Unit 7 Lesson 4: El verbo ser Flashcards
Ser is used to express:
- the hour, day, and date
- place of origin
- occupation
- nationality
- religious or political affiliation
- the material something is made of
- possession
- relationship of one person to another
- certain impersonal expressions
- where an event is taking place
- essential qualities
What are the contents of asado and how is it cooked
Un asado usually consists of beef alongside various other meats, which are cooked on a grill, called unaparrilla, or an open fire.
What does Asado refer to
Asado is a word used to refer to various barbecue techniques, as well as the actual social event of having or attending a barbecue in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, and Uruguay.
What are some differnces between asado and BBQ
Some differences, however, include the manner of grilling the meats and the types of meats grilled. Also, in general, to preserve the natural flavors of the meats, asado meats are not prepared with sauces as marinades, as they might be in los Estados Unidos. One of the few condiments typically used at un asado is salt.
Take a moment to compare the different cuts of beef for barbecues in los Estados Unidos and los asados in the Spanish-speaking world.
Barbecues: chuck, ribs, sirloin, brisket
Asados: blade steak, T-bone steaks, tenderloin, rump steaks, standing rump, flank steak
In addition to beef, a typical asado will also include..
In addition to beef, a typical asado will also include morcilla, or blood sausage, chinchulines, or small intestines, and mollejas, or sweetbreads.
Asado meats also vary from country to country. Elaborate
In rural Chile, lamb is sometimes used in place of beef, while beef, chicken, and pork are popular in the metropolitan areas.
Common US side dishes for BBQ
deviled eggs, coleslaw, potato salad, and macaroni and cheese.
. In the Spanish-speaking world, side dishes include the following:
- pan (bread)
- ensalada de lechuga, tomate, y cebollas
- verdurajo (grilled vegetables) de papas, maíz, cebolla, y berenjena (eggplant)
- chimichurri (a typical sauce from Argentina that includes garlic, onion, oil, and spices such as parsley)
- papas fritas
- papas asadas
when I moved from España to los Estados Unidos was the difference in how much people use walking as a form of transportation. Elaborate
Shorter distances in Spanish-speaking countries, like my own, allow people to walk to school, work, shops, and their friends’ houses. However, this is less common in los Estados Unidos. Walking is not just a form of transportation in the Spanish-speaking world. Teenagers (and people of all ages, in fact) gather for a walk downtown, to a nearby park or beach, or anywhere they please.
public transportantion spanish vs us
Although the distances may be shorter in Spanish-speaking countries, public transportation is also much more affordable than in los Estados Unidos, and it is an available and convenient mode of transportation for travelers wanting to go from point A to point B in any city or town.
In fact, 80% of Latin America’s population lives in urban areas compared to the 50% of the world’s population at a global level. What doe shtis mena
Latin Americans would rather live close to their work and school than invest hours each day to live in a more economical area outside the city. This tendency to live closer and commute less encourages more walking and bike riding in the city, which in turn means less traffic and congestion during rush hour. It also means a healthier, more physically active population.