Unit 8 Lesson 3: ¿Adónde vas? Flashcards
How many contractions are in spanish
Al is one of two contractions in Spanish.
What do contractions involve
Contractions involve the omission of a vowel sound, so that a fluid and shortened sound may be maintained. This occurs all the time in speech, and many times in spoken and written English (such as didn’t or wasn’t
Spanish a written contraction only occurs with the prepositions
a, which means to, and de, which means of, + the article el.
How to make the contraction al
- a + el = al
- Example:a + el parque = al parque
How to make the contraction del
- de + el = del
- Example: de + el parque = del parque
- Vivo cerca del parque.
What is a national libray
A national library is a repository of information and artifacts for that particular country.
Differences between public libary and national libray
A national library is a repository of information and artifacts for that particular country. People are not allowed to borrow books, as they would in a public library.
Where is la Biblioteca Nacional de México
la Biblioteca Nacional de México, which is housed in his own university in México City, la UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).
What is La Biblioteca Nacional de México
La Biblioteca Nacional de México is a prestigious bibliographic repository and one of the largest in both México and all of Latin America.
What is the goal of la Biblioteca Nacional de México
As is the goal of all national libraries, la Biblioteca Nacional de México attempts to acquire all the books published in México and all foreign books that mention México.
Where is La Biblioteca Nacional de España
La Biblioteca Nacional de España, in my native Madrid, is one of the largest libraries in the world.
Who founded La Biblioteca Nacional de España
It was founded by King Philip V in 1712 as the palace library.
When was the La Biblioteca Nacional de España renamed
About a century later, the library was no longer considered a royal collection, and it was renamed Biblioteca Nacional de España.
What does the Cervantes collection contain (La Biblioteca Nacional de España)
I could easily spend the entire day in the Cervantes collection, which contains copies of the amazing novel Don Quijote de la Mancha from the seventeenth century.
Who was Miguel de Cervante
The author, Miguel de Cervantes, is a classic Spanish author who is considered to be as great in España and the Spanish-speaking world as William Shakespeare is in English.
Where is La Biblioteca Amazónica del Perú
La Biblioteca Amazónica del Perú is in Iquitos, Perú, overlooking the popular promenade and the Amazon River.
What is La Biblioteca Amazónica del Perú about
It is the second largest library in Latin America, and it contains historical documents about the Amazon basin in Perú.
Los Estados Unidos also has a national library of sorts; it is the
Library of Congress, and it is in Washington, D.C. Officially, this research library serves the United States Congress, but in practice, it also serves as the national library.
It is the oldest federal cultural institution in los Estados Unidos and the largest library in the world. What is this describing
Library of Congress
When was the Libray of congress established and what happened to it
. It was established in 1800, but a few years later, invading British troops burned it to the ground and destroyed everything in it.
Thomas Jefferson impact on the Libary of Congress
retired president Thomas Jefferson donated his own personal collection of more than 6,000 books to help replenish the library. He cautioned congress that his collection contained an eclectic variety of topics, such as philosophy, science, and foreign languages, and indeed some congressmen questioned how these topics would have anything to do with the business of congress. But Jefferson encouraged them to keep an open mind, saying, “. . . there is in fact no subject to which a member of congress may not have occasion to refer.” The present-day Library of Congress was built upon that sentiment, and it has evolved to function as much more than an ordinary library.
simislairtes between national lbaireis
Like the national libraries in México, España, and Perú, the Library of Congress acts as a conservator of the treasures and heritage of los Estados Unidos. And, as in la Biblioteca Nacional de España, security is tight, with an airport-like security system screening everyone as they enter or exit.
differneces between national lbaireis
However, the Library of Congress has a much broader focus than a traditional national library. It is a global gateway, with important international research centers and exhibitions, and books in more than 450 languages. It also protects the American people’s creativity by issuing and holding copyrights through the U.S. Copyright Office, a function beyond the scope of a traditional national library.
dulces mexicanos
dulces mexicanos, or handcrafted Méxican candy
un mercadillo
outdoor street marke
mercado al aire libre
mercado al aire libre, or open-air market.
Monterrey, people do their weekly shopping in
el tianguis
el tianguis
in el tianguis, which is a word derived from the Nahuatl tianquiztli , which translates as to sell or eat. El tianguis, like a mercadillo, is an open-air bazaar that is traditionally held on certain market days. I
in Monterrey,el tianguis comes around on
el tianguis comes around on Tuesdays, which is why people also refer to this market as el martes.
What market is on Sunday is in Madrid
In Madrid, we have a similar market, but ours is on Sundays. This market is called El Rastro, or the trail, and it’s huge
. Whole streets within El Rastro are dedicated to selling certain types of
Calle Fray Ceferino Gonzales is known as
la calle de los pájaros
What is la calle de los pájaros
la calle de los pájaros, or street of the birds, because it is where to go to buy birds and other small animals.
When do crowrds start to thin out
Right around the time of the siesta—starting at 2:00 p.m.—the crowds begin to thin out, as people head over to the cafés to enjoy tapas or other light fare.
People who live in the mountains make a meager living by
digging up camotes del cerro, or mountain yams, boiling them, wrapping them individually in brown paper, and then selling them at el tianguis, served with lime and sea salt.
Mercados históricos
Mercados históricos are indoor markets that date back to earlier centuries.
Mercados históricos made out of
The first one was made of iron and glass, but eventually these mercados came to be built of iron and concrete. Los mercados históricos were constructed to bring order to the otherwise chaotic manner in which street vendors conducted their business. The first such markets in Madrid were la Cebada (1870), Chamberi (1876), and el Mercado de la Paz (1882).
Traditionally, items for sale at mercadillos or tianguis are
special regional items not available at malls or shops. Cities all over the Spanish-speaking world offer many opportunities to shop at these venues, as we shall soon see.
. Consumerism in Latin America is greatly influenced by
by los Estados Unidos and Europe, and people who can afford it will gladly go on a shopping spree in Miami or New York. The mega-cities of Latin America, such as Bogotá, Colombia, and México City, offer similar shopping experiences, with huge shopping malls to rival any mall in los Estados Unid
Centro Mayor
Centro Mayor is a shopping mall located in the south of Bogotá, Colombia. Centro Mayor is the biggest mall in Colombia and the third largest in Latin America.
Centro Santa Fe
Centro Santa Fe in México City is also one of the largest malls in Latin America, featuring a movie theater, hotels, a theme park, restaurants, and upscale clothing stores.