Urinary Bladder Development Flashcards
Vesicourethral canal
Forms urinary bladder except trigone
- Proximal part is incorporated into urinary bladder apex, while distal part becomes fibrosed forming urachus
- In adult, represented by median umbilical ligament
Lower parts of 2 mesonephric ducts
Check book too complicated
Form trigone
1. Mesonephric ducts roots open into vesicourethral canal
2. Then mesonephric ducts distal portions
3. Attached ureteric ducts become incorporated into bladder posterior wall, so 2 mesonephric ducts & 2 ureters open separately into urinary bladder
4. Finally 2 ureters open in urinary bladder postero-superior angles while 2 mesonephric ducts (ejaculatory ducts) open in prostatic urethra upper part
5. Since mesonephric ducts and ureters are mesodermal, trigone is also mesodermal, but with time, trigone lining is replaced by endoderm
Congenital anomalies
- Persistence of patent urachus
- Bladder exstrophy
- Cloaca exstrophy
Persistence of patent urachus
- Urachal fistula: persistence of whole urachus patent
- Urachal cyst: persistence of isolated segment of urachus patent
- Urachal sinus: persistence of upper part of urachus patent
Bladder exstrophy
Ventral body wall defect in which bladder mucosa is exposed
probably due to failure of lateral body wall folds to close in pelvic region midline
Cloaca exstrophy
More severe ventral body wall defect in which progression and
closure of lateral body wall folds are disrupted to a greater degree than is observed in bladder exstrophy