Ascaris Lumbricoides Flashcards
Infective form of A l ?
Embryonated egg containing rhabditiform larva
Portal of entry of A L ??
Alimentary canal
Faeco oral
Host of A l ??
Mode of infection of A l ?
Ingestion of embryonated egg of A l with contaminated foods or drinks
Site of loaction fo A l >??
Migration of A L ??
Disease caused by A l ??
Egg – Larva process ??
Fertilized egg – Unsegmented ovum – passed with faeces – U ovum to Rhabditiform larva – larva undergo moulting before hatching
Ingestion of contaminated food —- ???
Embryonated egg – Duodenum – Digestive juice weaken egg shell and R larva are liberated in the upper SI
Re entry into the stomach and the SI ???
Upper SI – nPortal circulation of liver – Right heart – Pulmonary circulation – Double moulting – Lung alveoli – Bronchi - Trachea – Larynx – Pharyns – Swallowed – Stomach – Upper SI – Another Moulting
Medical symptoms by Adult worm ??
- V-A deficiency
- Malnutrition by liberating anti-enzymes-(Antipepsin , Antitrypsin )
- Typhoid like fever
- Urticaria
- Edema of the face
- Conjunctivitis
- Hypersensitivity reaction
- (5-8) = A encephalopathy
Medical symptoms by eggs ??
Donot cause any lesion
Medical symptoms due to migratory larvae ??
- A pneumoniae / Loefflers syndrome
- Meningitis
- Epilepsy
- Retinitis
- Palpebral edema
Lofflers syndrome /
L pneumoniae
- Fever
- Cough most common
- Malaise
- Wheezing
- DyspneA
- Myalgia
- Anorexia
- Urticaria
Surgical condition by adult worm ??
- Intestinal obstruction
- Intussusceptions
- Perforation of intestinal ulcer
- Ectopic ascariasis = Suffocation
Loffler’s syndrome lab analysis?
- CBC-Eosinophilia
- Stool-Parasite & ova
- IgE - Elevated
- Sputum analysis - Larvae present
- Bronchoalveolar lavage - Eosinophilia
Ectopic ascariasis site ??
- Common bile duct
- Pancreatic
- Appendiceal
- Suffocation - Respiratory passage & block rima glottidis
- Mouth & nose
Direct evidence - Demonstration of adult worm ??
- In stool
- In vomitus
- Xray radiography - String like shadow
Demonstration of the ovum ??
- Stool
- Bile
Indirect evidence of lab diagnosis of A l ???
- Blood exam - Eosinophilia
- Serological test - Loefflers syndrome
- Scratch test - Dermal test