Unit 7 Lesson 3: Para estar bien Flashcards
The basic rule (for making nouns nad adjective plural) that you follow most of the time is roughly the same as the rule in English:
If a word ends in a consonant, add -es. If it ends in an unaccented vowel, simply add an -s. In Spanish, y is treated as a consonant for the purposes of pluralization. Take a look at some examples of how to pluralize both nouns and adjectives:
How to make a noun plural the end in an unaccent vowel
un taco (a taco) ends in an unaccented vowel → dos tacos(two tacos)
How to make a noun plural that ends in a consonant
un árbol(a tree) ends in a consonant → dos árboles (two trees)
How to make an adjective plural that ends in an unaccent vowel
el perro perezoso (the lazy dog) ends in an unaccented vowel → los perros perezosos(the lazy dogs)
How to make an adjective plural that ends in vowel e
un maestro inteligente (a smart teacher) ends in vowel e → unos maestros inteligentes(some smart teachers)
How to make an adjective plural that ends in a consonant
el amigo leal (the loyal friend) ends in a consonant → los amigos leales(the loyal friends)
Orthographic Changes
Some words follow the general rule in terms of pronunciation, but a change in either a letter or an accent mark is needed. In plurals of words that end in -z, the -z changes to -ces for the plural. And if the addition of -es would change which syllable gets the accent, an accent is either dropped or added. Take a look at some examples of these types of words:
How to make a noun plural that ends in a z
una vez (once) ends in a z → dos veces(twice)
How to make a noun plural that had an accented syllable
el inglés (the Englishman) change in accented syllable → los ingleses (the Englishmen)
How to make a noun plural thathas an accented syllable
la canción(the song) change in accented syllable → las canciones(the songs)
How to mkae an adjective plural that ends in z
El chico veloz(the fast boy) ends in a z → los chicos veloces (the fast boys)
How to make an adjective plural that has an accented syllable
un viaje espacial(a spaceflight) change in accented syllable → unos viajes espaciales (some spaceflights)
How to make an adjective plural that has an accented syllable
una comida peor(a worse food) change in accented syllable → unas comidas peores (some worse food)
What are most of the excpetions in plural
Most of the exceptions are words that are identical in the singular and plural, e.g., la crisis (the crisis), las crisis (the crises). As a beginner, the main exception you need to know are the days of the week, Monday through Friday, which are the same in singular and plural: los lunes (Mondays), los martes (Tuesdays), and so on.
When did soccer become popular in US
it is only recently that soccer has become a mainstream sport in los Estados Unidos.
Teams from los Estados Unidos and the Spanish-speaking world compete in various championships sponsored by organizations like
FIFA (intercontinental competitions) and CONCACAF (North American, Central American, and Caribbean competitions), but the most celebrated is the FIFA World Cup.
the market for sports and fitness nutrition in the world is estimated to grow to
$45 billion in the next few years.
Why do soccer atlhetes eat kiwi and banaas
To endure the summer heat in the soccer stadiums, players eat kiwi and bananas, which help replace the potassium they lose in sweat. They also drink at least six bottles of water a day.
What does the World Cup season their food with
. The World Cup chefs depend on herbs and spices instead of salt for seasoning.
Food habbits for athletes
The players are also urged to eat extra fruit and vegetables because these foods contain such a high percentage of water. Each player ends up eating about twice the average recommended daily amount of calories because they are running so much throughout the day.
Why do a lot od players bring foods from home
A lot of players bring foods from home during the World Cup. Because they are usually in a country with different cuisines, having a meal from home helps calm their nerves.
What do players from Argentina eat for breakfeasr
For example, players from Argentina might bring tostadas or medialunas to eat for breakfast. Tostadas are simply toasted pieces of bread, and medialunas, in the shape of a half-moon as their name suggests, are a croissant-type pastry eaten with butter or jelly. Argentinian breakfast is sometimes served with coffee or orange juice.
What do athletes from Spain eat
Spaniards, on the other hand, would most likely eat pan tostado, another term for toast, served with butter and jelly. And of course they would never be without their café con leche, a strong coffee served with hot, frothy milk.
What do atheletes from Mexico athletes eat
Méxican athletes’ fare differs from that of Spaniards and Argentinians. They typically eat tortillas, eggs, and fresh fruit for breakfast, accompanied by a hot cup of coffee.
How many flowering plants does Brazil have
In Brazil alone, there are some 55,000 species of flowering plants, many of which are used for medicinal purposes.
What does Brazil rpudce during the dryer climates
Even in other dryer climates, you can find corn and medicinal peppers, squashes, and papayas.
How do many indigeouns cultures depend on plants
Many indigenous cultures depend on such plants for medicinal purposes instead of Western medicine, but the healing properties of nature and plant life is common knowledge in all socio-economic levels of the Spanish-speaking world.
What is uña de gato, or cat’s claw,
uña de gato, or cat’s claw, taken from the inner bark of a vine, has been used for centuries to stimulate the immune system.
What is Sangre de draco
Sangre de draco, or dragon’s blood, is a tree sap used topically to heal wounds
What is sarsaparilla
sarsaparilla is a plant with steroid components taken as a tea.
What is Aloe vera, or sabila
Aloe vera, or sabila, is a commonly used plant whose extract serves as a soothing ointment or rub.
What is té de manzanilla, or chamomile tea
té de manzanilla, or chamomile tea, is a soothing herbal tea that helps when one has a stomachache or headache. It is also said to have anti-inflammatory benefits.
Hot srpings in costa rica
The hot springs at the base of the Arenal volcano in Costa Rica are the perfect example. Thanks to the volcano’s geothermal activity, there are a number of hot springs throughout the area.
Waht are the benfits of hot springs
The springs offer visitors an ideal way to relax, especially after a long day hiking around the volcano.