Unit 5 Lesson 3: El verbo estar Flashcards
Estar vs ser
The main difference is that estar is used to refer to temporary characteristics or qualities, and ser is used to refer to permanent characteristics or qualities.
What is the main purpose of the verb estar
Estar is the main verb used to tell the location of people and things. Estar is used because the location of a person or object is something that often changes and isn’t permanent.
Where is the amazon rainforest
Brazil, PerĂş, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela
What importn effect does the amazon rainforest have on the world
One important role the rainforest plays is helping the world maintain safe levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air. Every day, the many plants in the rain forest remove large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and add oxygen to the air in return. Many of the pollutants created by human activities add large amounts of carbon dioxide to the air while also depleting oxygen. The rainforest helps maintain the balance between the two gases.
How does the amazon rainfoest impact us postiverly in terms of health
For example, the rainforest provides many ingredients that are used in medicines. The indigenous people who live in the rainforests have a deep knowledge of ways that humans can benefit from the plants and animals that live there.
Why have scientists reachered so little of the amzon river
To date, scientists have only researched about 1% of the rainforest plants and animals. Because about 40% of prescription medicines originate at least partially from a tropical plant or animal, it makes sense that the other 99% of the rainforest plants and animals might offer additional aid in the fight against human diseases.
Who are shamans
The shamans or medicine men of the rainforest offer a shortcut to understanding the medicinal benefits of the rainforest.
What effect does the shrinking rainforest have
However, as the rainforests decrease in size, the number of medicine men, decreases as well, which lessens the chance of scientists getting help from them. Likewise, shrinking rainforests means that some plants and animals that could be useful will no longer exist. Without the help of those who know the rainforest best, the search for new medicinal ingredients may take much longer.
Describe the duality of the amazon rainforest
the rainforest has over 2,000 species of birds and 4,000 species of butterflies, most of which are beautiful to behold and fascinating to observe.
What was Mario José Molina early life like
Mario José Molina was born in México City, or la Ciudad de México, in 1943. He was drawn to science at a young age. His parents allowed him to convert a seldom-used bathroom in the family home into a laboratory. He spent hours playing with chemistry sets in his lab. With the help of his aunt, who was a chemist, Molina was able to conduct some fairly advanced experiments. As a result, he had a thorough understanding of basic chemistry concepts by the time he entered high school.
What did Molina do while working in Califronia-Irvine
Then while working at the University of California–Irvine, he conducted research with fellow chemist Dr. R. Sherwood Rowland
Describe Molina’s education
Molina studied chemical engineering at the National Autonomous University of México, or Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He then went on to get an advanced degree in West Germany and a Ph.D. in los Estados Unidos from the University of California–Berkeley.
What did Dr. Molina and Dr. R. Sherwood Rowland disocver
d. The two scientists studied Earth’s ozone layer and how it protects Earth from the sun’s radiation. They discovered that some man-made compounds used in aerosol cans were depleting the ozone layer. The compounds were also used to make refrigerators cold and in the manufacturing of plastic foam. Besides sharing their findings with the scientific community, they also informed the media and lawmakers. Their findings resulted in the required use of different propellants in aerosol cans, revised refrigeration regulations, and new plastic foam-manufacturing procedures.
The impact of Molinas work
In the 1980s, Dr. Molina’s work was key in the discovery of the ozone hole over Antarctica, which has since led to increased regulations to protect the ozone layer.