UWorld_3.25 Flashcards
Most common cause of elevated AFP on triple test
underestimation of fetal age ==> do US to confirm
Histo/gross path of late stage Type II DM
amyloid deposition @ pancreatic islet cells
Most important m. in performing valsalva maneuver
rectus muscle (abdominal)
Levels of reproductive hormones in menopause
-estrogen levels drop -FSH levels increase due to loss of feedback -LH levels increase later on, but less predictably
Muscles innervated by CN III
-inferior, superior, and medial rectus -inferior oblique -levator palpebrae -parasympathetic fibers ==> iris sphincter & ciliary muscle
Impact of cystic fibrosis mutation on channels
- ==> abnormalities in CFTR transmembrane protein - ==> decreased Cl- excretion ==> increased Na and water reabsorption (to balance) - ==> dehydrated/excess mucous
Cause of brown pigment stones
-secondary to infection of biliary tract -injured hepatocytes/bacteria ==> release of B-glucoronidase ==> increased unconjugated bilirubin @ bile
Selegiline: MOA
MAO-B inhibitor
Methotrexate toxicity antidote
Folinic acid
Cell types that cannot use ketone bodies as energy
-erythrocytes (no mitochondria) -hepatocytes (lacks thiophorase: succinyl-CoA - acetoacetate CoA transferase)
Neurologic problems in B12 deficiency
==> subacute degeneration ==> degeneration of both ascending (dorsal) and descending (corticospinal) pathways ==> loss of position/vibration sense, ataxia, and spastic paresis