enhance the growth of Vibrio cholerae and inhibit non-cholera vibrios.
- Agar: As a solidifying agent.
The medium was adjusted to an alkaline pH (8.5–9.0) to favor the growth of Vibrio cholerae, which thrives in alkaline conditions. Potassium tellurite also acts as a differential agent, causing Vibrio cholerae colonies to appear gray or black due to tellurite reduction.
5 common example of oxidase positive bacteria ?
Oxidase-positive bacteria are those that produce the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, which is detected using oxidase tests. Here are 5 common examples:
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Vibrio cholerae
- Campylobacter jejuni
- Aeromonas hydrophila
These bacteria are often identified in clinical and environmental microbiology using oxidase tests as a key diagnostic tool.
Why shooting star in dark sky ?
In Dark ground illumination
- rapidly motile rods
enterotoxin name of Vibrio ?
Oxidase kemon vibrio er ?
name some oxidase + bacteria ?
🦠 Oxidase-Positive Bacteria 🔬
✔ Gram (-) Rods
➡ Pseudomonas aeruginosa
➡ Vibrio spp. (e.g., V. cholerae)
➡ Campylobacter jejuni
➡ Helicobacter pylori
✔ Gram (-) Diplococci
➡ Neisseria spp. (N. meningitidis, N. gonorrhoeae)
✔ Curved Gram (-) Rods
➡ Aeromonas spp.
➡ Pasteurella multocida
🚨 Dx: Oxidase test (+) → Purple color reaction
name of some catalase positive bacteria ?
🦠 Catalase-Positive Bacteria 🔬
✔ Gram (+) Cocci
➡ Staphylococcus spp. (S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus)
✔ Gram (-) Rods
➡ Pseudomonas aeruginosa
➡ E. coli
➡ Klebsiella spp.
➡ Salmonella spp.
➡ Serratia spp.
✔ Other Catalase (+) Bacteria
➡ Listeria monocytogenes
➡ Campylobacter jejuni
➡ Helicobacter pylori
➡ Nocardia spp.
🚨 Dx: Catalase test (+) → Bubbles (H₂O₂ breakdown)
Kivabe fish in stream dekhba ?
Hanging drop preparation
why Vibrio not a enterobacteriaceae ?
oxidase +
motile - monotrichus flagella
grow in alkaline pH
curved bacilli
shape of vibrio ?
comma shaped